Page 35 - 2021 Annual Report
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Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

               dari Direksi mengenai strategi dan kebijakan yang   the strategies and policies implemented as well as
               dijalankan serta pencapaian atas implementasi    the achievements of implementing the strategies
               strategi  yang telah diterapkan Direksi berikut   by the Board of Directors along with the various
               dengan berbagai kendala yang dihadapi. Dewan     obstacles faced. The Board of Commissioners
               Komisaris senantiasa menyampaikan pandangan      expressed its view, and provided advice in the form
               dan memberikan nasihat berupa arahan atau        of directions or recommendations to the Board of
               rekomendasi kepada Dreksi mengenai hal tersebut.  Directors regarding these matters.

               Sepanjang tahun 2021, Dewan Komisaris telah      Throughout 2021, the Board of Commissioners held
               melaksanakan 9 (sembilan) kali rapat gabungan    9 (nine) joint meetings by inviting the Board of
               dengan mengundang Direksi. Selain forum rapat    Directors. In addition to the joint meeting forum with
               gabungan dengan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris juga    the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners
               senantiasa melakukan pertemuan berupa rapat      also regularly held meetings with its supporting
               dengan organ pendukung Dewan Komisaris,          organs, the Audit Committee, Investment
               yaitu Komite Audit, Komite Investasi, serta Komite   Committee, and Remuneration Committee, to
               Remunerasi, untuk membahas hasil pengawasan      discuss the results of the committee’s supervision in
               yang dilakukan komite sesuai dengan fungsi dan   accordance with the functions and responsibilities
               tanggung jawab masing-masing Komite.             of each Committee.

               Pandangan atas Prospek Perkembangan              Outlook on Project Development
               Proyek di Tahun 2022                             Prospects in 2022

               Memasuki tahun 2022, dunia kembali dibayang-     At the start of 2022, the world was again
               bayangi oleh kemunculan varian baru COVID-19     overshadowed by the emergence of the new
               yakni Omicron yang berpotensi dilakukannya       Omicron variant of COVID-19, which has the
               kembali kebijakan pembatasan sosial yang         potential of reintroduced social restriction policies
               akan berdampak terhadap perekonomian global      that will have an impact on the global and national
               maupun nasional. Meskipun dibayangi kondisi      economy. Although overshadowed by these
               ketidakpastian akibat virus varian baru COVID-19,   uncertainty conditions due to the new variant of
               berbagai lembaga optimis perekonomian            the COVID-19 virus, a number of institutions are
               Indonesia di tahun 2022 akan menguat pada        optimistic that the Indonesian economy in 2022
               kisaran 5,0% hingga 6,5%. Optimisme ini tak lepas   will strengthen in the range of 5.0% to 6.5%. This
               dari keberhasilan penanganan dan pengendalian    optimism is thanks to the success of handling and
               pandemi COVID-19 di tahun 2021.                  controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021.

               Seiring dengan optimisme pertumbuhan             Along with the optimism of national economic
               ekonomi nasional di tahun 2022, Dewan Komisaris   growth  in  2022,  the  Board  of  Commissioners
               menyambut baik proyeksi perkembangan proyek      welcomes the projected development of the RU V
               RDMP RU V Balikpapan di tahun 2022 yang telah    Balikpapan RDMP project in 2022, as set out in the
               ditetapkan dalam RKAP 2022. Dewan Komisaris      2022 RKAP. The Board of Commissioners view is
               memandang, proyeksi perkembangan proyek          that the projected RU V Balikpapan RDMP project
               RDMP RU V Balikpapan yang ditargetkan dapat      development target of 55-60% is quite realistic.
               mencapai 55-60% cukup realistis. Hal tersebut    This is based on the achievement of project
               berdasarkan pada capaian progres pembangunan     development progress in 2021, in the midst of quite
               proyek di tahun 2021, di tengah kondisi yang cukup   challenging conditions.

               Dewan Komisaris berharap, tahun 2022 akan menjadi   The Board of Commissioners hopes that 2022 will
               tahun dimulainya kegiatan comissioning/start-up   be the year for the commissioning/start-up of
               beberapa peralatan utama, untuk memastikan       key equipment, to ensure the RFCC Mechanical
               target Mechanical Completion RFCC di Desember    Completion target by December 2023, and
               2023 dan akan mulai berproduksi di Maret 2024.    production start in March 2024.

               PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                 Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021  31
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