Page 40 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          Direksi  meyakini  kinerja  Pt  kPB  tahun 2023  secara operasional   the Board of Directors believes that  operationally  Pt  kPB’s
          diperkirakan akan  mengalami peningkatan jika  dibandingkan   performance  in 2023 is expected  to increase compared  to 2022.
          dengan  tahun 2022.  Faktor-faktor  yang mendukung  terhadap   Factors that support this achievement include carrying out the work
          pencapaian tersebut antara lain pelaksanaan pekerjaan EPC osBL-  of the EPC OSBL-ISBL, EPC Lawe-Lawe and closing project financing
          isBL,  EPC  Lawe-Lawe  dan  closing  project  financing pada tahun   in  2023  as  well  as  the recruitment  and training of candidates of
          2023 serta rekrutmen dan training calon pekerja Pt kPB. untuk itu,   PT KPB workers. For this reason, the Board of Directors requests
          Direksi memohon pengawasan dan arahan dari Dewan komisaris   supervision and direction  from the Board of Commissioners  to
          untuk melaksanakan  strategi jangka  pandek dan jangka  panjang   carry out the short-term and long-term strategies that have been
          yang telah disusun.                                  prepared.

          peningkatan Jumlah dan Kualitas SdM                  Increasing the number and Quality of human

          Bagi Pt kPB, aspek sumber daya manusia (sDm) merupakan salah   For Pt kPB, Human resources (Hr) is one of the most important
          satu mata rantai yang paling penting dari rantai bisnis Perusahaan.   links in the Company’s business chain. therefore, we continuously
          karena itu, kami terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan   strive to increase the capacity and quality of human resources by
          kualitas sDm dengan menyelenggarakan program pendidikan dan   organizing education and training programs in accordance with the
          pelatihan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan rencana perusahaan.  needs and plans of the company.
          selain itu, Perusahaan membangun budaya perusahaan berkinerja   in addition, the Company builds a high-performance corporate culture
          tinggi yang didasari oleh  perilaku kerja efektif berdasarkan  tata   based on effective work behavior based on the akHLak Values (trust,
          Nilai  akHLak (amanah,  kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal,  adaptif dan   Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, adaptive, and Collaborative) from the
          kolaboratif) dari kementerian BumN yang sejak 1 Juli 2020 telah   ministry of soE which since July 1 2020 has been adopted and fully
          diadopsi dan diterapkan seutuhnya serta menjadi kerangka acuan   implemented and has become a general frame of reference for all Pt
          umum bagi seluruh Perwira Pt kPB. tata nilai akHLak telah menjadi   KPB Officers. The AKHLAK values have become a guideline for PT
          pegangan bagi Perwira PT KPB di setiap sendi aktifitasnya dalam   KPB Officers in every aspect of their activities in providing energy and
          menyediakan energi dan mendukung  terciptanya  kemandirian   supporting the creation of national energy independence.
          energi nasional.
          Fungsi Human Capital  &  Corporate  services telah menjalankan   the Human  Capital  &  Corporate  services function  has  carried
          pengelolaan  dan pengembangan  sistem  sDm yang meliputi   out the management  and development  of the Hr  system  which
          beberapa aspek namun tidak terbatas pada: Perencanaan, desain   includes  several aspects  but is  not limited to: Planning,  design
          dan kajian  organisasi; Pengisian  formasi organisasi melalui   and organizational review; Completion of organizational formation
          rekrutmen dan pergerakan pekerja; Penilaian, pengembangan dan   through  recruitment and movement of workers;  appraisal,
          pembinaan pekerja; Pelaksanaan sistem remunerasi; dan Layanan   development  and training of workers;  implementation  of the
          lainnya terkait human capital.                       remuneration system; and other services related to human capital.

