Page 199 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 199


          Dari kumpulan risiko yang telah diidentifikasi terdapat risiko utama   From the risk pool that has been identified, there are main risks or
          atau top risk sebagai berikut:                        top risks as follows:

            Jenis Risiko                Kejadian Risiko                        Risiko Inhern     Risiko Residual
            Type of Risk                  Risk Event                           Inhernt Risk    Expected Residual Risk

                             tidak didapatkannya project financing atau
                             keterlambatan closing first drawdown project financing.  25             5
                                                                                  (High)           (moderat)
                             Project financing was not obtained or the delay in
                             closing the first drawdown project financing.

              komersial      Potensi tidak terpenuhinya perencanaan penggunaan
                             pembebasan untuk pajak withholding (PPh Pasal 26)
             Commercial      yang menggunakan tax treaty atas skema Trustee
                             Borrowing Scheme (tBs) dan investor loan.             15              2 (Low)
                             The potential for non-fulfillment of the planned use of   (High)
                             exemption for withholding tax (PPh Article 26) that uses
                             a tax treaty on the Trustee Borrowing Scheme (TBS) and
                             investor loans.
                             Potensi koreksi penambahan pajak atas transfer pricing                  3
                             transaksi tooling antara Pt kPi dan Pt kPB.           15               (Low)
                             Potential correction of additional tax on transfer pricing   (High)
                             tooling transactions between PT KPI and PT KPB.
                             keterlambatan penyelesaian unit rFCC                  20          (Low to moderate)
                             Delay in completion of the RFCC Unit
                             keterlambatan penyelesaian unit osBL                  20             (moderate)
                             OSBL Unit completion delays                          (High)
                             keterlambatan operational acceptance Proyek EPC                   4 (Low to moderate)
                             Lawe-Lawe Facilities                                  16
                             Delay in operational acceptance of the EPC Lawe-Lawe
                             Facilities Project
                                                                                                   3 (Low)
                             terhambatnya proses penggabungan organisasi Pt kPB
             manajemen       dengan ru V Balikpapan                                12
             Management      The delay in the process of merging the organization of   (moderate to High)
                             PT KPB with RU V Balikpapan
                             tidak tercapainya performance warranty unit isBL-                      (Low)
                             osBL dan Lawe Lawe
                             ISBL-OSBL Unit and Lawe Lawe Unit performance   (moderate to High)
                             warranty is not achieved                                                4
               tehnikal                                                                        (Low to moderate)
              Technical      Belum siapnya tangki timbun untuk menampung produk
                             pada saat onstream proyek EPC isBL osBL.              16
                             The storage tank is not yet ready to accommodate the
                             product during the onstream of the ISBL OSBL EPC
                             project.                                                                3
                             Potensi timbulnya insiden yang menyebabkan fatality
                             pada fase proyek                                      15
                             Potential occurrence of incidents that cause fatality in   (High)
                             the project phase
                             Loss of containment hydrocarbon pada tahap                              3
                             commisioning & start-up dan potensi timbulnya dampak                   (Low)
                             Loss of containment hydrocarbons at the              (High)
                             commissioning & start-up stages and potential
                             environmental impacts

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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