Page 227 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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            h.  implementasi Csms Full Cycle pada unit Project.   h.  implementation of Csms Full Cycle on Project units.
            i.   Pembekalan  dan  sertifikasi  kompetensi  aspek  Process   i.   Debriefing  and  certification  of  competency  aspects  of
               Safety.                                               Process safety.
            j.  Available & readiness of Integrated Fire Protection & Control   j.  available & readiness of integrated Fire Protection & Control
               System pada rancangan unit Project.                   system in the unit Project design.
            k.  Available & readiness of Environment pollution prevention   k.  available & readiness of Environment pollution prevention
               facility design pada unit Project.                    facility design in Project units.

          penguatan Kompetensi  pekerja pada                   worker Competence reinforcement in 2022
          tahun 2022

          Dalam  penguatan  kompetensi  personal atau  pekerja  dan mitra   in strengthening personal or workers and work partners competence
          kerja di Perusahaan dapat dilakukan pelatihan yang telah diusulkan   in the Company, training can be carried  out which has been
          melalui Program Individual Development Plan (IDP). Dalam program   proposed through the individual Development Plan (iDP) Program.
          tersebut dibagi menjadi 4 (empat) bagian, yaitu:     the program is divided into 3 (three) parts, namely:
            a.  Assignment & Coaching                             a.  assignment & Coaching
            b.  Mandatory Training                                b.  mandatory training
            c.  Technical & General Training                      c.  Technical & General Training
            d.  Technical Competency yang Disarankan              d.  suggested technical Competency
          Pengembangan  kompetensi  tersebut tertuang  di dalam  Program   the  competency  development  is contained  in the  individual
          Individual Development Plan  (IDP).  Pelatihan  dan  sertifikasi  yang   Development  Plan  (IDP)  Program.  The  training  and  certification
          dilaksanakan pada tahun 2022 dilakukan dengan 2 (dua) metode   that was held in 2022 carried out using 2 (two) methods, namely
          yakni hibrida dan dengan tatap muka. terdapat 11 (sebelas) jenis   hybrid and face-to-face. there are 11 (eleven) types of training and
          pelatihan dan jumlah pelaksanaan sebanyak 107 kali yang dilakukan   the total implementation is 107 times during 2022 as shown in the
          selama 2022 seperti pada tabel berikut ini:          following table:

          realisasi hSSE Excellence pada tahun 2022
          Realization of HSSE Excellence in 2022

            No.     Jenis Pelatihan                                                    Jumlah Pelaksanaan
                    Type of Training                                                        Quantity

            1       ahli k3 muda                                                              20
                    Basic OHS Expert
            2       ahli k3 madya                                                             6
                    Intermediate OHS Expert
            3       First aider                                                               15
                    First Aider
            4       incident investigator                                                     24
                    Incident Investigator
            5       scaffolding inspector                                                     11
                    Scaffolding Inspector
            6       Working at Height                                                         7
                    Working at Height
            7       Pelatihan Petugas Pengawas dan Penguji Pesawat angkat                     4
                    Lifting Equipment Supervision and Testing Officer Training
            8       auditor smk3                                                              6
                    SMK3 Auditor
            9       auditor Csms                                                              7
                    CSMS Auditor
            10      Lifting Plan                                                              4
                    Lifting Plan
            11      PiPms                                                                     3
                    Total Pelaksanaan / Total                                                 107

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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