Page 101 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          BuSInESS pErforManCE rEVIEw

          tinjauan operasional per Segmen usaha                operational review per Business Segment

          Per 31 Desember  2022, Pt  kPB  belum  memiliki segmen  usaha   as of December  31  2022, Pt  kPB  did not yet have a  business
          sebagaimana yang diatur dalam  Pernyataan  standar  akuntansi   segment as  stipulated in  the  statement of  Financial  accounting
          keuangan (Psak) No.5 (Penyesuaian tahun 2015) tentang segmen   standards (Psak) No. 5 (2015  adjustment)  regarding  operating
          operasi.  tetapi. Perusahaan  melakukan sejumlah kegiatan   segments. However,  the Company  carries out a  number  of
          operasional  yang  didefinisikan  sebagai  kegiatan  yang  dilakukan   operational activities which are defined as activities carried out by
          oleh Pt  kPB  untuk mempersiapkan tambahan unit kilang  baru   KPB  to  prepare  additional  new  refinery  units  and  other  supports
          maupun pendukung lainnya dalam mewujudkan visi sebagai World   in realizing the vision of becoming an effective and efficient World
          Class  Refinery  yang  efektif  dan  efisien  dengan  mengoptimalkan   Class Refinery by optimizing refinery operations and applying the
          operasional kilang dan penerapan teknologi terbaru.  latest technology.
          adapun  kegiatan operasional  yang dilakukan  Perusahaan pada   the operational activities carried out by the Company in 2022 are
          tahun 2022 adalah sebagai berikut:                   as follows:
          1.  melanjutkan pengelolaan  dan pengawasan pekerjaan lingkup   1)  Continuing the management and supervision of the work within
            Pt kPB yaitu EPC isBL-osBL New unit, additional unit sulfur   Pt  kPB,  namely the EPC  isBL-osBL  New  unit.  sru & Hmu
            recovery  unit (sru) & Hydro  mechanical  unit (Hmu), serta   additional  units; as  well  as  Pt  kPi’s  scope  of work,  namely
            pekerjaan lingkup  Pt  kPi  yaitu EPC  isBL-osBL  revamp  unit   the  EPC  isBL-osBL  revamp  unit and  additional  HCu  unit.
            dan additional Hydrocracker unit (HCu). Early Works dan EPC   Early Works and EPC Lawe-Lawe. the realization of the overall
            Lawe-Lawe. Realisasi progres fisik secara keseluruhan RDMP   physical progress of the Balikpapan rDmP until December 2022
            ru  V  Balikpapan  sampai  dengan  Desember  2022  sebesar   was 58.41% or higher than the 2022 Company Work Plan and
            58,41% atau lebih tinggi dari target rkaP 2022 sebesar 57,92%.  Budget (rkaP) target of 57,92%.
          2.  melaksanakan beberapa milestone proyek yaitu instalasi rFCC   2)  Carry out several project  milestones,  namely the  installation
            Disengager/stripper  &  regenerator  dan  main  Fractionator   of  rFCC Disengager/stripper  &  regenerator  and  rFCC  main
            rFCC, serta delivery to site beberapa material utama antara lain   Fractionator, as well as delivery to site of several main materials,
            reactor C-084-02, unit NHt ii, Hot Bend for 20” Pipeline EPC   including reactor C-084-02. NHt ii unit, Hot Bend for 20” Lawe-
            Lawe-Lawe dan rFCC Energy recovery Package.           Lawe EPC Pipeline and rFCC Energy recovery Package.
          3.  Memulai pelaksanaan aktifitas Black Start-Up (BSU) antara lain   3)  starting the implementation of Black start-up (Bsu) activities,
            penyiapan Sistem Tata Kerja, Fasilitas Emergency Diesel Generator   including  preparing  Work Procedures, Emergency  Diesel
            (EDG) System, Emergency IA dan Gas Turbine Generator (GTG).  Generator  (EDG)  System  Facilities,  Emergency  IA  and  Gas
          4.  Pelaksanaan  pengadaan  katalis  HCu  serta  penambahan   Turbine Generator (GTG).
            peralatan laboratorium dan reagen kimia  untuk  mendukung   4)  Procurement of  Hmu  catalysts  and addition of  laboratory
            start production unit di 2024.                        equipment  and  chemical  reagents  to  support  start-up
