Page 32 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          Dewan  komisaris berpendapat  bahwa fungsi  pengawasan  yang   the Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that the supervisory
          dilaksanakan oleh Dewan komisaris sepanjang tahun 2022 sudah   function  carried  out by  the Board of Commissioners  throughout
          dilaksanakan  sesuai dengan  ketentuan  dan dilaksanakan  dengan   2022 has been carried out in accordance with the provisions and
          baik.  Dewan  komisaris menjalankan perannya  untuk melakukan   carried  out properly.  the  Board of Commissioners  carries  out its
          monitoring  jalannya  Perseroan dan memberikan keputusan   role  to monitor  the running  of the  Company  and make decisions
          sesuai dengan kewenangan sebagaimana diatur dalam anggaran   in accordance  with  the authority as  stipulated in the Company’s
          Dasar  Perseroan.  Dewan  komisaris  menyampaikan  laporan   articles  of  association.  the  Board of Commissioners  submits
          tugas pengawasan  dan penilaian atas  pencapaian  kinerja Dewan   periodic  monitoring  and evaluation  reports  on the performance
          komisaris secara berkala kepada Pemegang saham.      achievements of the Board of Commissioners to shareholders.

          komite  Dewan  komisaris  telah  bekerja  dengan  baik  sesuai   the Committees of the Board of Commissioners have worked well in
          ketentuan GCG. Komite bekerja aktif menganalisis dan merespons   accordance with GCG regulations. The Committee works actively to
          perubahan  lingkungan  bisnis  yang  akan  dan  telah  berpengaruh   analyze and respond to changes in the business environment that
          terhadap  kinerja  Perseroan.  komite  juga  membantu  Dewan   will and have affected the Company’s performance. the Committee
          komisaris dalam menyiapkan surat Dewan  komisaris untuk   also assists the Board of Commissioners in preparing a letter from
          menanggapi  permintaan  persetujuan,  dukungan,  saran/nasihat   the Board of Commissioners to respond to requests for approval,
          serta tanggapan dari Direksi setelah melakukan proses analisis   support, suggestions/advice  and responses  from the  Board of
          mendalam.                                            Directors after conducting an in-depth analysis process.

          komite  audit memonitor kinerja audit internal, auditor   the  audit  Committee  monitors  the  performance  of  internal  audits,
          independen  dalam  melakukan  audit  laporan  keuangan,   independent  auditors  in  auditing  financial  statements,  reviews
          mengkaji  laporan  Perseroan  kepada  pihak  luar,  sistem   the Company’s reports to external parties, the Company’s internal
          pengendalian  internal  Perseroan  dan  memonitor  sistem   control  system  and  monitors  the  whistleblowing  system.  the  audit
          whistleblowing.  komite  audit membantu tugas Dewan   Committee assists the Board of Commissioners in monitoring the
          komisaris dalam monitoring pelaksanaan pembangunan fisik   implementation  of  the  physical  construction  of  the  refinery,  project
          kilang, kemajuan  project financing, penyusunan  rkaP dan   financing progress, preparation of the Company Work Plan and Budget
          rJPP dan pengawasan rekomendasi lain dari Dewan komisaris   (rkaP) and the Company’s Long-term Plan (rJPP) and oversees other
          kepada Direksi.                                      recommendations from the Board of Commissioners to the Directors.

                 Pelaksanaan Csr di Pt kPB pada saat ini masih merujuk pada ketentuan yang berlaku di
                  Pertamina dan Pt kilang Pertamina internasional (Pt kPi) sebagai induk Perusahaan.

                  The implementation of CSR at PT KPB at this time still refers to the provisions in force at Pertamina
                              and PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) as the parent company.

          komite  investasi memonitor  kinerja, melakukan analisis  dan   the investment Committee monitors performance, conducts analysis
          memberikan rekomendasi keputusan strategis di bidang investasi   and provides recommendations for strategic decisions in the
          terutama project financing yang sedang dipersiapkan Perusahaan.   investment sector, especially project financing that is being prepared
          adapun komite remunerasi anggotanya baru diangkat pada akhir   by the Company. as for the remuneration Committee, its members
          Desember 2022. komite ini pada tahun mendatang akan membantu   were only appointed at the end of December 2022. this committee
          dalam penempatan sDm unggul untuk menduduki posisi kunci pada   in the coming year will assist in placing superior human resources
          Perseroan, melakukan review atas formulasi remunerasi Direksi dan   to occupy key positions in the Company, reviewing the remuneration
          Dewan komisaris, usulan perubahan struktur organisasi dan usulan   formulation for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners,
          perubahan Direksi dan Dewan komisaris.               proposing changes to the organizational structure and proposing
                                                               changes to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
          komite-komite memiliki mitra kerja dengan manajemen Perusahaan   the Committees have partners with the Company’s management
          yang mengelola  proses bisnis terkait.  Hubungan  kemitraan yang   who manage related business processes. a good and harmonious
          baik  dan harmonis dengan  komite telah menciptakan  proses   partnership  relationship  with  the  Committee  has  created  a  good
          komunikasi dan koordinasi yang baik sehingga memudahkan tugas   communication and coordination process that facilitates the duties
          Dewan komisaris dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan.  of the Board of Commissioners in carrying out the oversight function.

          perubahan Komposisi dewan Komisaris                  Changes in the Composition of the Board of

          Dalam  tahun 2022  terjadi  perubahan  susunan Dewan  komisaris.   in 2022  there was a  change  in the composition  of the Board
          Dewan  komisaris  menyambut dengan  baik  dan mengucapkan   of Commissioners.  the Board of Commissioners  warmly
          selamat bergabung kepada Haiyani rumondang sebagai anggota   welcomes Haiyani rumondang as a new member of the Board of
          komisaris yang baru, terhitung mulai 19 agustus 2022. kami yakin   Commissioners,  starting  August  9,  2022.  We  are  confident  that
          dengan perubahan komposisi anggota Dewan komisaris ini, dapat   this change  in the composition  of the members  of the Board of
          membawa Perseroan melangkah maju  dalam  mewujudkan  visi   Commissioners  will  bring  the Company  forward in realizing  its
          menjadi operator dan pemilik kilang kelas dunia yang menghasilkan   vision  of  becoming  a  world-class  refinery  operator  and  owner,
          kinerja  Perusahaan yang  excellent  dalam  menghasilkan produk   and produce excellent Company performance in producing quality
          berkualitas  yang  ramah  lingkungan  dengan  profit  yang  mampu   products that are environmentally friendly with profits that are able
          menjaga keberlangsungan bisnis Perusahaan.           to maintain the continuity of the Company’s business.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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