Page 100 - PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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          Pengembangan kilang Balikpapan akan menambah jajaran produk-  The development of the Balikpapan Refinery will add to the range of
          produk berkualitas tinggi yang selama ini sudah diproduksi. yaitu   high-quality products that have been produced so far, namely High-
          High Speed Diesel 50 ppm (HSD 50 ppm), Net Bottom Fractionator   speed Diesel 50 ppm (HsD 50 ppm), Net Bottom Fractionator (NBF),
          (NBF), Smooth Fluid (SF) 05, Low Aromatic White Spirit (LAWS) dan   smooth Fluid (sF) 05, Low aromatic White spirit (LaWs), and marine
          Marine Gasoil (MGO) Low Sulfur. Di samping itu, kilang Balikpapan   Gas Oil (MGO) Low Sulfur. In addition, the Balikpapan Refinery will
          akan  memproduksi produk baru yaitu  propilena yang digunakan   produce  a  new product,  namely propylene which is  used as  raw
          sebagai bahan baku pabrik polipropilena.             material for the polypropylene factory.
          rDmP ru V Balikpapan dan Lawe-Lawe saat ini masih dalam fase   rDmP  ru  V  Balikpapan  and Lawe-Lawe  Project is  currently still
          konstruksi sehingga strategi yang dilakukan Perusahaan pada   in the construction phase so that the strategy carried out by the
          tahun  2023-2024  fokus  menyelesaikan  progres  fisik  di  lapangan   Company in 2023-2024 focuses on completing physical progress
          yang  dilakukan  secara  paralel  dengan  pemenuhan  aspek  finansial   in  the  field  which  is  carried  out  in  parallel  with  fulfilling  the
          melalui pembiayaan proyek. sasaran strategis yang dilakukan adalah   financial aspect through project financing. The strategic objectives
          sebagai berikut:                                     undertaken are as follows:
          1.  Pembiayaan  proyek  melalui salah satu  atau  kombinasi dari   1)  Project financing through one or a combination of Export Credit
            Export  Credit Agency (ECA).  bank komersial dan/atau  equity   Agency (ECA), commercial bank and/or equity partner.
            partner.                                           2)  Completion of projects in otoBosoror (on time, on Budget,
          2.  Penyelesaian  proyek secara  otoBosoror  (On  Time,  On   on schedule, on return, on regulation) manner.
            Budget, On Schedule, On Return, On Regulation).    3)  Pt  kPB  carries out  operation  and  maintenance  (o&m)  and
          3.  Pt  kPB  menjalankan  Operation  and Maintenance  (O&M)  dan   tolling agreement post-operational acceptance (oa).
            Tolling Agreement pasca-Operational Acceptance (OA).  4)  achievement of  HssE  Excellence  during construction,
          4.  Pencapaian  HSSE  Excellence  selama  periode  konstruksi,   commissioning & start-up, as well as post-oa period.
            commissioning & start-up, serta pasca-oa.          5)  the overall project cost needed to build all of the above facilities
          5.  Biaya proyek secara keseluruhan (project cost) yang diperlukan   is usD7.247 billion (the value of the project cost according to
            untuk membangun seluruh fasilitas di atas sebesar usD7,247   re-FiD).
            miliar (nilai project cost sesuai Re-FID).

          Pt kPB menerapkan strategi kolaborasi dalam pelaksanaan proyek   Pt  kPB implements a  collaboration strategy in project
          dan  operasional  kilang  berupa  sinergi  dan  kerjasama  dengan   implementation and refinery operations in the form of synergy and
          perusahaan  dalam  Pertamina  Group  seperti  PT  KPI,  PT  Pertamina   cooperation with companies within the Pertamina Group such as
          training & Consulting (PtC), Pt Prima  armada  raya, Pt  asuransi   Pt kilang Pertamina internasional (Pt kPi), Pt Pertamina training
          Jiwa  tugu  mandiri,  Pt  mitra  tours  &  travel,  Pt  Patra  Jasa,  Pt   & Consulting (PtC), Pt Prima armada raya, Pt asuransi Jiwa tugu
          Pertamedika  dan  lain-lain.  sinergi  dan  kerjasama  juga  dilakukan   mandiri, Pt mitra tours & travel, Pt Patra Jasa, Pt Pertamedika,
          Perusahaan dengan BumN lain seperti Bank mandiri, Bank syariah   and others.  synergies and collaborations  are also  carried out by
          indonesia, Bank rakyat indonesia, dan Bank Negara indonesia, Pt   the Company with other soEs such as Bank mandiri, Bank syariah
          rekayasa industri, Pt Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) tbk, Pt   indonesia, Bank rakyat indonesia, and Bank Negara indonesia, Pt
          Pelindo, Pt telkom indonesia (Persero) tbk dan lain-lain.   rekayasa industri, Pt Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) tbk, Pt
                                                               Pelindo, Pt telkom indonesia (Persero) tbk, and others.

         Laporan Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022 Annual Report                              PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan
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