Page 197 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          Laporan pelaksanaan tugas Internal audit             2022 Internal  audit  duties Implementation
          tahun 2022                                           report

          Pada tahun 2022, Fungsi  internal  audit bersama-sama dengan   in 2022, the internal audit Function together with Pertamina internal
          Pertamina Project internal audit, Project internal audit Pt kPi dan   audit Project,  Pt  kPi  internal  audit Project  and Financial and
          BPkP telah melaksanakan beberapa penugasan konsultasi dan audit   Development supervisory agency (BPkP) have carried out several
          operasional  di  Perusahaan  mencakup  aspek  finansial,  operasional   consulting  assignments  and operational  audits in the  Company
          dan konsultasi lainnya yang mempengaruhi kinerja Perusahaan   covering  financial,  operational  and  other  consulting  aspects  that
          dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan secara efektif dan efisien.  affect the Company’s  performance  in achieving company  goals
                                                               effectively and efficiently.
          Berikut kegiatan internal audit yang telah dilakukan selama 2022
          yaitu:                                               the following are the internal audit activities that have been carried
            1.  audit seluruh  Proyek  rDmP  ru  V Balikpapan  yang   out during 2022, namely:
               berlangsung  pada  1  maret 2022-30  april 2022.  kegiatan   1.  audit of the entire Balikpapan  rDmP  Project which took
               audit telah selesai dengan exit meeting pada 7 Juli 2022.   place on 1  march  2022-30  april 2022.  the audit activity
               status  closing  dan temuan  closed.  auditor Pertamina   was  completed  with an exit meeting on 7 July 2022.
               Project  internal  auditor.  audit dilaksanakan  oleh Fungsi   Status  closed  and  findings  closed.  Auditor  Pertamina
               strategic  Plan.&  Project  ia Pt  kPi  dengan  ia Pt  kPB   Project internal auditor. the audit is carried out by the ia
               sebagai counterpart untuk pendampingan.               of kPi strategic Plan & Project Function with ia of kPB as a
            2.  konsultasi pendampingan  Proyek  strategis Pt  kPi/  counterpart for assistance.
               subholding  r&P  (referensi  sP-001/kPi12000/2022-s0   2.  Pt kPi/r&P strategic Project subholding mentoring consultation
               tanggal 4 Februari 2022) yang berlangsung pada 7 Februari   (reference sP-001/kPi12000/2022-s0 dated 4 February 2022)
               2022-  31 Desember  2022.  kegiatan audit telah selesai.   which took place on 7 February 2022- 31 December 2022. audit
               status closing dengan temuan inprogress. auditor Project   activities have been completed. Closing status with in progress
               internal audit Pt kPi.                                findings. PT KPI Internal Audit Project Auditor.
            3.  audit dengan  tujuan tertentu  atas proses penyelesaian   3.  Audit  with  a  specific  purpose  for  the  completion  process
               Co  pipa 52  inchi  offshore EPC  Lawe-Lawe  (ref  st-49/  of the Lawe-Lawe offshore EPC 52 inch Co pipe (ref st-
               D501/2022 tanggal 20  april  2022) yang berlangung  pada   49/D501/2022 dated 20  april 2022) which  took place on
               20  april 2022-31  mei 2022.  kegiatan audit telah selesai.   20  april 2022-31  may 2022.  the  audit activity has been
               status  closing  dengan  temuan  closed.  auditor BPkP  dan   completed.  Status  closing  with  findings  closed.  BPKP
               Pertamina Project internal audit.                     auditor and Pertamina Project internal audit.
            4.  review Co Proyek  isBL-osBL  rDmP  ru V Balikpapan   4.  review  of  the  Co  of  the  isBL-osBL  rDmP  ru  V  Balikpapan
               (referensi PE 1202/st-191/D404/i/2022 tanggal 8 april 2022)   Project (reference PE 1202/st-191/D404/i/2022 dated 8 april
               yang berlangsung pada 12 april 2022 – 20 mei 2022. kegiatan   2022) which took place on 12 april 2022 – 20 may 2022. the audit
               audit telah selesai dengan status closing dan temuan closed.   activity has been completed with a closed status and findings
               auditor BPkP dan Pertamina Project internal audit.    closed. BPkP auditor and Pertamina Project internal audit.
