Page 197 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 197

Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

                                     Mechanism of Procurement of Goods and Services

               Merujuk pada  Pedoman Pengadaaan Barang dan      KPB runs the business process of procuring goods
               Jasa No. A5-001/I00100/2019-S9 Revisi ke-0, KPB   and services starting from purchase requests to
               menjalankan proses bisnis pengadaan barang       receipt or use as needed. In order to carry out
               dan jasa mulai dari permintaan pembelian hingga   this process, the Company has the following
               penerimaan atau pemakaian sesuai kebutuhan.      procurement process mechanism:
               Guna menjalankan proses tersebut, Perusahaan
               memiliki mekanisme proses pengadaan sebagai
               1.   PR (Purchase Requisition) – Rencana         1.   PR (Purchase Requisition) – Purchase plan
                   Pembelian dari fungsi pengguna (user)            from user function (user)
               2.  RFQ (Request For Quotation) – Permintaan     2.  RFQ (Request For Quotation) – Request for
                   Penawaran, proses bidding dan penetapan          Quote, bidding process and determination of
                   pemenang                                         winner
               3.  PO/Contract – Perikatan dua pihak dengan     3.  PO/Contract – Two-party engagement with
                   vendor, PO (material), Kontrak (Service/Jasa)    vendor, PO (material), Contract (Service)
               4.  SA (Service Acceptance)/GR (Goods Received)   4.  SA (Service Acceptance)/GR (Goods Received)
                   – Persetujuan telah supply, SA untuk jasa, GR    – Approval has been supplied, SA for services,
                   untuk barang                                     GR for goods
               5.  Settlement – Penyelesaian pembayaran         5.  Settlement – Settlement of vendor invoice
                   invoice vendor                                   payments
               6.  Closed – Penutupan proses pengadaan di       6.  Closed – Closing of the procurement process
                   sistem                                           in the system

                   PURCHA SE                             PURCHASE             SERVICE
                  REQUISITION           RFG             ORDER(PO)/          ACCEPTANCE/           INVOICE
                     (PR)                                CONTRACT          GOODS RECEIVED

               Selain itu, dalam mendukung pelaksanaan Sistem   In addition, to support the Internal Control System,
               Pengendalian Internal, KPB juga memiliki Project   KPB also has a Project System called MySAP PS
               System yang menjadi solusi bisnis MySAP PS untuk   business solutions, to meet the needs of the
               memenuhi kebutuhan proses bisnis Perusahaan.     Company’s business processes. In the area of
               Dalam bidang  Financial and Controlling, KPB     Financial  and  Controlling,  KPB  uses  financial
               menggunakan konfigurasi dan master data          accounting configuration and master data
               financial accounting yang meliputi master data   including General Ledger (GL) master data,
               General Ledger (GL), Vendor/Account Payable      Vendor/Account Payable (AP), Customer/Account
               (AP), Customer/Account Receivable (AR), Asset    Receivable (AR), Asset Accounting (AM), and Bank
               Accounting (AM), dan Bank Accounting.            Accounting.

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