Page 155 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 155


          •   FY    = Feri Yani (Direktur Utama, 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2022).
          •   DKS    = Djoko Koen Soewito (Direktur Pengembangan, 1 Januari – 6 Mei & 26 Agustus – 31 Desember 2022).
          •   Mul    = Mulyono (Direktur Operasi, 1 Januari - 6 Mei 2022).
          •   ABN    = Arafat Bayu Nugroho (Direktur Operasi, 26 Agustus – 31 Desember 2022).
          •   SH    = Sigit Hanggoro (Direktur Keuangan & Penunjang Bisnis, 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2022).

          •   FY    = Feri Yani (Chief Executive Officer, January 1-December 31, 2022).
          •   DKS    = Djoko Koen Soewito (Director of Development, January 1-May 7 & August 26-December31, 2022).
          •   Mul    = Mulyono (Director of Operations, January 1-May 7, 2022).
          •   ABN   = Arafat Bayu Nugroho (Director of Operations, August 26-December 31, 2022).
          •   SH    = Sigit Hanggoro (Director of Finance & Corporate Services, January 1-December 31, 2022).

          organ pendukung direksi                              Board of directors Supporting organs

          Dalam  menjalankan kegiatan operasional  Perusahaan, Direksi   in carrying out the Company’s operational activities, the Board of
          memiliki organ pendukung  di fungsi leher  yaitu  sekretaris   Directors has supporting organs in the neck function, namely the
          Perusahaan,  VP HssE dan Head of  internal  audit. Direksi juga   Corporate secretary, HssE VP, and Chief of internal audit. the Board
          dibantu oleh sejumlah pejabat Perusahaan yang setingkat di bawah   of Directors is also assisted by a number of Company officials who
          Direksi yakni Vice President (VP) sebanyak 8 (delapan) orang dan   are at the same level under the Board of Directors, namely 8 (eight)
          sejumlah manager.                                    Vice Presidents (VP) and a number of managers.

          program pengenalan Bagi direksi Baru                 Introduction program for new directors

          agar Direksi dapat menjalankan fungsi dan tugas-tugasnya dengan   in  order for the Directors to  carry  out their functions  and duties
          baik, setiap Direksi harus memiliki pemahaman yang menyeluruh   properly, each Director must have a thorough understanding of the
          tentang karakteristik  dan proses bisnis Perseroan.  untuk  itu,   characteristics and business processes of the Company. For this
          Perseroan menyelenggarakan program pengenalan  perusahaan   reason, the Company organizes a company  introduction  program
          bagi anggota Direksi yang baru bergabung dengan Perseroan.   for members of Directors who have just joined the Company.
          arafat Bayu Nugroho  dan Djoko  koen  soewito  diangkat sebagai   arafat Bayu Nugroho and Djoko koen soewito were appointed as
          Direksi  Pt  kPB  pada  26  agustus 2022.Pengenalan  Perusahaan   Directors of Pt kPB on august 26, 2022. the company introduction
          bagi Direksi yang baru diangkat dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan   for the newly appointed Directors was held in conjunction with the
          kegiatan Townhall Meeting Pt kPB pada 20 september 2022.  townhall meeting of Pt kPB on september 20, 2022.



          poLICy on dIVErSIty In thE CoMpoSItIon of thE
          Board of CoMMISSIonErS and dIrECtorS

          komposisi Dewan  komisaris  dan Direksi  telah memenuhi  unsur-  the composition of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of
          unsur keberagaman  yang  saling  melengkapi dari  sisi  pendidikan   Directors has fulfilled the elements of diversity which complement
          formal, pengalaman, kompetensi,  dan usia.  anggota  Direksi   each other in terms of formal education, experience, competence
          Perseroan merupakan  talenta yang sudah berkarier  hingga  30   and age. members of the Company’s Board of Directors are talents
          tahun di Pertamina Grup dengan berbagai penugasan pada posisi   who have worked for up to 30 years at the Pertamina Group with
          strategis.                                           various assignments in strategic positions.
          Perseroan tidak  menetapkan  kebijakan untuk menentukan   the Company does not establish a policy to determine the diversity
          keberagaman  komposisi anggota Dewan  komisaris  dan Direksi.   of the composition of the members of the Board of Commissioners
          kewenangan  untuk  mengangkat anggota Dewan  komisaris  dan   and Board of Directors. authority to appoint members of the Board
          anggota Direksi Perseroan merupakan hak dari Pemegang saham   of Commissioners and members of the Board of Directors of the
          dalam  ruPs.  informasi  mengenai  keberagaman  anggota Dewan   Company are the rights of the Shareholders at the GMS. Information
          Komisaris  dan  Direksi  dapat  dilihat  pada  bagian  Profil  Dewan   regarding the diversity of members of the Board of Commissioners
          komisaris dan Direksi.                               and Board of Directors can be seen in the Board of Commissioners
                                                               and Board of Directors Profile section.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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