Page 38 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          quality control material dan peralatan proyek, melakukan relokasi   fabrication/manufacturing to maintain the equipment and material
          fabrikasi/manufaktur untuk menjaga jadwal pengadaan peralatan   procurement schedule according to the target, and coordinate with
          dan material sesuai target,  dan melakukan koordinasi dengan   the EPC Contractor to increase the construction workforce through
          kontraktor EPC untuk penambahan tenaga kerja konstruksi melakui   the formation of a task force team.
          pembentukan tim task force.

          Di tengah  berbagai  tantangan internal  dan eksternal,  pada tahun   in  the midst of various internal and external challenges,  in 2022
          2022 Perusahaan berhasil mencapai 8 (delapan) kemajuan dalam   the Company managed to achieve 8 (eight) progress in operational
          kegiatan operasional. Pertama,  melanjutkan  pengelolaan  dan   activities.  First,  continuing  the management  and supervision of
          pengawasan pekerjaan lingkup Pt kPB yaitu EPC isBL-osBL New   Pt  kPB’s scope  of work, namely the  EPC  isBL-osBL  New  unit,
          Unit, Additional Unit sru & Hmu; serta pekerjaan lingkup Pt kPi yaitu   additional  unit  sru  &  Hmu;  as  well  as  Pt  kPi’s  scope  of work,
          EPC isBL-osBL Revamp Unit dan Additional Unit HCu, Early Works   namely the EPC  isBL-osBL  revamp  unit  and  additional  HCu
          dan  EPC  Lawe-Lawe.  Realisasi  progres  fisik  secara  keseluruhan   units, Early Works and EPC Lawe-Lawe.  the  realization of the
          Proyek  rDmP  ru V Balikpapan sampai dengan  Desember  2022   overall physical progress of the Balikpapan rDmP until December
          sebesar 58,41% atau lebih tinggi dari target kinerja pada tahun 2022   2022  was  58.41%  or higher  than the 2022  Company’s  Work  Plan
          sebesar 57,92%. kedua, melaksanakan beberapa milestone proyek   and Budget target of 57.92%. second, carrying out several project
          yaitu instalasi rFCC Disengager/Stripper & Regenerator dan Main   milestones,  namely the installation of  rFCC Disengager/stripper
          Fractionator rFCC, serta delivery to site beberapa material utama   & regenerator and rFCC main Fractionator, as well as delivery to
          antara lain Reactor C-084-02, unit NHt ii, Hot Bend for 20” Pipeline   site of several main materials including reactor C-084-02, NHt ii
          EPC Lawe-Lawe dan rFCC Energy Recovery Package.      unit, Hot Bend for 20“ Lawe-Lawe EPC Pipeline and rFCC Energy
                                                               recovery Package.
          Pencapaian  selanjutnya  adalah  memulai  pelaksanaan  aktifitas   the next achievement was  starting the implementation  of  Black
          Black  Start-Up  (Bsu)  antara  lain  penyiapan  sistem  tata  kerja,   start-up  (Bsu)  activities,  including the preparation of  Work
          Fasilitas  Emergency Diesel  Generator  (EDG)  System, Emergency   Procedures,  Emergency  Diesel  Generator  (EDG)  System  Facilities,
          IA  dan  Gas Turbine  Generator  (GTG).  Keempat,  pelaksanaan   Emergency  IA  and  Gas  Turbine  Generator  (GTG).  Fourth,  the
         pengadaan katalis HCu serta penambahan peralatan laboratorium   procurement  of Hmu  catalysts and the  addition  of laboratory
         dan reagen kimia untuk mendukung start production unit di tahun   equipment and chemical reagents to support the start of production
         2024.  kelima, melakukan evaluasi  schedule  re-forecast S-Curve   units in  2024.  Fifth,  evaluating the  project’s  s-Curve re-forecast
         proyek antara lain EPC isBL-osBL yaitu rFs.002, dan EPC Lawe-  schedule, including the isBL-osBL EPC, namely rFs.002, and the
         Lawe yaitu rFs. 008.                                  Lawe-Lawe EPC, namely rFs.008.
         kegiatan lainnya  yang penting  adalah monitoring  proses   another  important activity  is monitoring  the approval  process  of
         persetujuan  Direktur  utama  Pt  Pertamina  (Persero)/Pertamina   the President Director of Pertamina (Persero)/Pertamina for the re-
         untuk  Re-FID  Proyek  rDmP  ru  V  Balikpapan  dan  Lawe-Lawe   FiD of the rDmP ru V Balikpapan and Lawe-Lawe Projects with a
         dengan  nilai  project cost  usD7,247 miliar  dan dilakukan  un-  project cost value of usD7.247 billion and carried out un-scoped
         scope  Phase-2.  selanjutnya,  mengurus  beberapa  perizinan yaitu   Phase-2.  Furthermore,  taking care of several permits,  namely
         pembukaan rekening  baru perusahaan,  pembebasan  bea masuk   opening  a  new company account,  exemption  from import  duties
         impor serta  pembebasan  pemungutan PPh  Pasal  22  impor;  dan   and exemption from the collection of income tax (PPh) article 22 on
         terakhir melakukan percepatan  aktivitas  project  financing  antara   import; and finally accelerating project financing activities including
         lain proses due diligence, penyelesaian financial model, menyiapkan   due  diligence  processes,  completing  financial  models,  preparing
         key project agreement (Tolling Fee, O&M dan Land Lease), dan key   key project  agreements  (tolling  Fees,  o&m  and Land Leases),
         financial agreement (Loan Agreement, Project Sponsor Agreement,   and key financial agreements (Loan Agreements, Project Sponsor
         Trustee Agreement, dan Mandate Letter).               agreements, trustee agreements, and mandate Letters).