            5.  konsultasi Pendampingan  Proyek  strategis Pt  kPi/r&P   5.  Pt  kPi/r&P  strategic Project  assistance Consultation
               terkait  re-alignment  milestone Proyek  EPC  isBL-osBL.   related to isBL-osBL EPC Project milestone realignment.
               auditor  Project  internal  audit Pt  kPi.  rekomendasi   Pt  kPi  internal  audit Project  auditor.  the  recommended
               temuannya adalah sebagai berikut:                     findings are as follows:
               a.  membuat kajian perbandingan Prognosa Progres Proyek   a.  make  a  comparative  study  of  the  isBL-osBL  Project
                  isBL-osBL dengan Realigment MS Payment 2022.          Progress Prognosis with the 2022 ms Payment realization.
               b.  membuat kajian alternatif konsep/mekanisme realigment   b.  make a review of alternative concepts/mechanisms for
                  milestone lain untuk efektivitas progres proyek.      the realignment of other milestones for the effectiveness
               c.  menyelesaikan schedule rFs.002 dan disepakati para   of project progress.
                  pihak.                                             c.  Complete schedule rFs 002 and be agreed upon by the
               d.  menyampaikan bukti koordinasi dengan  konstruksi     parties.
                  terkait  penyediaan  justifikasi  dan  dokumentasi  atas   d.  submit evidence  of coordination with construction
                  milestone yang dilakukan spliting.                    regarding   the   provision   of   justification   and
               e.  menyampaikan bukti koordinasi dengan finance terkait   documentation of the milestones that were split.
                  prognosa Progres Proyek isBL-osBL setelah realigment   e.  Submit evidence of coordination with finance regarding
                  milestone  vs  kesesuaiannya  dengan  timeline  Financial   the prognosis of the isBL-osBL Project Progress after
                  Loan.                                                 the realignment  milestone  vs  compliance  with the
               f.  melengkapi  kajian  penetapan  tata  waktu  split  bobot   Financial Loan timeline.
                  milestone  payment yang masih berstatus tBD sesuai   f.  Completing  the study of determining  the split time
                  schedule rFs.002.                                     frame for milestone  payment weights that are still  in
               g.  semua temuan tersebut sampai saat ini masih dalam    tBD status according to schedule rFs.002.
                  proses tindaklanjut.                               g.  All  of  these  findings  are  still  in  the  process  of  being
            6.  Pelaksanaan  audit Jo  rDmP  ru V Balikpapan sebagai    followed up.
               tindak lanjut Notisi  BPkP  tahun 2021  yang dilaksanakan   6.  implementation of Jo  rDmP  ru  V Balikpapan  audit as  a
               pada september 2022.                                  follow-up to the 2021 BPKP Notification which was held in
            7.  uji Petik transaksi Cash Card Periode Januari 2022 sampai   september 2022.
               dengan Juli 2022 yang dilaksanakan pada september 2022.  7.  sample  test for Cash Card  transactions for the period of
            8.  Pendampingan manajemen  pada pelaksanaan tahap       January 2022 to July 2022 which was held in september 2022.
               penelahaan  audit investigasi sebagai tindak  lanjut  atas   8.  assisting management  in carrying out  the  investigative
               WBs Pengadaan Fire Heater pada oktober 2022.          audit  review  stage  as  a  follow-up to  the WBs  for  the
            9.  Pengelolaan  pengadaan  dan Pendampingan  atas  audit   Procurement of Fire Heaters in october 2022.
               Laporan  keuangan Pt  kPB  tahun Buku  2022  yang mulai   9.  Procurement  management  and  assistance for the  audit
               dilaksanakan pada bulan oktober 2022.                 of Pt kPB’s Financial statements for the 2022 Fiscal Year
            10.  audit Procurement Non-Project di Pt kPB dimana kegiatan   which begin in october 2022.
               audit telah mulai dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2022   10. Non-Project  Procurement  audit at  kPB  where audit
               namun baru dapat diselesaikan pada tanggal 7 Februari   activities have started to be carried out in November 2022
               2023.                                                 but can only be completed on 7 February 2023.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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