Page 33 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 33

Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

               Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa Direksi Perusahaan   The Board of Commissioners’ opinion is that the
               terus berupaya untuk memenuhi target yang telah   Board of Directors of the Company has continued to
               ditetapkan, baik target Rencana Jangka Panjang   strive to meet the targets that have been set, both
               Perusahaan (RJPP) maupun Rencana Kerja dan       the targets for the Company’s Long Term Plan (RJPP)
               Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP). Secara umum, kinerja   and the Company’s Work Plan and Budget (RKAP).
               Direksi dalam rangka memenuhi target RKAP 2021   In general, the Board of Directors performance to
               telah berjalan dengan baik. Hal tersebut tercermin   meet the 2021 RKAP target has gone well. This is
               dari kinerja operasional atas pengerjaan proyek   reflected in the operational performance of the RU V
               RDMP RU V Balikpapan, yang sampai dengan akhir   Balikpapan RDMP project, where by the end of 2021,
               tahun 2021, progres pekerjaan fisik keseluruhan   the overall physical work progress had reached
               mencapai 46,95% atau lebih baik sebesar 1,38%    46.95%, or 1.38% above the set target of 45.57%. In
               terhadap target yang telah ditetapkan yakni sebesar   addition, the Board of Directors also succeeded in
               45,57%. Selain itu, Direksi juga berhasil menyelesaikan   completing a number of important matters such as
               sejumlah hal penting seperti Delivery-to-Site dan   Delivery-to-Site and the installation of several large
               Instalasi beberapa unit besar yang sangat signifikan   units which were very significant for the progress of
               bagi perkembangan progres proyek.                the project development.

               Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan apresiasi atas      The Board of Commissioners would like to express
               usaha-usaha extraordinary yang dilakukan Direksi   its appreciation for the extraordinary efforts
               di tahun 2021, di tengah kondisi yang belum      made by the Board of Directors in 2021 during
               kondusif akibat masih berlanjutnya pandemi       the unconducive conditions due to the ongoing
               COVID-19, dimana terdapat keterbatasan ruang     COVID-19 pandemic, with the limited space
               gerak, keterbatasan mobilisasi  manusia dan      for moving, limited human mobilization and
               mobilisasi barang. Pandemi COVID-19 juga         mobilization of goods. The COVID-19 pandemic also
               cukup menghambat proses penyertaan modal         hampered the capital participation from Pertamina
               dari Pertamina untuk KPB yang disalurkan melalui   for KPB, which was channeled through PT Kilang
               PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) selaku   Pertamina Internasional (KPI), as Pertamina’s
               Subholding Refining & Petrochemical Pertamina.   Subholding  Refining  &  Petrochemical.  Finally,
               Akhirnya, atas usaha-usaha  extraordinary        thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the Board
               dari Direksi, pada tanggal 21 Desember 2021,     of Directors, on December 21, 2021, the Company
               Perusahaan berhasil memperoleh dana sebesar      succeeded in obtaining funds of US$900,000,000
               US$900.000.000 dari Pertamina melalui KPI, yang   from Pertamina through KPI, which is an advance
               merupakan uang muka untuk modal saham. Selain    for share capital. In addition to supporting the
               untuk mendukung pembangunan proyek, dana         project development, these funds will be also used
               tersebut juga digunakan untuk membayarkan        to pay the Company’s obligations to the project
               kewajiban Perusahaan kepada  mitra kontraktor    contractor partners, so there will be no defaults
               pelaksana proyek, sehingga tidak terdapat default   to the contractors. In 2021, the Board of Directors
               kepada kontraktor pelaksana.  Di tahun 2021, Direksi   succeeded in obtaining Company exemption from
               juga telah berhasil membebaskan Perusahaan dari   import duty fees, received tax holiday facilities,
               biaya bea masuk impor, mendapatkan fasilitas     and relieve from the collection of Article 22 Import
               tax holiday, dan terbebas dari pemungutan PPh    Income Tax. These facilities were feasible for KPB
               Pasal 22 Impor. Fasilitas ini tentunya layak untuk   considering the refinery construction project is
               didapatkan KPB mengingat proyek pembangunan      included in the National Strategic Project to meet
               kilang termasuk dalam Proyek Strategis Nasional   national energy needs.
               untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi nasional.

               Dewan Komisaris memberikan apresiasi terhadap    The Board of Commissioners appreciates
               kinerja dan hasilnya, serta komitmen dan dedikasi   the performance and results, as well as the
               yang telah diperlihatkan Direksi di sepanjang tahun   commitment and dedication shown by the Board
               2021, meski terdapat banyak tantangan di tahun   of Directors throughout 2021, despite the many
               2021, namun Direksi KPB berhasil mencapai Key    challenges in 2021, the KPB Board of Directors
               Performance Indicator (KeyPI) sesuai dengan yang   succeeded in achieving the Key Performance
               disepakati di awal tahun 2021. Dewan Komisaris   Indicators (KeyPI) as agreed in early 2021. The Board
               menilai bahwa Direksi telah menunjukkan          of Commissioners is of the opinion that the Board
               komitmennya dalam memajukan kepentingan          of Directors has demonstrated its commitment to
               Perusahaan serta telah melaksanakan tugas dan    advancing the interests of the Company and has
               tanggung jawabnya sesuai fungsi dan perannya     carried out its duties and responsibilities according
               masing-masing.                                   to their respective functions and roles.

               PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                                 Laporan Tahunan 2021 | Annual Report 2021  29
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