Page 151 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 151


           No.   Tanggal                 Agenda                                     Direksi / Board of Director

                Date                     Agenda                                 FY    DKS     Mul   ABN   SH

             20  9 Mei 2022   1.       Root cause dari insiden yang terjadi serta
                                yang telah dijalankan.                           V      V
                            2.       Progress EPC dan kendala serta action plan.
                            3.       Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi.

                May 9, 22   1.    The root cause of the incident that occurred and
                                the action plan that has been implemented.
                            2.    EPC progress and constraints and action plans.
                            3.    Matters that require the support of the Board of Directors.

             21  6 Juni 2022   1.       Root cause dari insiden yang terjadi serta
                                action plan yang telah dijalankan.               V      V
                            2.       Progress EPC dan kendala serta action plan.
                            3.       Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi.
                Jun 6, 2022   1.    The root cause of the incident that occurred and the
                                action plan that has been implemented.
                            2.    EPC progress and constraints and action plans.
                            3.    Matters that require the support of the Board of Directors.
             22  15 Juni 2022   Highlight Fungsi Penunjang                       V                         V
                                                                               (merangkap                 (merangkap
                                                                               Dirbang)                    Dirops)
                Jun 15, 2022   Supporting Function Highlights                  (concurrently              (concurrently
                                                                                DevDir)                   OpsDir)
             23  13 Juli 2022   Highlight Fungsi Penunjang                       V                         V
                                                                               (merangkap                 (merangkap
                                                                                Dirbang)                  Dirops)

                Jul 13, 22   Supporting Function Highlights                    (concurrently             (concurrently
                                                                                DevDir)                   OpsDir)

             24  8 Agt 2022   1.       Status Incident & Injury Free (IIF) dan
                                Daily Check-up (DCu).                            V                         V
                            2.       Highlight status Project Financing dan    (merangkap                 (merangkap
                                Due Diligence update.                           Dirbang)                  Dirops)
                            3.       Status Balancing Manpower dan Performance
                                Dialogue triwulan-ii;
                            4.       Status tindak lanjut kegiatan Fungsi Internal Audit.
                            5.       Status tindak lanjut Rapat Umum Pemegang
                                saham (ruPs) 2021.
                Aug 8, 2022   1.    Incident & Injury Free (IIF) and Daily     (concurrently             (concurrently
                                Check-Up (DCU) statuses.                        DevDir)                   OpsDir)
                            2.    Highlight status of Project Financing and
                                Due Diligence Update.
                            3.    Status of Balancing Manpower and Dialogue
                                Performance II Quarterly;
                            4.    Status of follow-up activities of the
                                Internal Audit Function.
                            5.    Follow-up status of the 2021 General Meeting
                                of Shareholders (GMS).

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156