Page 202 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 202
Keterlambatan Operational Acceptance delay in operational acceptance (oa) of the
(oa) proyek EpC Lawe-Lawe Facilities Lawe-Lawe EpC facilities project
Penyebab munculnya risiko di atas adalah: the causes for the emergence of the above risks are:
a. Penyelesaian instalasi pipa transfer line 20 inch offshore a. the completion of the offshore 20-inch transfer line pipe
terhambat isu finansial subkontraktor. installation was hampered by subcontractor financial
b. Penyelesaian konstruksi Crude Tank Proyek EPC Lawe- issues.
Lawe terhambat akibat perlunya penguatan tanah pondasi. b. Completion of Crude tank construction for the Lawe-Lawe
EPC Project was hampered due to the need to strengthen
the foundation soil.
Dampak dari risiko ini adalah:
a. keterlambatan jadwal rilis tangki r-3, r-5, r-6 Service the impact of this risk is:
Crude (Proyek Modifikasi Tangki) yang menghambat a. Delay in the release schedule of r-3, r-5, r-6 service
commissioning unit DHt-ii yang berakibat tidak Crude Tanks (Tank Modification Project) which hinders
terpenuhinya spesifikasi produk Euro-V tepat waktu. the commissioning of the DHt-ii unit which results in not
b. keterlambatan commissioning unit rFCC. fulfilling Euro-V product specifications on time.
b. Delay in commissioning of the rFCC unit.
rencana mitigasi atas risiko tersebut adalah:
a. Percepatan mobilisasi marine spread untuk pipe laying mitigation plans for these risks are:
melalui management meeting owner dan kontraktor. a. acceleration of marine spread mobilization for pipe laying
b. Follow-up kontraktor untuk menginstruksikan subkontraktor through management meeting owners and Contractors.
agar mencari pendanaan atau penggantian subkontraktor. b. Contractor follow-up to instruct subcontractors to seek
c. koordinasi dan monitoring ketat supply material dan funding or replace subcontractors.
transportasi masing-masing tahapan pekerjaan pondasi. c. Coordination and strict monitoring of material supply and
d. Follow-up kontraktor untuk penyediakan peralatan dan transportation for each stage of foundation work.
suku cadang yang cukup untuk prafabrikasi plat tangki. d. Contractor follow-up to provide sufficient equipment and
e. monitoring dan expedite delivery material pipa 52 inch spare parts for tank plate prefabrication.
offshore. e. monitoring and expedited delivery of 52-inch offshore pipe
terhambatnya proses penggabungan the delay in the organizational Merger
organisasi pt KpB dengan ru V process of pt KpB with ru V Balikpapan
the cause of this risk is the number of necessary systems and
Penyebab risiko ini adalah banyaknya kesisteman maupun operations prepared and involving several parties and all resources
operasional yang perlu disiapkan dan melibatkan beberapa have not been fulfilled to fill in post-Operational Acceptance
pihak dan belum terpenuhinya seluruh resource untuk pengisian organizations.
organisasi pasca-Operational Acceptance.
the impact on the Company is the disruption of the operations of
Dampaknya pada Perusahaan adalah terganggunya operasional the new refinery units and post-Operational Acceptance revamped
unit kilang baru dan kilang revamp pasca-Operational refineries.
mitigation plans to resolve these risks are:
rencana mitigasi untuk menyelesaikan risiko tersebut adalah: a. Preparation of all systemic devices towards the merger of
a. Peyiapan seluruh perangkat kesisteman untuk menuju Pt kPB and ru V Balikpapan organizations including but
penggabungan organisasi Pt kPB dan ru V Balikpapan not limited to: Governance System (STK), Organizational
meliputi namun tidak terbatas pada: sistem tata kelola structure, and Worker Facilities.
(stk), struktur organisai dan Fasilitas Pekerja. b. recruit workers in stages and carry out capability building.
b. melakukan rekrutmen pekerja secara bertahap dan c. Prepare support options from ru-ru.
melakukan capability building.
c. menyiapkan opsi dukungan dari ru-ru .
tidak tercapainya Performance Warranty ISBL-oSBL and Lawe-Lawe unit performance
unit ISBL-oSBL dan Lawe-Lawe warranty failure to be achieved
Penyebab munculnya risiko ini adalah material atau equipment The cause of this risk is that the material or equipment that arrives
yang tiba di Site tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi desain; dan proses at the site does not comply with the design specifications; and
instalasi equipment yang tidak proper. improper equipment installation process.
Dampak dari risiko ini adalah keterlambatan commissioning dan the impact of this risk is delays in commissioning and start-up.
rencana mitigasi yang telah dipersiapkan adalah: the mitigation plans that have been prepared are:
a. area Equipment Vessel Unscoping KNM melakukan a) The KNM Equipment Vessel Unscoping Area conducts
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) dan witness untuk berbagai Factory acceptance test (Fat) and witnesses for various
equipment kritikal. critical equipment.
b. memastikan metode kerja seluruh kegiatan konstruksi telah b) Ensuring that the work methods of all construction activities
sesuai. are appropriate.
Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan