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            b.  implementasi  Csms  Full Cycle  sesuai  project life cycle   b.  implementation of Csms Full Cycle in accordance with the
               berjalan.                                             ongoing project life cycle.
            c.  implementasi &  kepatuhan  100% terhadap  HSSE  Golden   c.  Implementation  &  100%  compliance  with  HSSE  Golden
               Rules & 12 Corporate Life Saving Rules (CLSR).        rules & 12 Corporate Life saving rules (CLsr).
            d.  Safety behaviour & culture change yang melibatkan seluruh   d.  safety behavior  &  culture change  which involves the
               tenaga kerja  baik  pekerja  Pertamina  maupun  kontraktor   entire workforce, both Pertamina workers and contractors,
               secara kontinyu  menyesuaikan  project life cycle  hingga   continuously  adjusts  the project life cycle to  form a
               terbentuk Pertamina Safety Culture hingga level Generative.  Pertamina Safety Culture up to the Generative level.
            e.  implementasi observasi & intervensi HssE yang mencakup;   e.  implementation  of  HssE  observations  &  interventions
               mWt, PEka  dan  Safety Improvement Implementation     which include;  mWt, PEka, and the  safety  improvement
               Program dengan target 100% PPE compliance, 100% PtW   implementation Program with a target of 100% PPE compliance,
               compliance dan 100% tools compliance.                 100% PtW compliance and 100% tools compliance.
            f. implementasi Safety Communication & Promotion Program   f.  implementation of  safety Communication  & Promotion
               on  Project  Execution  mencakup  safety talk,  tools box   Program on Project Execution includes safety talks, tollbox
               meeting,  routine  safety meeting,  safety campaign  dan   meetings,  routine  safety meetings,  safety campaigns  and
               safety procedure road show.                           safety procedure road shows.
            g. implementasi HSSE Risk Management Program (terdiri dari   g.  implementation of the HssE  risk  management  Program
               risk identification, risk control dan risk monitoring).  (consisting  of  risk  identification,  risk  control,  and  risk
          C.  Implementasi Aspek Security                      C.  Security Aspect Implementation
             Penerapan  Program  Security  bertujuan  memberikan  rasa      the implementation of the  security Program aims to provide
            aman dalam menjalankan operasional. Program pengamanan   a sense of security in carrying out operations.  the security
            dijalankan sebagai bentuk pengawalan terhadap  obyek Vital   program is carried out as a form of guarding against National Vital
            Nasional (obvitnas) yang meliputi kawasan atau lokasi, bangunan   objects (obvitnas) which include areas or locations, buildings, or
            atau instalasi dan atau usaha yang menyangkut hajat hidup orang   installations and or businesses that concern the lives of many
            banyak.  Program  utama  aspek  Security  yang  menjadi  prioritas   people. the main program of the security aspect which is a priority
            mencakup implementasi sistem manajemen Pengamanan.    includes the implementation of the security management system.
          D.  Implementasi Aspek Environment                   D.  Environment Aspect Implementation
             Program Pengelolaan  Lingkungan harus diterapkan  dalam      the Environmental management Program must be implemented
            upaya  pemenuhan  regulasi  Pemerintah  untuk aspek   in  an  effort  to  comply  with  Government  Regulations  for
            lingkungan.  ketidakpatuhan terhadap aspek  Environment   environmental aspects. Non-compliance with the Environment
            berpotensi  menghambat proses  pembangunan  unit  Project   aspect has  the potential to directly  hinder  the  unit  Project
            secara langsung.  Beberapa kegiatan aspek lingkungan  yang   development  process.  some  of the  environmental  aspects
            dijalankan  secara  berkesinambungan  dalam  mencapai target   activities that are carried out on an ongoing basis in achieving
            tersebut di antaranya:                                these targets include:
            a.  Proses penerbitan izin lingkungan dan  amDaL oleh   a.  the process  of issuing environmental permits and
               kementerian  Lingkungan Hidup dan  kehutanan  (kLHk)   Environmental impact analysis (amDaL) by the ministry of
               yang menyesuaikan dengan scope project.               Environment and Forestry (kLHk) adjusts to the scope of
            b.  Pelaksanaan rkL & rPL selama proyek berlangsung setelah   the project.
               izin lingkungan diterbitkan.                       b.  implementation of Environment  management  Plan  (rkL)
            c.  Proses pengelolaan dan pembuangan limbah baik limbah   & Environmental monitoring Plan (rPL) during the project
               domestik maupun limbah B3 sesuai dengan regulasi yang   after the environmental permit is issued.
               berlaku.                                           c.  the process  of managing  and disposing  of waste, both
            d.  Pengelolaan aspek lingkungan pada tahap konstruksi dan   domestic  waste  and B3  waste,  is  in accordance  with
               pascakonstruksi.                                      applicable regulations.
                                                                  d.  management  of environmental aspects during  the
                                                                     construction and post-construction stages.
          E.  Aspek Process Safety                             E.  Process Safety Aspect
            aspek Proces  Safety  merupakan  aspek  penting  yang  bertujuan      the Process  safety  aspect is an important aspect  that aims to
            untuk mencegah major accident, kebakaran, peledakan, pelepasan   prevent  major  accidents,  fires,  explosions,  release  of  hazardous
            bahan kimia berbahaya dan reaksi proses lainnya yang tidak   chemicals  and  other  unwanted  process  reactions  during  the
            diinginkan pada fase operasional unit kilang. aspek Process Safety   operational phase of the refinery unit. Process safety aspects are
            melekat pada design & engineering karena tujuan aspek dimaksud   inherent in design & engineering because the objectives of these
            hanya dapat dicapai jika implementasi process safety dilakukan   aspects can only be achieved if the implementation of process safety
            sejak fase design & engineering, planning, execution hingga project   is carried out from the design & engineering, planning, execution to
            closing.  Beberapa  aspek  process  safety  yang  menjadi  program   project closing phases. several aspects of process safety which are
            wajib dalam pengembangan kilang mencakup:             mandatory programs in refinery development include:
            a.  Penyusunan  Guidance  Process  Safety  Management for   a.  Preparation  of  Guidance  Process  Safety  Management  for
               Capital Project.                                      Capital Project.
            b.  Pelaksanaan kajian risiko semua area.             b.  implementation of risk assessment in all areas.
            c.  Perbaikan berkelanjutan terhadap pengelolaan  Process   c.  Continuous improvements to the management of Process
               Safety Information  mulai tahap  design  hingga  project   safety information from the design stage to project closing.
               closing.                                           d.  implementation of Process Hazard analysis in the entire life
            d. implementasi  Process Hazard  Analysis  pada  seluruh  life   cycle. implementation of Pre-startup safety review (Pssr)
               cycle  implementasi  Pre-Start Up Safety Review  (Pssr)   prior to start-up of Project units.
               sebelum start up unit Project.                     e.  readiness  of  operation &  maintenance  Procedure before
            e.  Readiness  dari  Operation &  Maintenance  Procedure   start-up of the unit Project Phase.
               sebelum start up Fase unit Project.                f.  implementation of  management of Change  if there is a
            f. implementasi Management of Change jika terjadi perubahan   change in the EPC Phase.
               pada Fase EPC.                                     g.  implementation  of Emergency  response  Plan  in  Project
            g. implementasi Emergency Response Plan pada unit Project.  units.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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