Page 29 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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penilaian Kinerja direksi Board of directors performance assessment
Dewan komisaris tetap mengapresiasi bahwa Direksi telah the Board of Commissioners continues to appreciate that the
melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik dalam menghadapi masa Directors have carried out their duties well in facing difficult times
sulit pada tahun 2022 sehingga pembangunan kilang masih dapat in 2022 so that the construction of the refinery can still continue.
berlanjut. Kemajuan pekerjaan fisik proyek secara keseluruhan the progress of the physical work of the project as a whole until the
hingga akhir tahun mencapai 58,41% atau 0,49% di atas rencana end of the year reached 58.41% or 0.56% above the plan of 57.92%.
sebesar 57,92%.
Dewan Direksi melihat adanya kendala-kendala seperti penyelesaian the Board of Directors sees this condition as reasonable due to
pekerjaan fisik EPC Lawe-Lawe yang di bawah target, tidak constraints such as the completion of the Lawe-Lawe EPC physical
terealisasinya biaya pengadaan katalis HCU Revamp karena adanya work which was below target, the unrealized cost of procuring the
perubahan term of payment, maupun belum terealisasinya project HCu revamp catalyst due to changes in the terms of payment, and
financing cost dimana prognosa penarikan pertama pembiayaan the unrealized project financing cost where the prognosis for the
proyek ditagetkan terealisasi pada triwulan i 2023. first withdrawal of financing the project is targeted to be realized in
the first quarter of 2023.
Dewan komisaris mengarahkan agar Direksi menindaklanjuti the Board of Commissioners directs the Board of Directors to follow
penyelesaian kendala keterlambatan progres EPC Lawe-Lawe, up on the resolution of delays in Lawe-Lawe EPC progress, monitor
melakukan monitoring secara on site jadwal pengiriman barang, on site the delivery schedule of goods, strive to achieve physical
mengupayakan pencapaian progres fisik untuk pekerjaan sesuai progress for work according to budget targets, ensure that project
target anggaran, memastikan kontraktor proyek tidak menghadapi contractors do not face problems in carrying out projects due to
kendala dalam mengerjakan proyek akibat keterbatasan keuangan, financial constraints, and so on. We also encourage the Board of
dan lain-lain. kami juga mendorong agar Direksi mempercepat Directors to accelerate the implementation of project financing
pelaksanaan project financing sesuai target serta memastikan according to the target and ensure the availability of cash flow for
ketersediaan cash flow untuk pembayaran progres fisik atau payment of physical progress or EPC milestones and develop plans
milestone EPC dan menyusun rencana penambahan sDm mengikuti for adding human resources to follow project progress up to the
progres proyek hingga fase operasional kilang. refinery operational phase.
Dewan komisaris sangat mengapresiasi konsistensi Direksi dalam the Board of Commissioners highly appreciates the Board of
membangun budaya dan melaksanakan aspek Health, Safety, Directors’ consistency in building culture and implementing
Security and Environment (HSSE). tantangan aspek kesehatan akibat Health, safety, security and Environment (HssE) aspects. Health
Dewan komisaris sangat mengapresiasi konsistensi Direksi dalam membangun budaya dan
melaksanakan aspek Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE). tantangan aspek kesehatan
akibat CoViD-19 sudah mereda namun kewaspadaan terhadap aspek HssE harus tetap tinggi.
The Board of Commissioners highly appreciates the Board of Directors’ consistency in building culture and
implementing Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) aspects. Health challenges due to COVID-19
have subsided but vigilance regarding HSSE aspects does not have to remain high.
CoViD-19 sudah mereda namun kewaspadaan terhadap aspek challenges due to CoViD-19 have subsided but vigilance regarding
HssE harus tetap tinggi. kami melihat Direksi telah menjalankan HssE aspects does not have to remain high. We see that the Board
aspek HssE dengan baik. Hal ini antara lain ditunjukkan dengan of Directors has carried out the HssE aspects well. this is shown,
data pencapaian total jumlah jam kerja aman Proyek rDmP ru V among others, by the data on the total number of safe working
Balikpapan dan Lawe-Lawe sampai dengan akhir Desember 2022 hours for the rDmP ru V Balikpapan and Lawe-Lawe Projects until
dilaporkan sebesar 93.458.582 jam. sementara Number of Accident the end of December 2022 which was reported to be 93,458,582
(NoA) sebesar 0 (nol) dan Loss Time Injury Rate (LTIR) kumulatif hours. While the Number of accidents (Noa) is 0 (zero) and the
juga sebesar 0 (nol). cumulative Loss time injury rate (Ltir) is also 0 (zero).
kami berharap aspek HssE tetap menjadi prioritas utama bagi We hope that the HssE aspect will remain a top priority for the
Direksi pada pekerjaan proyek rDmP ru V Balikpapan dan Lawe- Board of Directors in the rDmP ru V Balikpapan and Lawe-
Lawe dengan menerapkan HSSE Golden Rules (Patuh, intervensi, Lawe project work by implementing the HSSE Golden Rules
Peduli) kepada pekerja melalui berbagai cara seperti Tool Box (Compliance, intervention, Care) to employees through various
Meeting, weekly progress meeting, on duty management serta means such as tool Box meetings, weekly progress meetings, on
Safety Walk and Talk (SWAT) & Management Walkthrough (MWT). duty management as well as safety Walk and talk (sWat) and
Dengan demikian, Direksi dapat memastikan kegiatan operasional management Walkthrough (mWt). thus, the Board of Directors can
dan bisnis Perusahaan aman bagi para pekerja, mitra dan ensure that the Company’s operational and business activities are
masyarakat sekitar. safe for employees, partners, and the surrounding community.
PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report