Page 148 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 148


          Jumlah Kehadiran rapat direksi
          Total Board of Directors Meeting Attendance

            No        Nama                        Jabatan                  Jumlah Kehadiran   Persentase Kelahiran
                      Name                        Position                 Total Attendance   Attendande Precentage

            1     Feri Yani          Direktur utama                             37                100%
                                     Chief Executive Officer
            2     Djoko koen soewito   Direktur Pengembangan                    31               83,78%
                                     Director of Development
            3     mulyono            Direktur operasi                           19                95%
                                     Director of Operations                 (dari 20 rapat)
            4     arafat Bayu Nugroho   Direktur operasi                        10                91%
                                     Director of Operations                (dari 11 rapat)
            5     sigit Hanggoro     Direktur keuangan & Penunjang Bisnis       29               78,38%
                                     Director of Finance and Corporate Services

          segala keputusan Direksi diambil dalam rapat Direksi.  sebagian   all decisions of the Board of Directors are taken at the meeting of
          besar rapat Direksi  membahas  tentang  laporan progres tiap   the Board of Directors.  most  of the Board of Directors‘ meetings
          Fungsi dan hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi agar tiap   discuss progress reports for each Function and matters that require
          Fungsi dapat bekerja dengan baik. Berikut ini agenda rapat Direksi   the  support of the Board of Directors  so that each  Function  can
          sepanjang tahun 2022, yakni:                         work properly. the following is the agenda for the Board of Directors
                                                               meetings throughout 2022, namely:

          pelaksanaan dan agenda rapat direksi pt KpB pada tahun 2022
          Implementation and Agenda of the PT KPB Board of Directors Meeting in 2022

           No.   Tanggal                 Agenda                                     Direksi / Board of Director
                Date                     Agenda                                 FY    DKS     Mul   ABN   SH

            1   5 Jan 2022   1.    Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi.        V      V      V           V
                            2.    Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi.
                            3.      Status Material yang sudah datang.
                5 Jan 2022   1.      Progress Reports for each Function.
                            2.      Matters that require the support of the Board of Directors.
                            3.      Status of Materials that have arrived.

            2   12 Jan 2022   1.      Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi.     V      V      V           V
                            2.      Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi.
                            3.      Status Material yang sudah datang.
                Jan 12, 2022   1.      Progress Reports for each Function.
                            2.      Matters that require the support of the Board of Directors.
                            3.      Status of Materials that have arrived.
            3   19 Jan 2022   1.      Laporan Progress masing-masing Fungsi.     V      V      V           V
                            2.      Hal-hal yang memerlukan dukungan Direksi.
                            3.      Status Material yang sudah datang.

                Jan 19, 2022   1.      Progress Reports for each Function.
                            2.      that require the support of the Board of Directors.
                            3.       Status of Materials that have arrived.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153