Page 31 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          Dewan  komaris  mendukung  penuh  strategi Pt  kPB  untuk   the Board  of Commissioners  fully  supports  Pt  kPB’s  strategy
          mendukung  Pt  Pertamina  (Persero) mempertahankan  posisinya   to  support  Pt  Pertamina  (Persero) to  maintain  its  position and
          dan meningkatkan daya saingnya di tengah  munculnya kilang-  increase its competitiveness amid the emergence of more efficient
          kilang  modern  berskala  besar  yang  lebih  efisien  di  Asia  Pasifik.   large-scale modern refineries in Asia Pacific. The refineries owned
          kilang  yang dimiliki  Pertamina  diharapkan lebih handal dan   by Pertamina are expected to be more reliable and efficient and have
          efisien serta tidak mengalami insiden. Kinerja PT KPB juga dapat   no incidents. Pt kPB’s performance can also increase Pertamina’s
          meningkatkan prospek Pertamina menjadi perusahaan petrokimia   prospects  of becoming  a leading  petrochemical  company  in
          terkemuka di  indonesia  dengan  pendapatan  usD10 miliar serta   indonesia with  revenues  of  usD10  billion and a  capacity of 10
          berkapasitas 10 juta ton per tahun.                  million tons per year.

          pelaksanaan tata Kelola perusahaan dan               Implementation of Corporate Governance and
          tanggung Jawab Sosial                                Social responsibility

          Dewan  komisaris menilai Perseroan telah menerapkan  prinsip-  the Board of Commissioners  considers  that  the Company  has
          prinsip  tata  kelola Perusahaan  yang Baik  (Good  Corporate   implemented the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG)
          Governance/GCG) secara konsisten.  komitmen  pengelolaan   consistently.  this  commitment  to  governance  management  is
          tata  kelola  ini dibuktikan dengan  keteraturan  perusahaan  dalam   evidenced by the company’s regularity in ensuring that all aspects
          memastikan bahwa semua aspek tata kelola dilaksanakan dengan   of governance are implemented properly, even though it has not yet
          baik, walaupun memang belum melakukan penilaian GCG.   carried out a GCG assessment.
          sepanjang tahun 2022, Dewan  komisaris berpandangan komitmen   throughout 2022, the Board of Commissioners views Pt  kPB’s
          PT  KPB  mendukung  penguatan  GCG  guna  mewujudkan  keunggulan   commitment  to  support  strengthening  GCG  in  order  to  achieve
          kompetitif, meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan efektivitas biaya serta   competitive  advantage,  increase  operational  efficiency  and  cost
          mengaplikasikan  akuntabilitas  dan  transparansi.  kami  memberikan   effectiveness as well as apply accountability and transparency. We
          pengarahan kepada Direksi agar meninjau dan menyesuaikan kebijakan   provide direction to the Board of Directors to review and adjust GCG
          GCG secara berkesinambungan guna mendukung proses pengambilan   policies on an ongoing basis to support the decision-making process
          keputusan dan peningkatan efektivitas kinerja Perusahaan.  and increase the effectiveness of the Company’s performance.
          Kami juga menekankan agar Perusahaan menerapkan GCG, mulai   We also emphasize that the Company implements GCG, from top
          dari  manajemen puncak hingga Pekerja  di lapangan sebagai   management to employees in the field as a form of commitment to
          bentuk  komitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan  yang bersih  dan   being a clean and corruption-free company. this is very important
          bebas korupsi. Hal ini sangat penting karena perusahaan sedang   because the company is in the construction phase which has the
          berada pada fase konstruksi yang berpotensi munculnya praktik-  potential for practices that violate regulations and laws to emerge.
          praktik yang melanggar peraturan dan hukum. Program sosialisasi   GCG  socialization  and  education  programs  and  the  importance
          dan edukasi GCG serta pentingnya berperilaku berintegritas dalam   of behaving with  integrity at  work  must always  be carried  out
          bekerja harus senantiasa dilakukan berkesinambungan, termasuk   continuously, including  for new management  and prospective
          kepada manajemen baru dan calon pekerja Perusahaan.  employees of the Company.
          Dewan  komisaris juga melakukan monitoring atas pelaksanaan   the Board  of Commissioners also  monitors the implementation
          tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan pada lingkungan dan masyarakat.   of corporate social responsibility to the environment and society.
          meskipun belum menghasilkan keuntungan karena masih pada   Even though it has not yet turned a profit because it is still in the
          fase konstruksi, kontribusi Perusahaan terhadap masyarakat lewat   construction phase, the Company’s contribution to society through
          bantuan-bantuan atau  charity  cukup  signifikan  dan  menjangkau   donations or charity is quite significant and covers several aspects
          beberapa aspek seperti pendidikan, kesehatan, keagamaan dan lain-  such as education, health, religion, and others. in fact, the Company
          lain. Bahkan, Perusahaan memiliki tingkat keperdulian yang sangat   has a very high level of concern for disasters that hit several areas in
          besar terhadap bencana yang melanda di beberapa daerah di tanah   the country. recently, the Company donated a number of funds for
          air. Baru-baru ini, Perusahaan mendonasikan sejumlah dana untuk   earthquake relief in Cianjur, West Java.
          penanganan bencana gempa bumi di Cianjur, Jawa Barat.
                                                               the implementation of Csr at  Pt  kPB  at  this  time  still  refers to
          Pelaksanaan  Csr  di  Pt  kPB  pada  saat  ini  masih  merujuk  pada   the provisions in  force at  Pertamina  and Pt  kilang  Pertamina
          ketentuan yang berlaku di Pertamina dan Pt  kilang Pertamina   internasional  (Pt  kPi) as the  parent  company.  the  Board of
          internasional (Pt kPi) sebagai induk Perusahaan. Dewan komisaris   Commissioners asked the Board of Directors to prepare a roadmap
          meminta  kepada  Direksi  untuk  menyusun  peta  jalan  (roadmap)   for the implementation of social and Environmental responsibility
          pelaksanaan tanggung Jawab sosial dan Lingkungan (tJsL) lebih   (tJsL) earlier so that it is  ready to be implemented  when  the
          awal agar siap diimplementasikan saat Perusahaan telah beroperasi   Company is operating and generating income. the success of the
          dan menghasilkan pendapatan. keberhasilan program tJsL ini akan   social and Environmental responsibility program will support the
          mendukung kelancaran operasi Perusahaan di masa mendatang.  smooth running of the Company’s operations in the future.

          penilaian Kinerja atas Komite  dewan                 the Board of Commissioners Committees
          Komisaris                                            performance assessment

          tugas pengawasan  yang dilaksanakan  Dewan  komisaris   the supervisory duties carried out by the Board of Commissioners
          dilaksanakan secara langsung oleh Dewan komisaris atau secara   are carried out directly by the Board of Commissioners or indirectly
          tidak  langsung  melalui  komite-komite Dewan  komisaris yaitu   through the Committees of the Board of Commissioners, namely the
          komite audit, komite remunerasi dan komite investasi. Pada akhir   audit Committee, the remuneration Committee and the investment
          tahun 2022, nomenklatur komite investasi berubah menjadi komite   Committee.  at  the end of 2022, the  investment Committee
          Pemantau manajemen risiko. Pengawasan dilakukan atas aspek-  nomenclature changed  to the  risk  management  monitoring
          aspek operasional dan strategis yang berkontribusi signifikan bagi   Committee. supervision is carried out on operational and strategic
          kinerja Perseroan.                                   aspects that contribute significantly to the Company’s performance.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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