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          Parameter pencapaian  HssE  Excellence  Pt  kPB  pada  tahun   Pt  kPB’s  HssE  Excellence  achievement parameters in  2022  are
          2022  tertuang pada  Key-Pi  pada aspek HssE yaitu dengan hasil   contained in the key-Pi on the HssE aspect, namely the achievement
          pencapaian dibandingkan target sebagai berikut:      results compared to the target as follows:

          realisasi hSSE Excellence pada tahun 2022
          Realization of HSSE Excellence in 2022

            No.   HSSE Excellence                        Target              Realisasi            Pencapaian
                 HSSE Excellence                         Target             Realization          Achievement

            1    total recordable incident rate        Allowable
                 (trir)                              Tolerance = 0,11         0,06              Realisasi ≥ Target
                                                                                               Realization ≥ Target
                 Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR
            2    Implementasi Audit CSMS Project          2x                   2x               Realisasi ≥ Target
                                                                                               Realization ≥ Target
                 Audit CSMS Project Implementation
            3    total recordable incident                                Minor, moderate,
                 security (tris)                          0             significant, catastropic   Realisasi ≥ Target
                                                                           case = NIHIL        Realization ≥ Target
                 Total Recordable Incident Security (TRIS)
            4    Implementasi Fit to Work Project       Min 90%               100%              Realisasi ≥ Target
                                                                                               Realization ≥ Target
                 Fit to Work Project Implementation
            5    Pengelolaan Risiko Proyek               100%                 100%              Realisasi ≥ Target
                                                                                               Realization ≥ Target
                 Project Risk Management
            6    Program Training Safety for Project    Min 90%               90%               Realisasi ≥ Target
                                                                                               Realization ≥ Target
                 Training Safety for Project Program

          Pada tahun 2022, aspek HssE & Process Safety yang dijalankan di   in 2022, the HssE & Process safety aspects implemented at Pt kPB
          Pt kPB di antaranya sebagai berikut:                 include the following:

          A.  Implementasi Aspek Health.                       A.  Health Aspect Implementation.
            Program  Health  disusun untuk menjamin kesehatan  seluruh      the  Health Program  is structured to ensure the  health  of all
            pekerja  yang bekerja  di  lingkungan  Pt  kPB  dan mendukung   employees working within Pt kPB and support the achievement
            pencapaian zero accident. Beberapa kegiatan yang dijalankan   of zero accidents. some of the activities carried out to achieve
            dalam mencapai target tersebut di antaranya:          this target include:
            a.  Pemenuhan 100% kepatuhan implementasi Fit to Work baik   a.  Fulfillment  of  100%  compliance  with  the  implementation
               bagi pekerja  Pertamina  dan tenaga kerja  kontraktor  yang   of Fit to Work for both Pertamina workers and contractor
               mencakup;  pemeriksaan  kesehatan  dasar, pemeriksaan   workers which  include:  basic health check-up,  additional
               kesehatan  tambahan dan pemeriksaan kesehatan  harian   health check-up and daily health check-up.
               (daily check-up).                                  b.  implementation of Health  risk  assessment  and its
            b.  Pelaksanaan Health Risk Assessment dan mitigasinya.  mitigation.
            c.  Pelaksanaan Health Risk Monitoring dan Report.    c.  implementation of Health risk monitoring and report.
            d.  kampanye kesehatan di area proyek.                d.  Health campaign in the project area.
          B.  Implementasi Aspek Safety                        B.  Implementation of Safety Aspects
            Program Safety bertujuan untuk mencapai target zero accident      the  safety Program aims  to achieve a zero-accident  target,
            yaitu Nihil NoA (Number of Accident) dan Nihil LTI (Loss Time   namely Zero Noa (Number  of  accidents)  and Zero Lti (Loss
            Incident)  dalam  menjalankan kegiatan operasional. Beberapa   time incident) in carrying out operational activities. some of the
            program utama yang harus dijalankan dalam mencapai target   main programs that must be carried out to achieve this target
            tersebut di antaranya:                                include:
            a.  implementasi  suPrEmE  (Sustainability  Pertamina  a.  massive  implementation  of  suPrEmE  (Pertamina
               Expectation for HSSE  Management Excellence)  secara   sustainability  Expectation  for  HssE  management
               masif.                                                Excellence).

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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