Page 198 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 198


          rISK ManaGEMEnt

          kegiatan proyek dan operasional  Pt  kPB  tidak  terlepas dari   kPB  project and  operational  activities  are inseparable  from
          berbagai risiko yang dapat menyebabkan tidak tercapainya target   various risks  that  can result in not achieving the Company‘s  set
          Perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan yaitu otoBosoror dan HssE   targets, namely  otoBosoror  and HssE  Excellence.  these  risks
          Excellence.  risiko  tersebut  dikelompokkan menjadi lima  kategori   are  grouped  into  five  categories,  namely:  Commercial,  External,
          yaitu: komersial (Commercial), Eksternal, Health Safety Security and   Health safety security and Environment (HssE), management, and
          Environment (HssE), manajemen, dan teknikal.         Technical.  These  risks  are  grouped  into  five  categories,  namely:
                                                               Commercial, External, Health  safety  security  and Environment
          untuk itu, Perusahaan  melakukan  risk  assessment  dengan   (HssE), management and technical.
          menggunakan  matriks  skala  dampak  dan skala  probabilitas 5  x
          5  sehingga  diperoleh level  risiko  mulai  dari  1  sampai  dengan  25   For this reason, the Company conducts a risk assessment using an
          dengan urutan:                                       impact scale matrix and a 5 x 5 probability scale in order to obtain
          1.  Level risiko High (25-15)                        risk levels ranging from 1 to 25 in the following order:
          2.  Level Moderate to High (14-10)                   1.  High risk Level (25-15)
          3.  Level Moderate (9-5)                             2.  moderate to High Level (14-10)
          4.  Level Low to Moderate (4)                        3.  moderate Level (9-5)
          5.  Level Low (1-3).                                 4.  Low to moderate Level (4)
                                                               5.  Low Level (1-3).

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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