Page 203 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 203
c. melakukan inspeksi secara bertahap atas equipment yang c) Carry out gradual inspection of the equipment that has been
telah selesai pemasangan. installed.
Belum Siapnya tangki timbun untuk the Stock tank is not ready to accommodate
Menampung produk pada Saat onstream products during onstream ISBL oSBL EpC
proyek EpC ISBL oSBL project
Penyebab risiko ini adalah keterlambatan Penyelesaian Proyek the cause of this risk is the Delay in Completion of the tank and
EPC Modifikasi Tangki dan Tangki yang akan digunakan oleh Tank Modification EPC Project which will be used by RU for existing
ru untuk operasional eksisting. risiko ini akan berdampak operations. this risk will have an impact on the over-capacity of the
pada over capacity tangki timbun ru V paska rDmP. post-rDmP ru V storage tanks.
rencana mitigasi yang dilakukan adalah :
a. Monitoring & Controlling Progress pekerjaan EPC Modifikasi the mitigation plans that are carried out are:
weekly basis serta koordinasi dengan ru V terkait komitmen a. Monitoring & Closing Progress of EPC Modification work on
rilis tangki. a weekly basis and coordination with ru V regarding tank
b. Mapping dan prioritisasi penyelesaian tangki sesuai release commitments.
skenario operasional paska start up, dan interface proyek. b. mapping and prioritizing tank completion according to
Berkoordinasi dengan tim Engineering. post-start up operational scenarios, and project interfaces.
c. mengambil alih pembelian material yang mengalami Coordinate with the Engineering team.
dispute dengan kontraktor (akibat kerja tambah) untuk c. take over the purchase of materials that have disputes with
mempercepat pekerjaan di lapangan. contractors (due to added work) to speed up work in the field.
potensi timbulnya Insiden yang potential Incidents Causing fatality in the
Menyebabkan Fatality pada fase Konstruksi Construction phase
Penyebab risiko ini beraneka ragam, yakni: the causes of this risk are diverse, namely:
a. adanya ketidakpatuhan pekerja terhadap kebijakan, prosedur a. there is employee non-compliance with policies, procedures
dan 12 (dua belas) Corporate Life Saving Rules (CLSR). and 12 (twelve) Corporate Life saving rules (CLsr).
b. kurangnya awareness pekerja terhadap aspek keselamatan. b. Lack of worker awareness of safety aspects.
c. kondisi lingkungan dan peralatan kerja yang tidak aman. c. Unsafe environmental conditions and work equipment.
d. kurangnya implementasi Safe Work Practice pada saat d. Lack of implementation of safe Work Practice during work
pelaksanaan pekerjaan. implementation.
e. kurangnya koordinasi antara pekerja dan pengawas selama e. Lack of coordination between workers and supervisors
pekerjaan berlangsung. during the work.
f. kurangnya/tidak adanya kompetensi pekerja sesuai dengan f. Lack of/absence of employee competence in accordance
pekerjaan yang dilakukan. with the work performed.
Potensi dampak yang terjadi adalah timbulnya kecelakaan kerja the potential impacts that occur are the occurrence of work
(Lost Time Injury /Lti dan Fatality), dan menurunnya citra/reputasi accidents (Lti and Fatality), and the decline in the Company’s
Perusahaan. image/reputation.
rencana mitigasi yang dilakukan adalah: mitigation plans that are carried out are:
a. sosialisasi dan observasi pengukuran tingkat kepatuhan a. socialization and observation of CLsr compliance level
CLsr (Compliance Corporate Life Saving Rules). measurement (Compliance Corporate Life saving rules).
b. Peningkatan kualitas implementasi Pertamina Safety b. Improving the quality of the implementation of Pertamina
Culture/Incident Injury Free (IIF) sebagai upaya peningkatan safety Culture/incident injury Free (iFF) as an effort to
budaya HssE kepada seluruh pekerja. improve the HssE culture for all employees.
Loss of Containment Hydrocarbon pada Loss of Containment hydrocarbon at the
tahap Commissioning & Start-Up dan Commissioning & Start-up Stage and the
potensi timbulnya dampak ke Lingkungan potential impact on the Environment
Penyebab munculnya risiko adalah: Causes of risk are:
a. kegagalan isolasi dan sistem pengendalian. a. Failure of isolation and control systems.
b. kegagalan sistem penahan (Containment system: flange b. Containment system failure: flange failure, bleed/vent
failure, bleed /vent failure) karena kurangnya quality control. failure due to lack of quality control.
c. kegagalan preservasi. c. Preservation failure.
terdapat 3 (tiga) dampak yang muncul akibat risiko tersebut there are 3 (three) impacts that arise as a result of these risks,
adalah kebocoran tier 2 dan atau tier 1, insiden dan pencemaran namely tier 2 and/or tier 1 leakage, environmental incidents and
lingkungan, dan menurunya reputasi perusahaan pollution, and decreased company reputation.
rencana mitigasi untuk mengatasi risiko tersebut adalah the mitigation plan to overcome this risk is to conduct a transient
melakukan study transient HaZoP dan menindaklanjuti seluruh HaZoP study and follow up on all recommendations, consider a
rekomendasinya, mempertimbangkan Join Approval pada sika Joint approval on sika Projects in the brown area, and carry out an
Proyek di area brown, dan melakukan inspeksi (Walk Through) inspection (Walk through) before commissioning.
sebelum commisioning.
PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report