Page 192 - 2021 Annual Report
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Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

                                JENIS RISIKO                               MITIGASI RISIKO
                                TYPE OF RISK                               RISK MITIGATION
               9  Belum adanya basis tabel unit rates di dalam  Menyiapkan tabel harga  unit rate scope tambahan yang
                  kontrak untuk  scope tambahan (change  selanjutnya digunakan sebagai basis harga dan evaluasi
                  orders).                                Perubahan.
                  There is no basic unit rates table in the contract  Prepare an additional unit rate scope price table to be used
                  for additional scope (change orders).   as the basis for pricing and evaluation of Changes.
               10  Keterlambatan Pencairan Penyertaan Modal  • Mendaftarkan KPB dalam program Notional Pooling.

                  Pertamina ke KPI untuk KPB.               • Monitoring  persetujuan  pemegang  saham  atas
                  Delay  in  Disbursement  of  Pertamina’s  Equity   persetujuan penyertaan modal dari Pertamina ke KPI
                  Participation to KPI for KPB.             untuk KPB.
                                                            • Register KPB in the Notional Pooling program.
                                                            • Monitor shareholder  approval for capital participation
                                                            from Pertamina to KPI for KPB.
               11  Penambahan    biaya  proyek   sehingga     • Pengajuan usulan re-FID dengan Strategi meningkatkan
                  menyebabkan penambahan CAPEX di atas 10%.  keekonomian  Proyek  (diversifikasi  pemilihan  crude,
                  Increase  in project  costs  causes CAPEX  to  go   Skenario Outsourcing menurunkan CAPEX).
                  above 10%.                                  • Menyesuaikan manpower Tim kontrak sesuai kapasitas
                                                             proyek yang dikelola untuk percepatan evaluasi klaim;
                                                             dan Pengelolaan  Change Order sesuai dengan TKO
                                                             yang baru.
                                                              • Submit re-FID proposal with a Strategy to improve the
                                                             Project’s  economy  (diversification  of  crude  selection,
                                                             Outsourcing Scenario to reduce CAPEX).
                                                              • Adjust the contract team manpower according to the
                                                             project capacity being managed to accelerate the
                                                             evaluation of claims; and manage Change Orders in
                                                             accordance with the new TKO.
               12  Project Delay akibat Pandemi COVID-19.    • Menyusun dan menerapkan  Business  Continuity  Plan
                  (sosial &  lingkungan)                    (BCP) dan Protokol COVID-19 untuk seluruh kegiatan
                  Project Delay due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.   Proyek.
                  (social & environmental)                  • Menjalankan Rapid Test berkala, Pool PCR Test, Contact
                                                            Tracing and quarantine untuk seluruh pekerja KPB dan
                                                            • Percepatan Vaksinasi untuk seluruh pekerja dan
                                                            • Monitoring status procurement Main Equipment dan LLI
                                                            Proyek EPC ISBL-OSBL dan EPC Lawe-Lawe.
                                                            • Develop and implement a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
                                                            and COVID Protocols for all Project activities.
                                                            • Conduct periodic Rapid Tests, Pool PCR Tests, Contact
                                                            Tracing  and  quarantine  for  all  KPB  workers  and
                                                            • Accelerate Vaccinations for all workers and contractors.
                                                            • Monitor the procurement status of Main Equipment and
                                                            LLI for the EPC ISBL OSBL and EPC Lawe Lawe Projects.

               13  Potensi  Oil Spill dan  Collision pada kegiatan  • Pre-Engineering Survey kondisi bawah laut.
                  Pipe Line Installation Offshore Pipeline sebagai  • Penentuan Anchor Pattern yang disetujui MWS dan KSOP.

                  berikut:                                  • Pengurusan Ijin gerak kapal ke Syahbandar.
                     • Transferline Pipe 20” Penajam - Balikpapan    • Inspeksi Marine Spread dan Pipe Lay Barge.
                     • Transferline Pipe 52” SPM - Tanjung Jumlai    • Melakukan Emergency Drill.
                  Potential Oil Spills and Collisions in the Pipe Line  • Pre-Engineer Survey of underwater conditions.

                  Installation Offshore Pipeline activities including:  • Determine Anchor Pattern approved by MWS and KSOP.

                     • Transferline Pipe 20” Sharpening - Balikpapan     • Manage ship movement permits to Syahbandar.
                                                            • Inspect marine Spread and Pipe Lay Barge.
                     • Transferline Pipe 52” SPM - Tanjung Jumlai
                                                            • Conduct Emergency Drills.

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