Page 192 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          J.  Administratif / Dokumen Resmi                    J.  Administrative / Official Documents

            1.  Finalisasi Buku Board Manual dan telah ditandatangani oleh   1.  Finalization of the Board manual Book and has been signed
               BoC & BoD Pt kPB. Finalisasi Draf Final Code of Conduct,   by BoC & BoD of Pt kPB. Finalization of Code of Conduct,
               dan Code of Corporate Governance.                     and the Code of Corporate Governance Final Draft.
            2.  menyiapkan Draf  dan Finalisasi  surat  keputusan  Dewan   2.  Prepare the Draft and Finalize the Board of Commissioners’
               komisaris :                                           Decree:
               -   Penunjukan PtH Direktur Pengembangan dan Direktur   •   Appointment  of  PTH  Director  of  Development  and
                  operasi.                                              Director of operations.
               -   Perpanjangan masa  tugas  komite  audit dan  komite   •   Extension of the term of office of the Audit Committee
                  investasi.                                            and investment Committee.
               -   Penetapan kembali susunan komite audit dan komite   •   Re-establishment  of  the  composition  of  the  Audit
                  investasi.                                            Committee and investment Committee.
               -   Perubahan susunan komite audit dan komite investasi.  •   Changes in the composition of the Audit Committee and
               -   Perubahan  nomenklatur  komite  investasi menjadi    investment Committee.
                  komite Pemantau manajemen risiko.                  •   Change  of  Nomenclature  of  Investment  Committee  to
               -   Penetapan susunan komite remunerasi.                 risk management monitoring Committee.
               -   Penilaian individual anggota Dewan komisaris.     •   Determination   of   Remuneration   Committee
               -   Panduan Penilaian  kinerja  anggota  komite Dewan    Composition.
                  komisaris.                                         •   Individual  Assessment  of  Members  of  the  Board  of
            3.  mendukung  Fungsi HC  dalam  Finalisasi  Penilaian  kinerja   Commissioners.
               individual BoC-BoD  dan  anggota  komite,  dalam bentuk   •   Guideline  for  Performance  Appraisal  of  Committee
               penyiapan  formula dan perhitungan  hasil penilaian  akhir   members of the Board of Commissioners.
               BoC-BoD & anggota komite.                          3.  supporting the HC Function  in Finalizing the  individual
            4.  mendukung  Fungsi PC&Qa dalam kegiatan penyusunan    Performance  assessment of BoC-BoD  and Committee
               risk register Pt kPB tahun 2022 dan 2023.             members, in the form of preparing formulas and calculating
            5.  melaksanakan penyusunan  rencana  kerja &  anggaran   the results of the final assessment of BOC-BOD & Committee
               Fungsi  Corporate  secretary untuk  rkaP 2022 dan  rkaP   members.
               2023, serta mendukung penyelesaian rkaP Pt kPB tahun   4.  supporting the PC&Qa  Function  in  the preparation of  Pt
               2022 & 2023.                                          kPB’s risk register for 2022 and 2023.
            6.  mendukung  penyusunan  draft Final  rJPP  Pt  kPB  tahun   5.  Carry  out the preparation of the Corporate  secretary
               2022-2026.                                            Function Work Plan & Budget for the 2022 Company Work
            7.  Pada  November 2022,  mengikuti  rapat  koordinasi di   Plan  &  Budget (rkaP)  and 2023  Company Work  Plan  &
               Polda Kaltim, bersama dengan Pertamina Group, beberapa   Budget, as well as support the completion of Pt kPB’s 2022
               perusahaan di luar Pertamina, dan beberapa instansi terkait.   & 2023 Company Work Plan & Budget.
               rakor ini diselenggarakan oleh Polda kaltim terkait dengan   6.  support the preparation  of Pt  kPB  Final Company  Long-
               rencana pengaturan dan pengamanan jalur pipa Pertamina   term Plan (rJPP) draft for Year 2022-2026.
               Group  sehubungan  dengan  meningkatnya  lalulintas  kapal   7.  in November  2022,  attended  a  Coordination  meeting at
               di teluk Balikpapan pada tahun 2023 nanti sejalan dengan   the East  kalimantan  regional  Police,  together  with the
               meningkatnya pembangunan ikN.                         Pertamina  Group,  several  companies  outside  Pertamina,
            8.  Berkoordinasi dengan ru V dan rDmP ru V Balikpapan Jo   and several related agencies. this coordination meeting was
               untuk perbaikan  jalan  rusak di area jalan  masuk  sekolan   organized by the East kalimantan regional Police regarding
               Patra  Dharma,  Mesjid  Istiqlal,  Gereja,  dan  Sekolah,  yang   plans to regulate and secure the Pertamina Group pipeline
               rusak.                                                in connection with the increase in ship traffic in Balikpapan
            9.  Berkoordinasi dengan Pertagas untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan   Bay in 2023 in line with the increase in the development of
               Sosialisasi Pipa Gas Senipah – Balikpapan.            the indonesian New Capital City (ikN).
            10. Berkoordinasi dengan  rDmP  ru  V Balikpapan  Jo  terkait   8.  Coordinated  with  ru  V  and  rDmP  Balikpapan  Jo  for  the
               dengan  klaim  rumah retak  dari warga sekitar  Jalan   repair of damaged roads in the damaged entrance area of the
               Panorama.                                             Patra Dharma School, Istiqlal Mosque, Church and School.
                                                                  9.  Coordinate with  Pertagas  for the implementation  of  the
                                                                     Senipah-Balikpapan Gas Pipeline Socialization activities.
                                                                  10.  Coordinated with the Balikpapan Jo rDmP regarding cracked
                                                                     house claims from residents around Jalan Panorama.
          K.  Kegiatan dukungan terhadap Project Financing Closing   K.  Activities to support Project Financing Closing

             Terkait  dengan  rencana  pendanaan/project  financing  PT      Regarding PT KPB’s funding/project financing plan, coordinate
            kPB,  berkoordinasi dengan  pihak internal  Pt  kPB,  terutama   with internal kPB parties, especially with the Finance Function
            dengan Fungsi Finance dan Fungsi HssE, atau melaksanakan   and HssE  Function, or carry  out coordination with  external
            koordinasi dengan pihak eksternal berupa :            parties in the form of:
            1.  melakukan  legal  review  atas  dokumen-dokumen  Project   1.  Conduct a legal review of Project Financing documents.
               Financing.                                         2.  Provision of data  & documents for  assessment  by
            2.  Penyediaan data  & dokumen untuk  assessment  oleh   Environmental resources management (Erm) singapore.
               Environmental Resources Management (Erm) singapore.  3.  knowing-Your-Customer (kYC) with HsBC, mizuho, smBC,
            3.  Knowing-Your-Customer (kYC) dengan  HsBC,  mizuho,   aon, korea Exim, us Exim.
               smBC, aon, korea Exim, us Exim.                    4.  Participate in and play an active role in meetings  in the
            4.  mengikuti dan  berperan  aktif  dalam  meeting-meeting   context of Project Financing Closing.
               dalam rangka Project Financing Closing.
          L.  Kegiatan Rutin berupa Penyelenggaraan Rapat BOD dan Rapat   L.  Routine activities in the form of holding PT KPB BOD meetings
            BOC-BOD PT KPB                                        and BOC-BOD meetings.

             Dilaporkan dalam file terpisah.                   Reported in a separate file.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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