Page 182 - 2021 Annual Report
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Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             C.  Pembuatan Video Progress/Video Kegiatan/     C.  Making a Progress Videos/Activity Videos/
                 Dokumentasi Kegiatan                            Activity Documentation
                 1.   15-17 Maret 2021 : dokumentasi salah satu   1.   March 15-17, 2021: documentation on
                    unit besar yang diturunkan dari kapal dan        one of the large units unloaded from
                    langsung diangkut ke lokasi untuk instalasi      the ship and immediately transported
                    adalah Heat Recovery Steam Generator             to the location for installation is the Heat
                    (HRSG), dan beberapa  column yang                Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), and
                    berukuran cukup besar.                           several large columns.
                 2.  18 Maret 2021 : pertemuan dengan            2.  March 18, 2021: meeting with the
                    masyarakat di Kantor Kelurahan                   community at the Kampung Baru Tengah
                    Kampung Baru Tengah terkait Keluhan              Sub-District Office regarding complaints
                    warga Kampung Baru Tengah terkait                from the residents of Kampung Baru
                    truk pengangkut material, sirtu, & batu          Tengah  regarding trucks transporting
                    agregat untuk keperluan JO RDMP yang             materials, gravel, & aggregate stones for
                    melalui jalan perkampungan Kampung               the purposes of JO RDMP passing through
                    Baru Tengah.                                     the Kampung Baru Tengah village road.
                 3.  Pembuatan Video Progress Proyek RDMP        3.  Making a Video on the Progress of
                    Balikpapan Status s.d. awal Agustus 2021.        Balikpapan RDMP Project Status up to
                    Sudah di-upload di Medsos, KPB KPI dan           early August 2021. It has been uploaded
                    Pertamina.                                       on Social Media, KPB KPI and Pertamina.
                 4.  Pembuatan Video Progress Proyek RDMP        4.  Making a Video on the Progress of
                    Balikpapan Status s.d. Mid Agustus 2021          Balikpapan RDMP Project Status up to Mid
                    (English Version).                               August 2021 (English Version).
                 5.  Pembuatan Video Progress Proyek RDMP        5.  Making a Video on the Progress of RDMP
                    Lawe-Lawe Status s.d. Mid Agustus 2021.          Lawe-Lawe Project Status up to. Mid
                                                                     August 2021.
                 6.  Pembuatan Video Hauling dan Instalasi       6.  Making a Video on Hauling and C053
                    C053 Splitter.                                   Splitter Installation.
                 7.  Pembuatan Video  Hauling Heavy              7.  Making  a  Video  on  Heavy  Equipment
                    Equipment  yang  termasuk  Long Lead             Hauling including Long Lead Items,
                    Item, berupa  Stripper/Disengager &              in the form of Stripper/Disengager &
                    Regenerator.                                     Regenerator.
                 8.  Pembuatan Video Weekly Progress Proyek      8.  Making Weekly Progress Videos on the
                    RDMP Balikpapan.                                 Balikpapan RDMP Project.
                 9.  Update Video Progress Proyek RDMP           9.  Updating Video on the Progress of the
                    Balikpapan (English Version) untuk               Balikpapan RDMP Project (English Version)
                    digunakan oleh Dirut KPI untuk Exhibition        to be used by the President Director of KPI
                    di Dubai.                                        for Exhibition in Dubai.

             D.  Pembuatan Release Media                      D.  Preparing Media Releases
                 1.   Februari 2021:                             1.   February 2021:
                       •  Hauling & Installation Boiler, serta Gas      •  Hauling & Boiler Installation, and Gas
                        Turbine Generator (GTG).                         Turbine Generator (GTG).
                       •  Penyerahan Bantuan Masker bagi                •  Handing over of Masks to the City
                        Pemkot Balikpapan dalam rangka HUT               Government of Balikpapan in the
                        Kota Balikpapan.                                 context of the anniversary of the City
                                                                         of Balikpapan.
                 2.  April  2021:  Sosialisasi  Relokasi  Flare   2.  April 2021: Socialization of the Balikpapan-2
                    Balikpapan-II.                                   Flare Relocation.
                 3.  Mei 2021:                                   3.  May 2021:
                       •  Pemberian Bantuan Paket Idul Fitri            •  Providing Eid Packages for the
                        1442H bagi masyarakat sekitar di                 surrounding community in Balikpapan
                        Balikpapan & Kabupaten Penajam                   & North Penajam Paser District (PPU).
                        Paser Utara (PPU).
                       •  Penyerahan Perpustakaan Digital di            •  Handing over Digital Library in
                        Pemukiman Atas Air.                              Settlement Over Water.
                       •  Pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan             •  Organizing Free Health Checkups &
                        & Pengobatan Gratis.                             Treatment.

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