Page 43 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 43

Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

               Mengelola         Tantangan         dalam        Managing the Challenges of Creating a
               Mewujudkan Kilang Berkelas Dunia                 World Class Refinery

               Secara kontraktual, RDMP RU V Balikpapan         Contractually, the RDMP RU V Balikpapan was
               ditandatangani pada tahun 2018 dan ditargetkan   signed in 2018 and is targeted to be completed
               selesai dan mulai beroperasi pada Juli 2023.     and start operating in July 2023.

               Namun dalam perjalanannya, pelaksanaan RDMP      However, along the way, the implementation of
               RU V Balikpapan menghadapi kejadian yang luar    the RU V Balikpapan RDMP faced an extraordinary
               biasa yang berdampak secara signifikan terhadap   event that significantly impacted the progress of
               progresivitas RDMP RU V Balikpapan, yaitu Pandemi   the RU V Balikpapan RDMP, namely the COVID-19
               COVID-19 di awal tahun 2020.                     Pandemic in early 2020.

               Sebagaimana kita ketahui, Pandemi COVID-19       As we know, the COVID pandemic has devastated
               telah meluluhlantakkan berbagai aspek            many aspects of human life, especially the health
               kehidupan manusia, terutama aspek kesehatan      and economic aspects. In order to stop the spread
               dan perekonomian. Demi memutus penyebaran        of the virus, people’s activities in many parts of the
               virus tersebut, kegiatan masyarakat di berbagai   world were restricted. At KPB itself, a few workers
               belahan dunia dibatasi. Di KPB sendiri, Tidak    were exposed to COVID-19 and this affected project
               sedikit pekerja yang terpapar COVID-19 dan       productivity. Apart from this, raw material supplies
               mengakibatkan produktivitas proyek terpengaruh.   for the construction of the refineries produced
               Selain itu, terdapat bahan baku pembangunan      in other countries were affected, especially in
               kilang diproduksi di negara lain, di mana negara   countries going through the same experience,
               tersebut pun mengalami hal yang sama, sehingga   where the manufacturing of these raw materials
               progres manufakturing bahan baku tersebut pun    was also hampered. In response to this, we revised
               terkendala. Menghadapi hal ini, kami merevisi    the project completion target from originally in July
               target penyelesaian proyek yang awalnya pada     2023, to the end of 2024.
               Juli 2023, direvisi menjadi akhir tahun 2024.

               Untuk penanganan COVID-19 di area proyek, Kami   For handling COVID-19 in the project area, as part
               sebagai bagian dari Pertamina Group, mengacu     of the Pertamina Group, we referred to Pertamina’s
               pada kebijakan Pertamina. Sementara itu, Kami    policies. Meanwhile, we also designed a system that
               juga merancang sistem yang memfilter pekerja-    filtered exposed workers including their families,
               pekerja termasuk keluarga yang terpapar. Secara   and carried out periodic inspections or tests. For
               periodik Kami melakukan pemeriksaan atau tes.    those exposed, we provided a safehouse as well
               Bagi yang terpapar, kami menyediakan safehouse   as hotel rooms for quarantine. All monitoring was
               atau kamar hotel untuk karantina. Semua kami     carried out properly. We also reviewed the time
               monitor dengan baik. Kami juga meninjau time     schedules for priority work.
               schedule pekerjaan yang menjadi prioritas.

               Sementara itu, terkait dengan bahan baku dari    Meanwhile, regarding raw materials from
               luar negeri, Kami secara intens berkomunikasi    overseas, we intensively communicated with our
               dengan mitra dan meyakinkan mereka bahwa         partners there, and assured them that we also
               Kami pun memiliki protokol COVID-19 yang         have very adequate COVID-19 protocols. We also
               sangat memadai. Karena itu, Kami mendorong       encouraged them to do overtime so that the
               mereka untuk melakukan overtime agar target      target for completion of the raw materials for the
               penyelesaian bahan baku pembangunan kilang       construction of the refinery did not shift too much
               tersebut tidak terlalu banyak bergeser dari jadwal   from the schedule already set.
               yang telah ditetapkan.

               PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                 Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021  39
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