Page 223 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          Penanganan  HssE  berada di bawah VP  HssE.  Pada  tahun 2022,   HssE  handling  is  under  the HssE  VP.  in 2022, the Company  has
          Perusahaan belum mengangkat VP  HssE  sehingga  ditunjuk   not appointed a HssE VP so that a temporary acting HssE VP is
          penjabat sementara (Pjs)  VP HssE secara bergantian oleh  Level   appointed alternately by the Level manager in the HssE Function.
          manager di Fungsi HssE.
          Fungsi, Dasar Kebijakan dan Tujuan HSSE              HSSE Functions, Basic Policies and Objectives

          Fungsi dan dasar kebijakan HssE khususnya pada proyek minyak   the function and basis of the HssE policy, particularly in oil and gas
          dan gas (migas) dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) bagian, yaitu:  projects, is divided into 3 (three) sections, namely:
          a.  HssE   sebagai   Facilitator.   Yaitu   mendefinisikan   dan   a.  HSSE as Facilitator. Namely defining and developing strategies,
            mengembangkan strategi, operasi proyek, dan manual standar   project  operations,  and standard manuals (soP  or  tko) that
            (soP atau tko) yang berlaku di proyek migas.          apply to oil and gas projects.
          b.  HssE sebagai Advisor. Yaitu memastikan dan mempertahankan   b.  HssE as  advisor.  Namely ensuring  and maintaining system
            kemampuan sistem untuk keunggulan operasi proyek.     capabilities for project operational excellence.
          c .  HssE sebagai Control & Evaluator. menjamin dan memastikan   c.  HSSE  as  Control  &  Evaluator.  Guarantee  and  ensure  project
            proyek operasi sesuai dengan target, sasaran dan tujuan  operations  are  in  accordance  with  Targets,  Goals,  and
          Tujuan penerapan HSSE di lingkungan Perusahaan adalah untuk:  The purpose of implementing HSSE in the Company’s environment
          a.  memastikan operasi proyek berjalan dengan baik dan mencapai   is to:
            tujuan bersama, yaitu otoBosoror (On Time, On Budget, On   a.  Ensuring  project  operations  run well  and achieve common
            Spec, On Return dan On Regulation).                   goals, namely otoBosoror (on time, on Budget, on scope/
          b.  mencegah  terjadinya  accident (Zero LTI / Fatality) dengan   on spec/on safety, on return/regulation).
            menerapkan beberapa  pilar  seperti:  leadership,  project   b.  Prevent accidents  (Zero  Lti/Fatality)  by  implementing  several
            management, business strategy, dan system engineering serta   pillars  such as:  leadership,  project management,  business
            dengan  pondasi  safety culture  dan  awareness  dari seluruh   strategy, and system engineering as well as with the foundation
            pekerja, mitra kerja, dan kontraktor yang berada di lingkungan   of safety culture and awareness of all employees, work partners,
            perusahaan.                                           and contractors within the company environment.

          program  unggulan  tahun 2022 dan                    featured programs for 2022 and achievements

          Dalam pencapaiaan HSSE Excellence, Fungsi HssE harus menjaga   in achieving HssE Excellence, the HssE Function must maintain the
          pada Key Performance Indicator (Key-PI) pada aspek HssE sesuai   key Performance indicator (key-Pi) on the HssE aspect according
          dengan  target yang telah ditetapkan oleh  manajemen puncak.   to the targets set by top management. in keeping the key-Pi in line
          Dalam menjaga Key-PI sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan   with  predetermined  targets, there are several highlight  programs
          sebelumnya, terdapat beberapa program unggulan (highlight) yang   that have been implemented during 2022, including the following:
          telah dijalankan selama tahun 2022 di antaranya sebagai berikut:  a.  toolbox meeting (tBm)
            a.  Toolbox Meeting (tBm)                          b.  observation of Work (observasi Pengamatan kerja/PEka)
            b.  observasi Pengamatan kerja (PEka)              c.  12 CLsr observations (Corporate Life saving rules)
            c.  observasi 12 CLsr (Corporate Life Saving Rules)  d.  Daily Check up (DCu)
            d.  Daily Check Up (DCu)                           e.  on Duty management
            e.  On Duty Management                             f.  safety Campaign
            f.  kampanye keselamatan kerja (Safety Campaign)   g.  management Walkthrough (top management Level)
            g.  Management Walkthrough (Top Management Level)  h.  HssE Committee meeting
            h.  rapat komite HssE (HSSE Committee Meeting)     i.   implementation of Csms audit and suPrEmE audit
            i.   Pelaksanaan audit Csms dan audit suPrEmE      j.  Grand Safety Talk (GST).
            j.  Grand Safety Talk (GST).
                                                               HssE performance  was  very good  with a total number  of safe
          kinerja HssE sangat baik dengan total jumlah jam  kerja aman   working hours for the  rDmP  ru  V Balikpapan  and Lawe-Lawe
          Proyek  rDmP  ru V Balikpapan  dan Lawe-Lawe  sampai dengan   Projects up to December 2022 of 93,458,582 hours. the Number of
          Desember 2022 sebesar 93.458.582 jam. Number of Accident (NoA)   accidents (Noa) up to December 2022 is 0 (zero) and the cumulative
          sampai  dengan  Desember  2022 sebesar 0 (nol) dan  Loss Time   Loss time injury rate (Ltir) up to December 2022 is 0 (zero).
          Injury Rate (LTIR) kumulatif sampai dengan Bulan Desember 2022
          sebesar 0 (nol).

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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