Page 185 - 2021 Annual Report
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Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

                   3.  Maret-April 2021: Kegiatan Sosialisasi       3.  March-April  2021: Outreach  activities
                       antara lain untuk Relokasi  Flare               including, the Relocation of the
                       Balikpapan-II,  Reroute Jalan Minyak,           Balikpapan-II Flare, Reroute to Oil Roads,
                       Pemasangan Pipa 20” Onshore di PPU.             Installation of 20” Onshore Pipes at PPU.
                   4.  26 Jun – 3 Agt 2021: Mendukung               4.  June 26, –August 3, 2021: Supported the
                       pelaksanaan kegiatan vaksin pertama             implementation of the first vaccine activity
                       bagi pekerja KPB di Kantor RU V dan vaksin      for KPB workers at the RU V Office and the
                       kedua di RSPB tanggal 26 Juli 2021.             second vaccine at the RSPB on July 26 2021.
                   5.  11 Agt 2021: Mendukung pelaksanaan           5.  August 11, 2021: Supported the
                       kegiatan vaksin Polda di Dome.                  implementation of Polda’s vaccine
                                                                       activities at the Dome.
                   6.  12-19 Agustus 2021: Mendukung kegiatan       6.  August 12-19, 2021: Supported the Mutual
                       Pekan Vaksin Gotong Royong bagi                 Cooperation Vaccine Week activities for
                       Pertamina Group di Pantai Kilang Mandiri.       Pertamina Group at Pantai Kilang Mandiri.
                   7.  16 Agustus 2021 – dst: Mendukung kegiatan    7.  August 16, 2021 – etc.: Supported Routine
                       Tes Antigen Rutin di NSO, setiap 2 minggu       Antigen Test activities at NSO, once every
                       sekali.                                         2 weeks.
                   8.  September 2021: Mendukung persiapan          8.  September 2021 : Supported preparation
                       Pengoperasian dan Pengisian Perdana             for Operation and Initial Filling of the D320-
                       Tangki D320-12.                                 12 Tank.
                   9.  September 2021: Mendukung Kegiatan           9.  September 2021: Supported Socialization
                       Sosialisasi Pekerjaan Pemasangan Pipa           of the 20” offshore Pipe Installation Work
                       20”  offshore di Kelurahan Penajam,             in Penajam Village, North Penajam Paser
                       Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara.                  Regency.
                   10.  15 Sep 2021: Mendukung Lanjutan Vaksin      10.  September 15, 2021: Supported
                       Gotong Royong (Dosis kedua) di Pantai           Continuation of Vaccine Gotong Royong
                       Kilang Mandiri.                                 (second dose) at Pantai Kilang Mandiri.
                   11.  Okt 2021: Berkoordinasi dengan PT Biofarma   11.  October 2021: Coordinated with PT
                       untuk Penyediaan Vaksin Gotong Royong           Biofarma for the Provision of Gotong
                       bagi Pekerja JO SHRP di Balikpapan.             Royong Vaccines for JO SHRP Workers in
                   12.  Nov-Des 2021: Berkoordinasi dengan          12.  November-December 2021: Coordinated
                       Kementerian BUMN untuk Work Permit bagi         with the Ministry of SOEs for Work Permits
                       Pekerja JO yang dari Luar Negeri.               for JO Workers from Overseas.
                   13.  Agustus – Desember 2021 : mendukung         13.  August – December 2021: Supported the
                       Tim Construction Lawe-Lawe terkait klaim        Lawe-Lawe Construction Team regarding
                       warga yang merasa tanahnya yang                 the claims of residents who feel that the
                       merupakan jalur pipa adalah milik mereka.       land used for a pipeline is theirs. The Legal
                       Pihak Legal koordinasi dengan Fungsi Aset       Party coordinated with the Zone 9 Asset
                       Zona 9 (PEP Tanjung) untuk mendapatkan          Function (PEP Tanjung) to obtain legal
                       dokumen pendukung yang sah.                     supporting documents.

               H.  Administrasi/Dokumen Resmi                   H.  Administration/Official Documents
                   1.   Menyiapkan Draft Awal dokumen               1.   Prepared the Initial Draft of documents
                       kelengkapan perangkat GCG perusahaan,           for the completeness of the Company’s
                       berupa Board Manual, Code of Conduct,           GCG tools, in the form of a Board Manual,
                       dan Code of Corporate Governance.               Code of Conduct, and Code of Corporate
                   2.  Menyiapkan Draft Surat Keputusan Dewan       2.  Prepared a Draft Decision Letter for the
                       Komisaris :                                     Board of Commissioners:
                          •  Pembentukan Komite dan Penetapan             •  Established Board of Commissioners
                          Piagam Komite-Komite di Lingkungan               Committees and Charters , for the Audit
                          Dewan  Komisaris,  untuk  Komite                 Committee, Investment Committee, &
                          Audit, Komite Investasi, & Komite                Remuneration Committee.

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