Page 81 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
P. 81


           pelatihan pekerja tahun 2022
           Employee Training 2022

                                                                                           Jumlah Peserta
            Bagian                                                                      Number of participants
            Division                                                                          (orang)

            Direct Hire Pt kPB                                                                 116
            Construction Balikpapan                                                            11
            Construction Lawe-Lawe                                                             14
            Engineering                                                                         9
            Finance                                                                             1
            HssE                                                                               12

            internal audit                                                                      1
            PC & Qa                                                                            36
            system Completion                                                                  125
            Total                                                                              325

          strategi pengembangan karier yang baik akan terlihat pada kinerja   a good career development strategy will be seen in the performance of
          Pekerja di unit kerja  maupun  individu. Pengelolaan  kinerja di Pt   employees in work units and individuals. Performance management
          kPB dilakukan dengan menyeimbangkan antara kinerja Fungsi dan   at  Pt  kPB  is  carried out by  balancing function  performance  and
          kinerja individu untuk mencapai high performance culture. kinerja   individual performance  to  achieve  a  high performance  culture.
          individu dibandingkan dengan kinerja kelompok dan diformulasikan   individual performance is compared with group performance and
          menjadi sebuah rating kinerja yang disepakati oleh panel penilai.   formulated into a  performance  rating agreed upon by  the review
          kinerja Fungsi diturunkan menjadi kinerja individu yang bertujuan   panel. Function performance is reduced to individual performance
          tercapainya kinerja Fungsi dan secara hierarki naik ke atas hingga   which aims  to  achieve Function  performance  and hierarchically
          pimpinan tertinggi.                                  rises to the highest leadership.
          Pada tahun 2022, Pt kPB telah melakukan berbagai pelatihan baik   in 2022, Pt  kPB has conducted various mandatory or
          yang bersifat  wajib  (mandatory) atau  supporting project  untuk   supporting project trainings for all functions or parts of the
          semua fungsi atau bagian Perusahaan. Jumlah keseluruhan Pekerja   Company.  the  total  number  of  employees  who  attended  the
          yang mengikuti pelatihan sebanyak 325 orang dengan total biaya   training was 325 people with a total cost of iDr 7.908 billion.
          sebesar rp7,908 miliar. Pelatihan juga dilakukan untuk para pekerja   training is also being conducted for new recruits in the form
          rekrutan baru berupa Pre-Employment Training (PET) Batch II yang   of Batch ii Pre-Employment training (PEt) which was held in
          dilaksanakan pada april-Juni 2021.                   april-June 2021.

          hubungan Industrial                                  Industrial relations

          Pt  kPB  menjalankan dan patuh terhadap  semua aturan dan   Pt kPB carries out and complies with all rules and regulations in
          ketentuan  di  sektor minyak  dan gas  (migas),  serta  Perusahaan   the oil and gas sector, and the Company provides workers’ rights
          memberikan hak-hak  Pekerja  sesuai ketentuan  (normatif  dan   according to the provisions (normative and formal) and balances
          formil) dan menyeimbangkan antara hak dan kewajiban pekerja dan   between  the rights and obligations of workers and companies,
          Perusahaan,  yang berpedoman  pada aturan dan ketentuan  yang   guided by applicable rules and regulations.
          Hubungan  industrial antara  Pt  kPB  dan pekerja dibangun  atas   industrial relations between Pt kPB and workers are built on the
          dasar  saling percaya  dan menghargai  yang berpedoman  pada   basis of mutual trust and respect which is guided by Law No. 13
          uu  No. 13  tahun  2003 tentang  ketenagakerjaan. Perusahaan   of 2003  concerning  manpower.  the company  provides workers’
          memberikan hak-hak  pekerja  sesuai ketentuan  (normatif  dan   rights in accordance with the provisions (normative and formal) and
          formil)  dan menyeimbangkan  antara hak dan kewajiban pekerja   balances  the rights and obligations  of workers and the company
          dan Perusahaan yang berpedoman pada aturan dan ketentuan   based on the applicable rules and regulations. the company realizes
          yang berlaku. Perusahaan  menyadari pentingnya peran  pekerja   the important  role of workers in building  harmonious  industrial
          dalam membangun hubungan industrial yang harmonis sehingga   relations so that the involvement  of workers in the company’s
          keterlibatan  pekerja dalam proses bisnis perusahaan  terus   business processes continues to be improved.

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86