Page 191 - 2021 Annual Report
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Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

                                   JENIS RISIKO                              MITIGASI RISIKO
                                   TYPE OF RISK                              RISK MITIGATION
                 4   Keterlambatan Proyek TBBM Tanjung Batu  Monitoring progres proyek TBBM Tanjung Batu yang
                     (Fasilitas tambahan untuk menampung produk  dilaksanakan MOR VI secara berkala.
                     setelah revamping) di luar Kendali KPB.  Monitor  the  progress  of  the  Tanjung  Batu  TBBM  project
                     Delays in the Tanjung Batu TBBM Project  carried out by MOR VI on a regular basis.
                     (Additional facilities to accommodate products
                     after revamping) outside of KPB’s control.

                 5   Keterlambatan Proyek Pipa Gas Senipah  • Monitorinng progress proyek pipa gas Senipah.
                     sebagai pemasok bahan bakar gas GTG untuk  • Menyiapkan skenario/alternatif lain untuk pasokan gas

                     kebutuhan listrik  kilang pada saat operasi   saat Black Start-Up.
                     kilang, Black Start-Up, dan post-revamping.    • Monitor the progress of the Senipah gas pipeline project.
                     Delay in the Senipah Gas Pipeline Project as     • Prepare other  scenarios/alternatives for current  gas
                     a supplier of GTG gas fuel for the electricity   supply Black Start-Up.
                     needs of the refinery during refinery operations,
                     Black Start-Up, and post-revamping.
                 6   Keterlambatan Detail Engineering Design (DED)  • Akselerasi recovery plan engineering untuk penyelesaian

                     Proyek EPC ISBL OSBL RDMP RU V Balikpapan.  GAP Pre-FEED dan Gap FEED.
                     Delay in Engineering Design Details (DED)     • Akselerasi desain dan eksekusi civil work (stone column/
                     for the EPC ISBL OSBL RDMP RU V Balikpapan   piling) unit Gasoline Block yang dilakukan paralel dengan
                     Project.                                 pekerjaan engineering.
                                                               • Review detailed engineering design secara online.
                                                               • Accelerate recovery plan engineering for completion of
                                                              GAP Pre-FEED and Gap FEED.
                                                               • Accelerate design and execution of civil work (stone
                                                              column/piling) of the Gasoline Block unit carried out in
                                                              parallel with engineering work.
                                                               • Review detailed engineering design online.

                 7   Keterlambatan penyelesaian EPCC RFCC (Unit  • Weekly meeting dan info ke kontraktor potensi LD jika
                     Critical Path).                          delay terjadi.
                     EPCC RFCC (Unit Critical Path) completion     • Koordinasi  dengan  kontraktor  untuk  perbaikan
                     delay.                                   contracting strategy (pergantian sub kontraktor).
                                                               • Monitoring dan  expediting progres manufacturing dari
                                                              masing-masing vendor.
                                                               • Weekly meeting and information to potential LD
                                                              contractors if delays occur.
                                                               • Coordinate with contractors to improve contracting
                                                              strategy (sub-contractor replacement).
                                                               • Monitor and expedite the manufacturing  progress of
                                                              each vendor.
                RISIKO EKONOMI
                ECONOMIC RISK

                 8   Penambahan biaya pengadaan peralatan  • Koordinasi  dengan instansi terkait  dan asosiasi
                     akibat pemberlakuan Regulasi TKDN pada   manufaktur.

                     Proyek EPC Lawe-Lawe  Project (Penggunaan  • Evaluasi Change Order yang timbul (Analisa kontraktual)
                     barang Wajib Dalam Negeri pada Proyek untuk   dan Negosiasi harga dengan kontraktor.
                     mengurangi Impor)                         • Mengarahkan kontraktor untuk mematuhi Regulasi
                     Additional  equipment  procurement  costs  due   Pemerintah terkait penggunaan barang wajib untuk
                     to the implementation of TKDN Regulations on   meningkatkan TKDN Proyek

                     the Lawe-Lawe EPC Project (Use of Domestic  • Coordinate with related agencies and manufacturing
                     Mandatory goods on the Project to reduce   associations.
                     Imports).                                 • Evaluate Change Orders that arise (Contractual analysis)
                                                              and Negotiate prices with contractors.
                                                               • Direct  contractors  to  comply  with  Government
                                                              Regulations related to the use of mandatory goods to
                                                              increase the Project

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