Page 157 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 157


          Dalam tahun 2022, Direksi Pt kPB telah menghasilkan antara lain :  in 2022, the Directors  of Pt  kPB  have produced  have already
            a.  surat keputusan sebanyak 17 dokumen.           produced some documents, such as ::
            b.  risalah rapat Direksi (sirkuler) sebanyak 15 dokumen.  a.  Decision Letter as many as 17 documents.
            c.  risalah rapat BoD sebanyak 37 dokumen.         b.  minutes of Board of Directors  meetings  (Circular)  of 15
                                                               c.  minutes of Board of Directors meetings 37 documents.
          Hasil  penilaian  Direksi  (dengan  menggunakan  range  nilai  kinerja   the results of the Board of Directors’ assessment (using a range of
          dalam persentase) adalah sebagai berikut:            performance values in percentage) are as follows:
          l   Feri Yani (Direktur utama)           : 99,75%    l   Feri Yani (Chief Executive Officer)    : 99.75%
          l   sigit Hanggoro (Direktur keuangan & Penunjang Bisnis) : 91,69%  l   sigit Hanggoro (Director of Finance & Corporate services) : 91.69%
          l   Djoko koen soewito (Direktur Pengembangan)   : 94,33%  l   Djoko koen soewito (Director of Development)   : 94.33%
          Penilaian  tidak dilakukan untuk  mulyono  (Direktur  operasi )dan   assessment was not conducted for mulyono (Director of operations)
          arafat  Bayu  Nugroho (Direktur  operasi) karena masing-masing   and arafat Bayu Nugroho (Director of operations) because each of
          menjabat  dalam  posisinya  kurang  dari  6  (enam) bulan sejak   them served in their positions for less than 6 (six) months since
          penunjukkan.                                         their appointment.


          noMInatIon poLICy for thE Board

          of CoMMISSIonErS and dIrECtorS

          kebijakan dan prosedur  nominasi bagi Dewan  komisaris dan   the nomination  policies  and procedures for the Board of
          Direksi  merupakan kewenangan  dan sepenuhnya  dilaksanakan   Commissioners and the Board of Directors are the authority and are
          oleh Pemegang saham.                                 fully implemented by the shareholders.



          rEMunEratIon poLICy for thE Board

          of CoMMISSIonErS and Board of dIrECtorS

          prosedur  penetapan  remunerasi  dewan               procedures for  determining  remuneration
          Komisaris dan direksi                                for the Board of Commissioners and directors

          Pemagang  saham  dapat  memberikan  tantiem/insentif kerja/  shareholders can provide bonuses/work incentives/compensation
          kompensasi atas pencapaian kinerja dan upaya Direksi dan Dewan   for the achievement of the performance and efforts of the Board
          komisaris  dalam  memimpin Perseroan untuk mencapai target.   of Directors and Board of Commissioners in leading the Company
          Berdasarkan akta Nomor 29 tanggal 19 Desember 2019, penetapan   to achieve targets. Based on Deed Number 29 dated December 19,
          nilai dan besarannya ditetapkan dalam  keputusan  Pemegang   2019 the determination of the value and amount is determined in
          saham dalam ruPs.                                    the Shareholders‘ Resolution at the GMS.

          Sebagai bagian dari Pertamina Group, dalam menentukan besaran   As part of the Pertamina Group, in determining the amount of the
          remunerasi Dewan komisaris dan Direksi, Pt kPB mengacu pada   Board of Commissioners and Directors‘ remuneration, Pt kPB refers
          Peraturan menteri Negara BumN No.PEr-13/mBu/09/2021 tanggal   to the minister of soE regulation No.PEr-13/mBu/09/2021 dated
          24  september  2021 tentang  Perubahan  keenam  atas Peraturan   september 24, 2021 concerning the sixth amendment to the minister
          menteri BumN No.Per-04/mbu/2014 tentang Pedoman Penetapan   of SOE Regulation No.Per-04/Mbu/2014 concerning Guidelines for
          Penghasilan  Direksi, Dewan  komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas   Determining the income of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and
          BumN. Pertimbangan yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:  soE supervisory Board. the considerations used are as follows:
          1.  Perbandingan dengan besaran remunerasi tahun sebelumnya.  1.  Comparison with the previous year’s remuneration amount.
          2.  kenaikan kompleksitas operasional Perusahaan.    2.  increase in the complexity of the Company’s operations.
          3.  Perbandingan besaran remunerasi dengan perusahaan sejenis.  3.  Comparison of  the amount of  remuneration  with  similar

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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