Page 160 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          tingkat Kehadiran dan agenda rapat BoC-Bod pt KpB

          Total Attendance and Agenda of PT KPB BOC-BOD Meetings

           No.    Tanggal           Agenda                 Dewan Komisaris                   Direksi
                  Date              Agenda               Board of Commissioner           Board of Director

                                                       Sum     SM       HR      FY    DKS     Mul   ABN    SH
                                                         V      V                V      V     V             V
            1   25 Feb 2022  1.  Hightlight Progress Proyek
                             (Update perkembangan
                             pembangunan kilang Pertamina
                          2.  Potensi masalah (risiko)
                             yang akan dihadapi di masa
                             mendatang beserta mitigation
                          3.  isu-isu temuan beserta tindak
                             Lanjut dan rekomendasi.
                          4.  Hal-Hal Lain yang memerlukan
                             Dukungan Dewan komisaris.

                Feb 25, 2022  1.  Project Progress Highlights
                             (Update on the development
                             of the Pertamina Balikpapan
                             Refinery development).
                          2.  Potential Problems (Risks) that
                             will be faced in the future along
                             with the Mitigation Plan.
                          3.  Issues Findings along
                             with Follow Up and
                          4.  Other Matters that require
                             the Support of the Board of

            2   7 april 2022  Persiapan Black start-up (Bsu).  V  V              V      V     V             V
                April 7, 2022  Black Start-up (BSU) preparation.
            3   14 april 2022  1.  update Progress EPC isBL-  V  V               V      V     V             V
                          2.  update Cashflow Perusahaan.
                          3.  update Progress Project
                          4.  Update Progress Equity Partner.
                          5.  opsi Pendanaan 2022.

                April 14, 2022  1.  ISBL-OSBL EPC Progress
                          2.  Company cash flow updates.
                          3.  Update Project Financing
                          4.  Equity Partner Progress Update.
                          5.  2022 Funding Options.
            4   9 Juni 2022  Pembahasan Pencapaian kinerja   V  V                V                          V
                          Pt kPB sampai dengan Bulan mei
                June 9, 2022  Discussion of PT KPB’s
                          Performance Achievements up to
                          May 2022.
            5   29 Juli 2022  1.  Realisasi Key Performance   V  V               V                          V
                             Indicator (key-Pi) Pt kPB
                             triwulan 1 sampai dengan 2.
                          2.  Prognosa Pencapaian key-Pi Pt
                             kPB tahun 2022.
                          3.  Update Project Financing.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165