Page 208 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          GoodS and SErVICES proCurEMEnt poLICy

          Proyek rDmP ru V Balikpapan yang berada pada fase konstruksi   the rDmP Balikpapan project, which is in the construction phase,
          memerlukan pasokan  barang dan jasa  dengan  jenis dan jumlah   requires a large supply of goods and services of various types and
          yang besar.  Pt  kPB  telah melaksanakan pengadaan  barang dan   quantities. PT KPB has carried out the procurement of goods and
          jasa  secara  cepat,  fleksibel,  efisien  dan  efektif  untuk  mendukung   services  quickly,  flexibly,  efficiently  and  effectively  to  support  the
          kegiatan operasional Perusahaan dengan merujuk pada Pedoman   Company’s operational activities by referring to the Guidelines for
          Pengadaaan Barang dan Jasa No. a5 001/i00100/2019-s9 revisi   Procurement of Goods and Services No. A5 001/I00100/2019-S9
          ke-0 yang dikeluarkan Pt Pertamina (Persero).        0th revision issued by Pt Pertamina (Persero).
          Perusahaan memiliki mekanisme proses pengadaan  barang/jasa   the company has  a  process mechanism for procuring  goods/
          secara berurutan sebagai berikut:                    services sequentially as follows:
            1.  Purchase Requisition (PR) – rencana Pembelian dari fungsi   1.  Purchase Requisition (PR) – Purchase Plan from the user
               pengguna (user).                                      function (user).
            2.  Request  For Quotation  (RFQ)  – Permintaan Penawaran,   2.  Request For  Quotation (RFQ)  –  Request  for  Quotation,
               proses penawaran dan penetapan pemenang.              bidding process and determination of the winner.
            3.  Purchasing Order (PO)/Contract – Perikatan dua pihak   3.  Purchasing Order (PO)/Contract – a two-party engagement
               dengan  vendor.  Po  untuk material/barang dan kontrak   with a vendor. Pos for materials/goods and contracts for
               untuk penyediaan jasa.                                service provision.
            4.  Service Acceptance (SA)/Goods Received (GR) - Persetujuan   4.  Service Acceptance (SA)/Goods Received (GR) – approval
               telah  terjadinya  pengiriman  SA  untuk  jasa  dan  GR  untuk   of delivery of SA for services and GR for goods.
               barang.                                            5.  Settlement – Completion of vendor invoice payments.
            5.  Settlement – Penyelesaian pembayaran invoice vendor.  6.  Closed – Closing the procurement process in the system
            6.  Closed – Penutupan proses pengadaan di sistem.

                                REQUEST                            SERVICE
              PURCHASE          FOR              PURCHASING        ACCEPTANCE       SETTLEMENT
              REQUESTION        QUOTATION        ORDER (PO) /      (SA/GOODS        / INVOICE        CLOSED
              (PR)              (RFQ)            CONTRACT          RECEIVED (GR)

          untuk  mendukung  semua transaksi  operasional  perusahaan,  Pt   to support all of the company’s operational transactions, Pt kPB
          kPB telah mengimplementasikan sistem mysaP yaitu piranti lunak   has implemented the mysaP system, namely Enterprise resources
          Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) yang terdiri dari modul FICO,   Planning (ErP)  software which consists of integrated  FiCo,  Ps,
          PS, MM NonHydro dan Human Capital yang saling terintegrasi. Pada   mm NonHydro and Human Capital modules. in 2022 Pt kPB has
          tahun 2022 Pt kPB telah melakukan Go Live Shared Service Center   conducted  a  Go  Live  Shared  Service  Center  (SSC)  ICT  and  SSC
          (SSC) ICT dan SSC Finance yang terdiri dari SSC Invoice Payment,   Finance which consists of  ssC  invoice Payment,  ssC  tax,  ssC
          SSC Tax, SSC Order to Cash, SSC Record to Report dan SSC Cash   order to Cash, ssC record to report and ssC Cash Card as an effort
          Card sebagai  upaya optimalisasi operasional  untuk  menunjang   to optimize operations to support the company’s performance in a
          kinerja Perusahaan yang lebih terukur dan excellence.  more measurable and excellence manner.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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