Page 190 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 190

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Risk Management

             Kegiatan operasional KPB tidak terlepas dari     KPB’s operational activities are inseparable from
             berbagai risiko yang harus dikelola untuk mencapai   various risks that must be managed to achieve
             tujuan usaha dan memastikan proyek selesai       the business goals and ensure the projects are
             dengan tepat waktu dan sesuai dengan anggaran    completed on time within budget and produce
             dan menghasilkan kualitas yang diharapkan.       the  expected  quality.  Risk  management  is
             Pengelolaan risiko yang diterapkan dengan cara   implemented by identifying, measuring, monitoring
             mengidentifikasi,    mengukur,  memantau  dan    and  controlling  risks  that  may  arise  from  the
             mengendalikan risiko yang mungkin timbul dari    Company’s operational activities. The following
             kegiatan Perusahaan. Berikut disampaikan risiko   shows the business risks in 2021 and their mitigation
             tahun 2021 dan upaya mitigasinya:                efforts:

                                JENIS RISIKO                               MITIGASI RISIKO
                                TYPE OF RISK                               RISK MITIGATION
               1  Belum   siapnya  tangki  timbun   untuk • Monitoring  & controlling  progress  pekerjaan EPC

                  menampung produk pada saat  on-stream     Modifikasi Tangki weekly basis

                  pasca Operational  Acceptance Proyek EPC  • Mapping dan memprioritaskan penyelesaian tangki
                  ISBL-OSBL.                                sesuai skenario operasional pasca  start-up dan
                  The stockpile tank is not ready to accommodate   interface proyek.

                  the product at the time of on-stream after the  • Koordinasi dengan RU V terkait komitmen rilis tangki

                  Operational Acceptance of the ISBL-OSBL EPC  • Mengambil alih pembelian material yang mengalami
                  Project.                                  dispute dengan Kontraktor  (akibat kerja tambah) untuk
                                                            mempercepat pekerjaan di lapangan.
                                                            • Monitor  &  control  the  progress  of  Modified  EPC  work
                                                            weekly base tank
                                                            • Map and prioritize tank completion according to post-
                                                            start-up operational scenarios and project interfaces.
                                                            • Coordinate  with  RU  V  regarding  tank  release
                                                            • Take over the purchase of materials that are in dispute
                                                            with the Contractor (due to additional work) to speed up
                                                            work in the field.

               2  Keterlambatan Mobilisasi  to site dan Instalasi  • Mengirimkan  surat  permohonan  dukungan  kepada
                  Heavy Lift Crane (Ringer) untuk lifting equipment   Instansi terkait (Kementrian BUMN, BKPM, dan Dirjend
                  RFCC.                                     Imigrasi).

                  Delay in mobilization to site and installation  • Monitoring &  updating readiness heavy crane sejalan
                  of Heavy Lift Crane (Ringer) for RFCC lifting   dengan  construction execution plan dan  reforecast
                  equipment.                                schedule RDMP BPN JO.
                                                            • Send letters of request for support to relevant agencies
                                                            (Ministry of BUMN, BKPM, and Director General of
                                                            • Monitor & update the readiness of heavy cranes in line
                                                            with the construction execution plan and reforecast
                                                            schedule for RDMP BPN JO.
               3  Level 3 Schedule tidak di-update secara proper  • Workshop Schedule untuk membahas  re-forecast L3

                  oleh kontraktor JO SHRP.                  Schedule untuk mendapatkan target penyelesaian
                  Level 3 Schedule is not properly updated by the   proyek yang proper.
                  JO SHRP contractor..                      • Menginstruksikan JO SHRP untuk memfinalkan reforecast
                                                            L3  schedule hasil  wokshop dengan mengakomodir
                                                            seluruh comment dari Owner.
                                                            • Workshop Schedule to discuss re-forecast L3 Schedule to
                                                            get a proper project completion target.
                                                            • Instruct the JO SHRP to finalize the reforecast L3 schedule
                                                            of the workshop results by accommodating all comments
                                                            from the Owner.

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