         Pencapaian  yang  paling membanggakan  Direksi  dan jajaran   the achievement  that  the Board of  Directors  and the Company’s
         Perusahaan pada tahun 2022 adalah aspek Health, Safety, Security   ranks  are most proud  of in 2022  is  the aspect of Health,  safety,
         and Environment (HSSE).  kami  selalu  bertekad  bahwa  aspek   security and Environment (HssE). We are always determined that
          keamanan dan keselamatan selalu menjadi prioritas utama. aspek   the aspect of security and safety is always a top priority. the HssE
          HssE  dijaga  dengan baik  seperti  tercermin dalam  pencapaian   aspect is well maintained as reflected in the achievement of a total
          total jumlah jam  kerja aman Proyek  rDmP  ru V Balikpapan  dan   number of safe working hours for the rDmP ru V Balikpapan and
          Lawe-Lawe  sampai  dengan  Desember  2022  dilaporkan sebesar   Lawe-Lawe Projects up to December 2022 which was reported to be
          93.458.582 jam. sementara Number of Accident (NoA) sebesar 0   93,458,582 hours. While the Number of accidents (Noa) is 0 (zero)
          (nol) dan Loss Time Injury Rate (LTIR) kumulatif juga sebesar 0 (nol).  and the cumulative Loss time injury rate (Ltir) is also 0 (zero).

          Direksi  memandang bahwa  penanganan  aspek  HSSE  Excellence   the Board of Directors views that handling aspects of HssE Excellence
          sangat penting untuk dijadikan prioritas kerja HssE sudah menjadi   is very important to make HssE work a priority and has become a
          standard konsumsi bisnis internasional. komitmen HSSE Excellence   standard for international business consumption. the commitment
          menjadi pilar  dan target utama  saat  ini  dalam  proses bisnis   to HssE Excellence is currently the main pillar and target in industrial
          industri  di dunia. Dengan  penerapan  Program Pertamina Safety   business  processes  in  the  world.  With  the  implementation  of  the
          Culture di lingkungan  Proyek  rDmP  ru V Balikpapan, kepatuhan   Pertamina safety Culture Program within the rDmP ru V Balikpapan
          terhadap program lingkungan, pelaksanaan program occupational   Project, compliance with the environmental program, implementation
          health serta  pelaksanaan sistem manajemen  pengamanan  akan   of the occupational health program, and implementation of a safety
          menunjang operasional HssE yang berkualitas.         management system will support quality HSSE operations.

          Direksi  sangat meyakini  bahwa penerapan  HSSE  Excellence   The  Board  of  Directors  firmly  believes  that  the  implementation
          yang  baik akan berdampak terhadap reputasi  perusahaan  serta   of good  HssE Excellence  will  have an impact on the company’s
          mendukung  kesuksesan  pencapaian  bisnis perusahaan.  selain   reputation  and support  the success  of the company’s  business
          itu, dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan  lender/equity  partner   achievements.  in  addition,  it  can increase the trust  of lenders/
          serta mempengaruhi  tingkat  return  equity  partner.  sebaliknya,   equity partners and affect the level of return on partner equity. On
          dalam pandangan  kami  penerapan  HSSE  Excellence yang belum   the other hand, in our view the incomplete implementation of HssE
          menyeluruh berpotensi menimbulkan kerugian dan tuntutan hukum   Excellence has the potential to cause losses and lawsuits against
          kepada Perusahan. Direksi berusaha agar potensi yang merugikan   the Company. the Board of Directors tries to prevent potential harm
          Perusahaan ini tidak terjadi di kemudian hari.       to the Company from happening in the future.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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