Page 87 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 87


          aoN indonesia (Jasa konsultasi insurance)            aoN indonesia (Jasa konsultasi insurance)
          menara sudirman                                      menara sudirman
          Jl. Jend sudirman kav. 60,                           Jl. Jend sudirman kav. 60,
          senayan kebayoran Baru, rt.5/rW.3                    senayan kebayoran Baru, rt.5/rW.3
          Jakarta 12190                                        Jakarta 12190
          Website:                        Website:

          Legal Counsel                                        Legal Counsel

          allen & overy LLP (Lender Legal service)             allen & overy LLP (Lender Legal service)
          One Bishops Square, London, England E1 6AD           One Bishops Square, London, England E1 6AD
          united kingdom (uk)                                  united kingdom (uk)
          Website:                                             Website:

          Konsultan hukum (Law office)                         Law Consultant (Law office)

          Latham & Watkins LLP (Lender Legal service)          Latham & Watkins LLP (Lender Legal service)
          9 raffles Place                                      9 raffles Place
          #42-02 republic Plaza                                #42-02 republic Plaza
          singapore, 048619                                    singapore, 048619
          tel +65.6536.1161                                    tel +65.6536.1161
          Website:                         Website:

          notaris                                              notary
          marianne Vincentia Hamdani, s.H., Notaris & PPat     marianne Vincentia Hamdani, s.H., Notaris & PPat
          Jl. Boulevard raya Blok k4 No. 3                     Jl. Boulevard raya Blok k4 No. 3
          Kelapa Gading Permai                                 Kelapa Gading Permai
          Jakarta utara 14240                                  North Jakarta 14240
          tel. +62 21 452 3463                                 tel. +62 21 452 3463
          Fax. +62 21 4585 4285                                Fax. +62 21 4585 4285


          CoMpany wEBSItE InforMatIon

          informasi perusahaan dapat diakses melalui situs  www.kpi.  Company information  can be accessed via  website www.kpb.

,  sebagai  website  resmi induk perusahaan  dari Pt which is the official website of PT Kilang Pertamina
          kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (Pt kPB).                Balikpapan (Pt kPB).


          BAgI MANAJEMEN
          EduCatIon and traInInG proGraM

          for ManaGEMEnt

          Pengembangan kompetensi bagi manajemen yang terdiri dari Dewan   Competency development for management consisting of the Board
          komisaris,  Dewan  Direksi,  komite-komite, sekretaris  Perusahaan   of Commissioners,  Board of Directors,  Committees,  Corporate
          dan unit internal audit dilakukan melalui penyelenggaraan program   secretary,  and  internal audit unit  is  carried out through the
          pendidikan dan pelatihan eksternal maupun internal dengan tetap   implementation  of external and internal education  and training
          memperhatikan  kebutuhan  organisasi. Pelaksanaan pelatihan   programs while taking into account the needs of the organization.
          bagi manajemen menjadi tanggung jawab Fungsi Human Capital &   implementation of training for management to be responsibility of
          Corporate services.                                  the Human Capital & Corporate services Function.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92