Page 153 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 153


           No.   Tanggal                 Agenda                                            Direksi / Board of Director

                Date                     Agenda                                 FY    DKS     Mul   ABN   SH
            28  17 Okt 2022   1.       Action plan atas BoD meeting sebelumnya.   V     V             V    V
                            2.       Kebutuhan Manpower Fungsi HSSE.
                            3.       Status dokumen/pemenuhan data Due Dilligent
                                dan rencana kerja yang belum realisasi dan akan
                                dilakukan sampai akhir tahun 2022.
                            4.       Pemenuhan Manpower PT KPB Level Manager ke atas,
                                status kontrak tkPP dan status mCu.
                            5.       Tindak lanjut temuan Audit CAE PT KPI dan status laporan BPKP.
                            6.       Rencana kerja hingga Desember 2022.
                Oct 17, 2022   1.    Action plan for the previous BOD Meeting.
                            2.    Manpower Requirement for HSSE Function.
                            3.    Document status/fulfillment of Due Dilligent
                                data and Work Plans that have not been realized
                                and will be carried out until the end of 2022.
                            4.    Fulfillment of PT KPB Manpower Level Manager and above,
                                TKPP contract status and MCU status.
                            5.    Follow up on PT KPI CAE audit findings and BPKP report status.
                            6.    Work plan until December 2022.

            29  24 Okt 2022   1.       Action plan atas BOD Meeting sebelumnya.   V     V             V    V
                            2.       Status tindak lanjut hasil audit termasuk BPKP.
                            3.       Project financing outstanding data dan dokumen
                                dari Pt kPB, status pembayaran m42 dan fund dari Pt kPi.
                            4.       Status TKPP Volumetrik, status dan action plan
                                untuk posisi Vacant manager ke atas.
                            5.       Pending dokumen terkait Good Corporate Governance (GCG)
                                dan status marad & Erm.
                Oct 24, 2022   1.    Action plan for the previous BOD Meeting.
                            2.    Status of follow-up audit results including BPKP.
                            3.    Project financing outstanding data and documents
                                from PT KPB, M42 payment status and funds from PT KPI.
                            4.    Volumetric TKPP status, status and action plan for
                                Vacant Manager positions and above.
                            5.    Pending documents related to Good Corporate
                                Governance (GCG) and Marad & ERM status.
            30  14 Nov 2022   1.       Action plan atas BOD Meeting sebelumnya.   V                   V    V
                            2.       HSSE Manpower.
                            3.       Status dan prognosa cashflow s.d Desember 2022.
                            4.       Status kontrak TKPP convert, manpower loading
                                dan HssE manpower.
                Nov 14, 2022   1.    Action plan for the previous BOD Meeting.
                            2.    HSSE Manpower.
                            3.    Cash flow status and prognosis until December 2022.
                            4.    Contract status of TKPP convert,
                                manpower loading and HSSE manpower.

            31  24 Nov 2022   FGD Recovery Plan EPC ISBL-OSBL RDMP RU V Balikpapan –
                            Payment Terms dan Realingment Payment EPC Lawe-Lawe.   V    V

                Nov 24, 2022   FGD Recovery Plan EPC ISBL-OSBL RDMP RU V Balikpapan –
                            Payment Terms and Payment Realization of EPC Lawe-Lawe.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158