Page 158 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 158


          Komponen dan persentase remunerasi                   Components and percentage of remuneration

          Berdasarkan  akta  No.  29  tanggal 19  Desember  2019  tentang   Based on  Deed  No. 29 of December  19, 2019 concerning
          Penetapan Gaji Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, ditetapkan komponen-  Determination of salary of Directors and Board of Commissioner,
          komponen remunerasi sebagai berikut:                 the remuneration components are determined as follows:
          a.  Gaji/Honorarium                                  a.  salary/Honorarium
          b.  tunjangan Perumahan (termasuk biaya utilitas).   b.  Housing allowance (including utility costs).
          c.  tunjangan transportasi.                          c.  transportation allowance.
          d.  tunjangan Hari raya keagamaan (tHrk).            d.  religious Holiday allowance (tHrk).
         e.  asuransi Purna Jabatan.                           e.  Post-Employment insurance.
         f.  Pajak ditanggung Perusahaan.                      f.  taxes are borne by the Company.
         Besarnya  nilai dan persentase  remunerasi  ditentukan  oleh   the amount of value and percentage of remuneration is determined
         keputusan  Pemegang  saham  secara  sirkuler tentang Penetapan   by Circular shareholders resolution regarding the Determination of
         Penghargaan atas  kinerja  tahun  Buku 2020 dan Penyesuaian   awards for the Performance of the 2020 Fiscal Year and adjustment
         remunerasi  tahun  2022  anggota Direksi  dan Dewan  komisaris   of remuneration for 2022 members of the Board of Directors and
         Perseroan tanggal 29 Juni 2022 yang dinyatakan melalui akta Pt   Board of Commissioners of the Company dated 29 June 2022 which
         kPB No. 31 tanggal 26 Juli 2022 dengan rincian sebagai berikut:  was legalized through Deed of Pt kPB No. 31 of 26 July 2022 with
                                                               the following details:
          l   Gaji Direktur Utama   :   100%
          l   Gaji Anggota Direksi   :   85% x Gaji Direktur Utama  l   Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Salary :  100%
          l   Honorarium Komisaris Utama  :   45% x Gaji Direktur Utama  l   salary for members
          l   Honorarium anggota komisaris  :  90% x Honorarium         of the Board of Directors (BoD)   :  85% of the salary for the CEo
                                       komisaris utama         l   President Commissioner’s
                                                                  Honorarium               :  45% x Chief Executive
          Perseroan dapat menyampaikan usulan pengajuan untuk mengkaji                       Officer’s Salary
          ulang besaran remunerasi  Direksi  dan Dewan  komisaris  kepada   l   members of the Board of
          Pemegang  saham dengan  tetap mengacu  prosedur  sesuai  tata      Commissioners Honorarium   :  90% x President
          telola  Perusahaan dimana  hasil  kajian  yang diusulkan telah                     Commissioner’s honorarium
          mendapatkan persetujuan dari  Dewan  komisaris  Perseroan.
          Pembahasan remunerasi di Dewan komisaris dibantu oleh komite   the Company can submit proposals to  review  the amount of
          remunerasi  sebelum  disampaikan kepada  Pemegang  saham di   remuneration for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
          dalam ruPst.                                         to  shareholders  while still  referring  to procedures in accordance
                                                               with the Company’s Good Corporate Governance where the results
                                                               of the proposed study have received approval from the Company’s
                                                               Board of Commissioners. Discussion of remuneration at the Board
                                                               of Commissioners is assisted by the  remuneration  Committee
                                                               before being submitted to Shareholders at the AGMS.


          MEEtInGS of thE Board of CoMMISSIonErS
          and Board of dIrECtorS

          Dewan  komisaris  secara rutin mengadakan rapat  dengan  Direksi   the  Board of Commissioners  regularly  holds  meetings  with the
          dalam  rangka mengkoordinasikan seluruh  kegiatan Perseroan,   Board of Directors in order  to coordinate  all of the  Company’s
          mengawasi dan mengantisipasi hal-hal yang mempengaruhi kinerja   activities, monitor, and anticipate matters that affect the Company’s
          Perseroan.  sepanjang  tahun 2022,  Dewan  komisaris  dan Direksi   performance. throughout 2022, Pt kPB’s Board of Commissioners
          Pt  kPB  telah menyelenggarakan  dan menghadiri  sebanyak  10   and Directors have held and attended 10 (ten) management meetings
          (sepuluh) kali rapat manajemen sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan   as part of the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of
          tugas dan tanggung jawab  Direksi,  dengan  rincian kehadiran   the Board of Directors, with details of attendance as follows:
          sebagai berikut:

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163