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          adapun  strategi-strategi yang akan  dilakukan untuk mencapai   the strategies that will be carried out to achieve these targets are
          target tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:              as follows:
            l   Pada  pencapaian  target  trir  yaitu  dengan  mencegah   l   Attainment  of  the  TRIR  target  is  to  prevent  potential  fire
               terjadinya  potensi  bahaya  kebakaran, kerusakan aset,   hazards, asset damage,  environmental pollution  and
               pencemaran lingkungan dan keselamatan kesehatan kerja   occupational  Health  safety (k3) with Zero Number  of
               (k3) dengan Zero Number of Accident (Noa) dan Lost Time   accidents (Noa) and Loss time injury (Lti) which support
               Injury (Lti) yang menunjang tercapainya HSSE Excellence di   the achievement of HssE Excellence in the project unit area.
               area unit proyek. Pelaksanaan Safety Campaign juga perlu   the implementation of the safety Campaign also needs to
               dilakukan  dengan  melibatkan Fungsi Construction  dan   be carried out by involving the Construction and Contractor
               Contractor.                                           Functions.
            l   secara rutin Pt kPB berupaya untuk melakukan assessment   l   PT KPB routinely tries to carry out fit to work assessments
               fit  to  work  (DCu  dan  mCu) dengan  menindaklanjuti   (DCu and mCu) by following up on the recommendations
               rekomendasi  hasil  assessment  FtW.  Di  samping hal   from the FtW  assessment.  in  addition to  the above, the
               tersebut  diatas  Fungsi HssE  juga  telah melakukan   HssE Function  has also carried  out  occupational  Health
               management  kesehatan  kerja,  Health Risk Assessment,   management, Health risk assessment, industrial Hygiene,
               Industrial Hygiene, mErP, Promosi kesehatan secara rutin.  mErP, and Health Promotion on a regular basis.
            l   untuk pelaksanaan pelatihan  akan  disusun  matriks  atau   l   For the implementation of the training, a matrix or training
               kebutuhan pelatihan yang dikonsolidasikan bersama Fungsi   needs will be prepared which will be consolidated with the
               HC  (Human  Capital).  selanjutnya  kebutuhan  pelatihan   HC  (Human  Capital) Function.  Furthermore, the training
               tersebut akan dimasukkan ke dalam sistem iDP untuk tiap   needs will be entered into the iDP system for each employee
               personel pekerja dan mitra kerja.                     and work partner.
               Program strategic initiative, yaitu implementasi audit Csms   l   the strategic initiative program, namely the implementation
               telah dilakukan  secara periodik kepada masing-masing   of  Csms  audits  has  been  carried  out periodically  for
               kontraktor Pt kPB yang masih aktif baik di area Balikpapan   each of Pt kPB’s contractors who are still active in both
               dan Lawe-Lawe. selain itu, dilaksanakan Surveilance Audit   the Balikpapan and Lawe-Lawe  areas.  in addition,  a
               dengan  pihak Consultant Pt  kPB  (Pt  Worley  indonesia).   surveillance audit was carried out with the Consultant of Pt
               Program strategic initiative yang kedua adalah penerapan   kPB (Pt Worley indonesia). the second strategic initiative
               budaya HssE melalui Pertamina Safety Culture (PSC) dan   program is the implementation of the HssE culture through
               Incident Injury Free (pada main contractor).          Pertamina safety Culture (PsC) and incident injury Free (for
            l   Implementasi  ESG  (Environmental  Social Governance)   main contractor).
               adalah  suatu  standar  perusahaan  dalam  praktik  l   Implementation of ESG (Environmental Social Governance)
               investasinya  yang terdiri  dari  tiga  konsep atau  kriteria,   is a company standard in its investment  practices  which
               yakni  Environmental (Lingkungan),  Social (sosial) dan   consists of three concepts or criteria, namely Environmental,
               Governance (tata kelola Perusahaan). Dalam pengelolaan   Social, and Governance. In managing these three aspects,
               ketiga aspek tersebut, aspek Environmental menjadi acuan   the Environmental aspect becomes the company’s reference
               perusahaan bagaimana memperlakukan alam, di antaranya   for how to treat nature, including efforts to deal with climate
               upaya menghadapi perubahan iklim, mengurangi emisi GHG,   change,  reduce  GHG  emissions,  waste  and  pollution,  and
               limbah dan polusi,  serta manajemen  pengelolaan  energi.   energy  management.  the  social  aspect considers  the
               aspek  Social  mempertimbangkan  hubungan  perusahaan   company’s relationship with workers, suppliers, consumers,
               dengan pekerja, supplier, konsumen, dan masyarakat serta   and the  community  as well as the  implementation  of
               penerapan  manajemen  k3.  sementara  aspek  Governance   occupational  Health  safety (k3)  management.  While the
               mencerminkan  kepemimpinan,  audit dan pengendalian   Governance  Aspect  reflects  leadership,  audit  and  internal
               internal, hak pemegang saham, transparansi dan pelaporan,   control, shareholder  rights,  transparency  and reporting,
               struktur  organisasi,  penerapan  dan  implementasi  GCG,   organizational structure, implementation and application of
               serta kesetaraan gender.                              GCG, and gender equality.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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