Page 221 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 221


          selain bantuan-bantuan  sebagaimana tersebut  di atas,  Pt  kPB   in addition to the assistance mentioned above, Pt kPB in 2022 also
          pada  tahun 2022  juga  melaksanakan  tJsL yang lebih berupa   carried out social and Environmental responsibility which is more
          stakeholder Engagement dengan total nilai sekitar rp787.500.000.   in the form of stakeholder Engagement with a total value of around
          Perinciannya sebagai berikut:                         rp787,500,000. the details are as follows:

                                                               Partisipasi Sponsorship - Turnamen Golf 2022 Barisan Muda
                                                               Penegak Amanat Nasional

                                                               Sponsorship  Participation -  Golf Tournament  2022  National  Man
                                                               Enforcement Youth Front

                                                               Kegiatan  Bantuan Hewan  Kurban Hari Raya Idul Adha 10
                                                               Dzulhijjah 1443 Hijriyah PT Kilang Pertamina Balik-papan

                                                               Sacrificial Animal Assistance Activities for Eid al-Adha 10 Dzulhijjah

                                                               1443 Hijriyah PT Pertamina Balikpapan Refinery

                                                               Sponsorship Kegiatan ALSI & Friends Golf Tournament 2022
                                                               - ALSI ITB

                                                               Sponsorship for ALSI & Friends Golf Tournament 2022 - ALSI ITB

                                                               Sponsorship  Paket  Bronze  -  FGC  31  Special  End  of  Year

                                                               Bronze Package Sponsorship - FGC 31 Special End of Year 2022

                                                               Stakeholders Engagement PT KPB dalam rangka menyambut
                                                               Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1443 Hijriyah

                                                               Stakeholders Engagement of PT KPB in order to welcome Idul Fitri
                                                               1443 Hijriyah

                                                               Sponsorship  Paket  Birdie  The Golf Antique  Tournament
                                                               2022 - Jakarta Golf Club

                                                               Sponsorship of Birdie The Golf Antique Tournament 2022 Package
                                                               - Jakarta Golf Club

         P T K ilan g P er tamina Balik p ap an                            L Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Reportt
                                                                                                     Annual Repor
         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
                                                                               an T
                                                                                         ahun Buk
                                                                                  ahunan T
   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225   226