          5.  melakukan evaluasi  schedule  re-forecast S-Curve  proyek   production units in 2024.
            antara lain EPC isBL-osBL yaitu rFs.002 dan EPC Lawe-Lawe   5)  Evaluating the project s-Curve re-forecast schedule, including
            yaitu rFs. 008.                                       the isBL-osBL EPC, namely rFs.002 and the Lawe-Lawe EPC,
          6.  monitoring  proses persetujuan  Direktur  utama  Pt  Pertamina   namely rFs.008.
            (Persero) untuk  Re-FID  Proyek  rDmP  ru  V Balikpapan  dan   6)  monitoring  the  approval  process of the President  Director
            Lawe-Lawe  dengan nilai  project  cost  usD7,247 miliar dan   of Pt  Pertamina  (Persero) for the  re-FiD of the  rDmP  ru V
            dilakukan un-scope Phase-2.                           Balikpapan and Lawe-Lawe Projects with a project cost value of
          7.  mengurus beberapa perizinan yaitu pembukaan rekening baru   usD7.247 billion and carried out un-scope Phase-2.
            perusahaan. pembebasan bea masuk impor serta pembebasan   7)  taking care of several permits, namely opening a new company
            pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 impor.                        account,  exemption from  import  duty and exemption from
          8.  melakukan percepatan  aktivitas  project  financing  antara  lain   article 22 import income tax collection.
            proses due diligence. penyelesaian financial model, menyiapkan   8)  Accelerating  project  financing  activities  including  the  due
            key project agreement (Tolling Fee, O&M dan Land Lease) dan   diligence process, completion of the financial model, preparing
            key  financial  agreement (Loan Agreement.  Project  Sponsor   key project agreements (tolling Fee, o&m and Land Lease) and
            Agreement, Trustee Agreement dan Mandate Letter).     key  financial  agreements  (Loan  Agreement,  Project  Sponsor
                                                                  agreement, trustee agreement and mandate Letter).
          sampai  dengan  akhir  tahun 2022  terdapat  4  (empat) kontrak
          pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan  di lingkungan  Proyek  rDmP  ru  V   until the end of 2022 there were 8 (eight) work contracts carried out
          Balikpapan dan Lawe-Lawe  yang terbagi  dalam 3 (tiga) kategori:   within the rDmP ru V Balikpapan and Lawe-Lawe Projects which
          Main  Works  Engineering-Procurement-Construction  (EPC),  Early   were divided  into 3 (three)  categories:  main Works Engineering-
          Works Phase-2 dan  kontrak Pendukung.  total nilai kontrak   Procurement-Construction (EPC), Early Works Phase 2 and support
          (termasuk amandemen)  dari seluruh  pekerjaan yang sedang   Contract.  the  total contract  value (including  amendments)  of all
          berjalan pada tahun 2022 mencapai usD4.868 juta.     work in progress in 2022 is usD4,868 million.
          kontrak-kontrak pekerjaan Main EPC Works terdiri dari:  main EPC Works work contracts consist of:
          l   EPC Inside Battery Limit (isBL) – Outside Battery Limit (osBL).   l   inside Battery Limit (isBL) – outside Battery Limit (osBL) EPC
            Pekerjaan  ini  ditangani  oleh  Jo  sHrP  (sk  E&C,  Hyundai      this work  was  handled  by  Jo  sHrP  (sk  E&C.  Hyundai
            Engineering, Pt  rekayasa  industri, dan Pt Pembangunan   Engineering.  Pt  rekayasa  industri  and Pt  Pembangunan
            Perumahan) atau disebut juga rDmP ru V Balikpapan Jo dengan   Perumahan) with a contract value of around usD4,515.9 million.
            nilai kontrak  sekitar  usD4.515,9  juta.  Pekerjaan sudah dimulai   Work has started  since  2019  with the  rFCC target to start
            sejak 2019 dengan target rFCC mulai berproduksi di agustus 2024   production in August 2024 and the Gasoline Block in January
            dan Gasoline Block di Januari 2025 (Refer Reforecast rFs.001).  2025 (refer reforecast rFs.001).

         PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                    Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report
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