Page 34 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 34

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Pengawasan terhadap Implementasi                 Supervision  of  the  Implementation
             Strategi dan Kebijakan Perusahaan                of Company Strategies and Policies
             serta Frekuensi dan Cara Pemberian               as well as the Frequency and Method
             Nasihat kepada Direksi                           of Providing Advice to the Board of

             Hubungan kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dan        The working relationship between the Board of
             Direksi dibangun dengan saling menghormati       Commissioners and the Board of Directors is built
             antar fungsi keduanya. Terdapat batasan dari     based on mutual respect between the two functions.
             tanggung jawab dan peran yang dijalankan baik    There are limits to the responsibilities and roles
             oleh Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi. Dewan       carried out by both the Board of Commissioners and
             Komisaris bertugas melakukan pengawasan          the Board of Directors. The Board of Commissioners
             atas jalannya pengurusan Perusahaan oleh         is in charge of supervising the management of
             Direksi, memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi, serta   the Company by the Board of Directors, providing
             memastikan bahwa KPB telah melaksanakan          advice to the Board of Directors, and ensuring
             prinsip-prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik,   that KPB applies the principles of Good Corporate
             atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG).            Governance (GCG).

             Salah satu fungsi Dewan Komisaris adalah         One of the Board of Commissioners’ functions
             melakukan pengawasan terhadap implementasi       is to supervise the implementation of strategies
             strategi serta kebijakan yang dijalankan oleh    and policies carried out by the Board of Directors.
             Direksi. Dalam merumuskan target kinerja di awal   In formulating the performance targets at the
             tahun, Dewan Komisaris berperan memberikan       beginning of the year, the Board of Commissioners’
             arahan dan masukan sesuai kapasitas dan          role was to provide direction and input according
             kapabilitas yang dimilikinya, termasuk arahan    to its capacity and capabilities, including direction
             dan masukan untuk rencana kerja strategis yang   and input for the strategic work plan formulated by
             dirumuskan Direksi. Untuk itu, Dewan Komisaris   the Board of Directors. For this reason, the Board
             memiliki tanggung jawab agar implementasi        of Commissioners is responsible for ensuring the
             rencana strategis tersebut dapat terlaksana      implementation of the strategic plan is carried out
             dengan baik. Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris          properly. The Board of Commissioners’ supervision is
             difokuskan terhadap perkembangan proyek RDMP     focused on the development of the RU V Balikpapan
             RU V Balikpapan.                                 RDMP project.

             Dewan Komisaris selalu berupaya untuk            The Board of Commissioners strives to carry out
             melaksanakan fungsinya dalam memberikan          its function by providing constructive and solution
             arahan, saran dan rekomendasi yang konstruktif   directions, suggestions and recommendations to
             dan solutif kepada Direksi. Satu hal yang selalu   the Board of Directors. One matter emphasized
             ditekankan Dewan Komisaris kepada Direksi        by the Board of Commissioners to the Board of
             adalah untuk senantiasa mengedepankan            Directors is to always prioritize the compliance
             aspek kepatuhan dan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Di      and GCG principles aspects. Despite all the
             tengah segala keterbatasan, Dewan Komisaris      limitations, the Board of Commissioners managed
             berhasil melakukan komunikasi secara baik dan    to communicate well and intensely with the Board
             intens dengan Direksi, khususnya terkait dengan   of Directors, particularly regarding the fulfillment of
             pemenuhan aspek governance.                      governance aspects.

             Di samping itu, Dewan Komisaris telah melakukan   In addition, the Board of Commissioners supervised
             pengawasan atas penerapan strategi dan           the implementation of strategies and policies
             kebijakan yang dijalankan Direksi, yang salah    carried out by the Board of Directors, through
             satunya adalah melalui mekanisme rapat-rapat     the meetings held. The Board of Commissioners
             yang diselenggarakan. Dewan Komisaris secara     regularly held meetings with the Board of
             rutin mengadakan pertemuan dengan Direksi        Directors to discuss various matters related to the
             untuk membahas berbagai hal terkait pengelolaan   management of the Company carried out by the
             Perusahaan yang dijalankan oleh Direksi dalam    Board of Directors in a joint meeting forum. In this
             forum rapat gabungan. Dalam forum tersebut       forum, the Board of Commissioners requested
             Dewan Komisaris senantiasa meminta penjelasan    explanations from the Board of Directors regarding

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