Page 128 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          pemantauan penerapan tata Kelola                     Monitoring the Implementation of Governance

          PT  KPB  melakukan  monitoring  penerapan  GCG  menggunakan   PT  KPB  monitors  the  implementation  of  GCG  using  the  system
          sistem yang telah disediakan oleh  Pertamina  antara  lain melalui   provided  by  Pertamina,  including  through  the  GCG  soft  structure,
          soft structure GCG  yakni pemenuhan  Code  of Conduct  (CoC),   namely compliance  with the Code  of Conduct  (CoC), Code  of
          Conflict of Interest (CoI), Sosialisasi GCG, pelaporan gratifikasi bagi   Corporate  Governance  (CoCG),  GCG  socialization,  reporting
          seluruh  pekerja dan mengisi Laporan Harta  kekayaan  Pengelola   gratuities for all employees and filling out the State Officials’ Wealth
          Negara (LHkPN).                                      reports (LHkPN).


          StruCturE and MEChanISM

          of CorporatE GoVErnanCE

          Berdasarkan uu Perseroan terbatas Nomor 40 tahun 2007, organ   Based on the Limited Liability Company Law Number 40 of 2007, the
          Perseroan terdiri dari  rapat  umum  Pemegang  saham (ruPs),   Company’s organs consist of the General Meeting of Shareholders
          Dewan komisaris, dan Direksi. Dalam pelaksanaannya, struktur tata   (GMS),  the  Board  of  Commissioners  and  the  Board  of  Directors.
          kelola didukung organ-organ penunjang seperti komite-komite dan   in  its  implementation,  the governance  structure is  supported by
          fungsi lainnya dalam internal Pt kPB yang diatur dengan ketentuan   supporting organs such as committees and other internal functions
          perundang-undangan, anggaran Dasar, serta ketentuan lainnya.   within Pt kPB which are regulated by statutory provisions, articles
          Berdasarkan ketentuan di atas, organ GCG PT KPB dibagi atas:  of association, and other provisions.
          •   Organ Utama    :   rapat  umum  Pemegang  saham  Based on the provisions above, PT KPB’s GCG organs are divided into:
                              (ruPs),  Dewan  komisaris  dan Direksi.  •   Main Organs   :  General  Meeting  of  Shareholders,  Board
          •   Organ pendukung   :   sekretaris Perusahaan,  Head of  audit        of  Commissioners  and  Board  of
                              internal, VP HssE, dan komite di bawah               Directors.
                              Dewan komisaris.                 •   Supporting Organs  :  Corporate  Secretary,  Head  of  Audit
                                                                                   internal, HssE VP, and Committees under
                                                                                   the Board of Commissioners.

                                             TATA KELOLA PT KPB

                                              Governance Structure of PT KPB

                                    ORGAN                                   ORGAN
                                    UTAMA                               PENDUKUNG
                                                                         •  Sekretaris
                                   •  RUPS                                 Perusahaan
                                    GMS                                    Corporate Secretary
                                   •  Komisaris                          • Head Audit Internal
                                     Board of                              Head of Internal Audit
                                                                         • VP HSSE
                                    Commisioners                           VP HSSE
                                   •  Direksi                            • Komite di bawah
                                     Board of                              Komisaris
                                    Directors                              Committees under
                                                                           the commissioners

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133