Page 150 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 150


           No.   Tanggal                 Agenda                                     Direksi / Board of Director
                Date                     Agenda                                 FY    DKS     Mul   ABN   SH

                Mar 24, 2022   1.    Progress Report for each Function.
                            2.    Matters that require the support of the Board of Directors.
                            3.    Licensing status.
                            4.    Disposal status of excavated land.
                            5.    Contaminated land status.
                            6.    Demo Rooms.
                            7.    Re-allingment milestones.

            13  30 mar 2022   Highlight Fungsi Penunjang                         V      V      V           V
                Mar 30, 2022   Support Function Highlights

            14  4 Apr 2022   1.       Root cause dari insiden yang terjadi serta
                                action plan yang telah dijalankan.               V      V      V
                            2.       Progress EPC dan kendala serta action plan.
                            3.       Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi.
                Apr 4, 2022   1.   The root cause of the incident that occurred and
                                the action plan that has been implemented.
                            2.   EPC progress and constraints and action plans.
                            3.   Matters that require the support of the Board of Directors.

            15  6 apr 2022   Highlight Fungsi Penunjang                          V      V      V           V
                Apr 6, 2022   Supporting Function Highlights

            16  11 Apr 2022   1.       Dashboard monitoring penambahan Manpower OSBL Civil.   V   V   V
                            2.       Status soil contaminated.
                            3.       Status Pipa Senipah.
                            4.       Status Pipa dan Tanki Tanjung Batu.
                Apr 11, 2022   1.    Dashboard monitoring the addition of Civil OSBL Manpower.
                            2.    Soil contaminated status.
                            3.    Status of the Senipah Pipeline.
                            4.    Status of Tanjung Batu Pipes and Tanks.

            17  20 apr 2022   Highlight Fungsi Penunjang                         V      V      V           V
                Apr 20, 2022   Supporting Function Highlights

            18  25 Apr 2022   1.       Root cause dari insiden yang terjadi serta
                                action plan yang telah dijalankan.               V      V      V
                            2.       Progress EPC dan kendala serta action plan.
                            3.       Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi.
                Apr 25, 2022   1.    The root cause of the incident that occurred and
                                the action plan that has been implemented.
                            2.    EPC progress and constraints and action plans.
                            3.    Matters that require the support of the Board of Directors.
            19  27 Apr 2022   1.       Highlight Fungsi Penunjang.               V      V                  V
                            2.       Balancing tkPP dengan menurunnya load Engineering
                                dan peningkatan konstruksi, serta status komite stk.
                            3.       Update progress penyiapan KPSSS Penyertaan Modal di PT KPB.
                Apr 27, 2022   1.    Supporting Function Highlights.
                            2.    TKPP balancing by decreasing engineering load and
                                increasing construction, as well as STK committee status.
                            3.    Update on the progress of KPSSS Equity
                                Participation preparation in PT KPB.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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