          Pada  tahun 2022, Pt  kPB  telah mempersiapkan  strategi   in  2022,  Pt  kPB  has  prepared  an  Hr  management  strategy
          pengelolaan  sDm sebagaimana berikut:  (1)  melakukan  revisi   as  follows:  (1)  revise  the  organizational  structure  along  with
          struktur organisasi beserta  kesetaraan Pertamina  reference   Pertamina Reference Level (PRL) equivalence to accommodate the
          Level (PrL) untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan Perusahaan seiring   Company’s needs as the activities of the Balikpapan and Lawe-
          peningkatan  aktivitas  proyek  rDmP  ru V Balikpapan dan Lawe-  Lawe rDmP ru V projects increase based on the Pt kPB Decree
          Lawe  berdasarkan  surat  keputusan Pt  kPB  nomor  kpts-006/  number  kpts-006/kPB0000/2022-s0  dated  1  June  2022;  (2)
          kPB0000/2022-s0  tanggal 1  Juni 2022; (2)  mempersiapkan   Preparing the infrastructure of a good organizational governance
          infrastruktur dari sistem tata kelola organisasi yang baik sebagai   system  as  the  basis  for  implementing  effectiveness  &  efficient
          dasar  pelaksanaan  proses  bisnis  yang  efektif  &  efisien;  dan  (3)   business  processes; and (3)  Prepare a  roadmap and planning
          mempersiapkan  peta jalan  (roadmap) dan strategi perencanaan   strategy  for  manpower  fulfillment,  including  periodic  manpower
          pemenuhan  tenaga kerja, mencakup  pemenuhan  tenaga  kerja   fulfillment  based  on  the  start-up  phase  which  is  pulled  back  to
          secara periodik  berdasarkan fase  start up yang ditarik mundur   when workers start on board.
          hingga ke saat pekerja mulai on board.

          secara strategi, pemenuhan kebutuhan Pekerja dilakukan kombinasi   strategically, the fulfillment of employee needs is carried out by
          antara tenaga kerja berpengalaman yang dimutasikan dari Refinery   a combination of experienced workers who are transferred from
          Unit (RU) lain dengan tenaga kerja baru yang direkrut dan diberikan   other  refinery  units (ru) and new workers who are recruited
          pelatihan yang memadai untuk mengoperasikan  kilang pada   and given adequate training to operate refineries at startup. The
          saat  start  up.  Perusahaan telah merekrut operator  (direct hire)   company has recruited 116 operators (direct hire) in 2022 to
          sejumlah  116 orang  pada tahun  2022 untuk persiapan  kegiatan   prepare for commissioning and start-up activities. until the end
          commissioning dan start-up. Hingga akhir Desember 2022, jumlah   of December 2022, there were 257 indeterminate time Workers
          pekerja berstatus PWtt (Pekerja Waktu tidak tertentu) sebanyak   (PWtt)  and  48  specific  time  Workers  (PWt).  the  workforce
          257 orang dan PWt (Pekerja Waktu tertentu) sebanyak 48 orang.   requirement  for  PT  KPB’s  operations  when  operating  at  full
          kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk operasional Pt kPB saat beroperasi   capacity is 559 people.
          dengan kapasitas penuh adalah sejumlah 559 orang
          Dalam hal pengembangan karier, pada tahun 2022, Pt kPB telah   in terms of career development, in 2022, Pt kPB has carried out
          melakukan berbagai pelatihan baik yang bersifat wajib (mandatory)   various mandatory training or supporting projects for all functions
          atau  supporting project untuk  semua fungsi  atau bagian   or parts  of the Company.  the total  number  of employees who
          Perusahaan. Jumlah keseluruhan Pekerja yang mengikuti pelatihan   attended the training was 325 people with a total cost of iDr 7.908
          sebanyak  325 orang  dengan  total biaya sebesar  rp7,908  miliar.   billion. training is also being conducted for new recruits in the form
          Pelatihan juga dilakukan untuk pekerja rekrutan baru berupa Pre-  of Pre-Employment training (PEt) Batch ii which was held in april-
          Employment Training (PET) Batch ii yang dilaksanakan pada april-  June 2021.
          Juni 2021.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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