Page 152 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 152


           No.   Tanggal                 Agenda                                     Direksi / Board of Director

                Date                     Agenda                                 FY    DKS     Mul   ABN   SH

             25  22 Agt 2022   1.       Progress Marad, IRS, dan Market Study.   V                         V
                            2.       Status Update Manpower Balancing.         (merangkap                 (merangkap
                            3.       Progress Tindak Lanjut Audit CAE KPI.     Dirbang)                   Dirops)
                            4.       Highlight & Social Issues.

                Aug 22, 2022   1.    Progress Marad, IRS, and Market Study.    (concurrently                 (concurrently
                            2.    Manpower Balancing Status Updates.            DevDir)                   OpsDir)
                            3.    CAE KPI Audit Follow-Up Progress.
                            4.    Highlights & Social Issues.

             26  29 Agt 2022   1.       Highlight Fungsi HSSE.                   V                         V
                            2.       Highlight Fungsi Finance.                 (merangkap                 (merangkap
                                                                               Dirbang)                   Dirops)
                            3.       Highlight Fungsi HC & Corporate Service.
                            4.       Highlight Fungsi Internal Audit.
                            5.       Higlight Fungsi Corsec.

                Aug 29, 2022   1.    HSSE Function Highlights.                 (concurrently                 (concurrently
                            2.    Highlights of the Finance Function.           DevDir)                     OpsDir)
                            3.    Highlights of HC & Corporate Service Functions.
                            4.    Highlights of the Internal Audit Function.
                            5.    Corsec Function Highlights.
             27  3 Okt 2022   1.       Highlight Fungsi Penunjang.               V      V             V
                            2.       Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP),
                                rencana kerja & anggaran Perusahaan (rkaP)
                                dan status dokumen permintaan Nexant.
                            3.       Program Living Core Values (LCV), status
                                manpower & rekrutmen, status Vacant Formasi
                                manager ke atas, rumah Dinas Perusahaan (rDP)/
                                apartment untuk assigned Engineer Pt kPi.
                            4.       Tindak lanjut kegiatan temuan Internal Audit PT KPI,
                                status final report BPKP tentang Change Order (CO),
                                sampling audit uang muka.
                            5.       Agenda Oktober 2022.

                Oct 3, 2022   1.    Supporting Function Highlights.
                            2.    Company Long Term Plan (RJPP), Company Work Plan
                                & Budget (RKAP) and the status of documents
                                requested by Nexant.

                            3.    Living Core Values  (LCV) Program, Manpower &
                                Recruitment status, Vacant status For Manager
                                and Above Formation, Company Office House (RDP)/
                                Apartment for PT KPI Assigned Engineers.
                            4.    Follow up on PT KPI’s Internal Audit findings,
                                BPKP final report status regarding Change Order (CO),
                                Advance Payment Audit Sampling.
                            5.    Agenda for October 2022.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157