Page 186 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 186

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

                       •  Penetapan Pedoman Remunerasi                  •  Determined Remuneration Guidelines
                        Anggota Komite yang bukan dari                   for Committee Members who are not
                        Dewan Komisaris.                                 from the Board of Commissioners.
                       •  Penetapan Pedoman Tata Kerja di               •  Determined Work Procedure Guidelines
                        Lingkungan Dewan Komisaris.                      for the Board of Commissioners.
                       •  Pengangkatan Anggota Komite Audit             •  Appointed members of the Audit
                        & Komite Investasi.                              Committee & Investment Committee.
                       •  Penetapan Susunan Organisasi                  •  Determined Organizational Structure
                        Komite Audit dan Komite Investasi.               of the Audit Committee and the
                                                                         Investment Committee.
                       •  Pedoman Remunerasi Sekretaris                 •  Guidelines for  the Remuneration
                        Dewan  Komisaris  dan  Sekretariat               of the Secretary to the Board of
                        Dewan Komisaris.                                 Commissioners and the Secretariat
                                                                         of the Board of Commissioners.
                       •  Pengangkatan Sekretaris Dewan                 •  Appointed the Secretary to the Board
                        Komisaris.                                       of Commissioners.
                 3.  Terkait dengan rencana pendanaan/           3.  Regarding the  funding  plan/project
                    project financing KPB, berkoordinasi             financing of KPB, coordinated with KPB
                    dengan  pihak internal KPB, terutama             internal  parties,  especially  with  the
                    dengan Fungsi Finance, Fungsi Legal              Finance Function, Legal & Compliance
                    & Compliance, dan Fungsi HSSE, serta             Function, and HSSE Function, as well as
                    melaksanakan koordinasi dengan pihak             coordinated with external parties in the
                    eksternal berupa supporting dokumen/             form of supporting documents/data for:
                    data untuk :
                       •  Assessment oleh  Environmental                •  Assessment by Environmental
                        Resources  Management (ERM)                      Resources  Management  (ERM)
                        Singapore.                                       Singapore.
                       •  Knowing-Your-Customer (KYC)                   •  Knowing-Your-Customer (KYC) with
                        dengan HSBC, Mizuho, SMBC, Aon,                  HSBC, Mizuho, SMBC, Aon, Korea Exim,
                        Korea Exim, US Exim.                             US Exim.

             I.   Kegiatan Rutin berupa Penyelenggaraan       I.   Routine Activities in the form of Organizing BOD
                 Rapat BOD dan Rapat BOC-BOD KPB                 Meetings and KPB BOC-BOD Meetings
                 Di tahun 2021, penyelenggaraan rapat berhasil   In 2021, 8 BOC-BOD meetings and 46 BOD
                 dilaksanakan sebanyak 9 kali rapat BOC-BOD      meetings were held. KPB’s Corsec acted as
                 dan 47 kali rapat BOD. Corporate Secretary      Moderator and Notated the entire Meeting, as
                 KPB berperan sebagai Moderator dan Notulis      well as monitored the follow-up to the results
                 seluruh Rapat tersebut, serta melakukan         of the meeting. For the BOC-BOD meetings, the
                 monitoring tindak lanjut hasil rapat. Sementara   duties also includes compiling presentation
                 untuk rapat BOC-BOD, bertugas juga untuk        materials.
                 meng-compile materi presentasi.

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