Page 184 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 184

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

                 5.  10-11 April 2021: Pemberian Bantuan Paket   5.  April 10-11, 2021: Provided Eid Package
                    Idul Fitri 1442H bagi Masyarakat Ring-1          Assistance for the Ring-1 Community of
                    Proyek RDMP Balikpapan & Kab. PPU.               the Balikpapan & Kab. PPU.
                 6.  29 Mei 2021: Kegiatan Pemeriksaan           6.  May 29, 2021: Free Health Checkup &
                    Kesehatan & Pengobatan Gratis bagi               Treatment for residents of Baru Ulu Village,
                    warga Kelurahan Baru Ulu, Kecamatan              West Balikpapan District.
                    Balikpapan Barat.
                 7.  Jun 2021: Bantuan Bagi Korban Kebakaran     7.  Jun 2021: Assistance for Fire Victims in
                    di Kampung Bugis Kelurahan Baru Ilir             Bugis Village, Baru Ilir Sub-district, West
                    Kecamatan Balikpapan Barat                       Balikpapan District
                 8.  Juli 2021: Bantuan Kegiatan Bakti Sosial    8.  July 2021: DPC Gardasikat Social Service
                    DPC Gardasikat.                                  Activities Assistance.
                 9.  Des 2021: Bantuan bagi korban Kebakaran     9.  Dec 2021: Assistance for fire victims in the
                    di Daerah Gunung Polisi Kelurahan                Gunung Polisi area, Balikpapan Ilir Sub-
                    Balikpapan Ilir Belakang Apartemen               district,  behind Pertamina  Balikpapan
                    Pertamina Balikpapan.                            Apartment.

             F.   Dukungan Kegiatan Protokoler BOC & BOD      F.   Support for KPB BOC & BOD Protocol Activities
                 1.   8 Februari 2021 : Audiensi Direksi KPB ke   1.   February 8, 2021: Audience of the Directors
                    Walikota Balikpapan.                             of KPB with the Mayor of Balikpapan.
                 2.  10 Februari 2021 : Upacara Peringatan Hari   2.  February 10, 2021: 124th Anniversary of
                    Jadi Kota Balikpapan ke-124 di Kantor            Balikpapan City Anniversary Ceremony
                    Walikota Balikpapan.                             at the Balikpapan Mayor’s Office.
                 3.  28 April 2021 : Audiensi Direksi KPB ke     3.  April 28, 2021: Audience of the Directors of
                    Kapolda Kaltim.                                  KPB with the Kapolda Kaltim.
                 4.  29 April 2021 : Audiensi Direksi KPB ke     4.  April 29, 2021: Audience of the Directors of
                    Pangdam VI Mulawarman.                           KPB with Pangdam VI Mulawarman.
                 5.  30 April 2021 : Audiensi Direksi KPB ke Bupati   5.  April 30, 2021: Audience of the Directors
                    Penajam Paser Utara di Hotel Platinum            of KPB with the Regent of North Penajam
                    Balikpapan.                                      Paser at the Platinum Balikpapan hotel.
                 6.  19 Mei 2021 : Kegiatan HalalbilHalal dan    6.  May , 2021: HalalbilHalal and Celebration
                    Syukuran HUT KPB ke-2 di GH54.                   of KPB’s 2nd Anniversary at GH54.
                 7.  15 Sep 2021 : mendukung kegiatan Direksi    7.  September 15, 2021: supported the activities
                    menghadiri Peresmian New HSSE Office             of the Board of Directors attending the
                    & Fire Station, sekaligus serah terima dari      Inauguration of the New HSSE Office & Fire
                    KPB ke RU V.                                     Station, as well as the handover from KPB
                                                                     to RU V.
                 8.  29 Sep 2021 : Penandatanganan MOU           8.  September 29, 2021: Signing of MOU on
                    Pedoman Kerja Teknis KPB – Polda Kaltim.         Technical Work Guidelines for KPB – Polda
                 9.  2 Des 2021 : Audiensi Direktur              9.  December 2, 2021: Director of Development
                    Pengembangan ke Pangdam VI                       Audience with Pangdam VI Mulawarman.

             G.  Stakeholders Engagement                      G.  Stakeholder Engagement
                 1.   17 Februari 2021: Mengikuti Rapat Koordinasi   1.   February 17, 2021: Participated in
                    dengan Tim Kemenko Polhukam di Hotal             a Coordination Meeting with the
                    Jatra.                                           Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal
                                                                     and Security Affairs Team at Hotal Jatra.
                 2.  15 Maret 2021: Menghadiri pertemuan         2.  March 15, 2021: Attended a meeting with
                    dengan  Lembaga  Adat  Paser  (LAP)              the Paser Customary Institution (LAP) held
                    dilaksanakan di Lamin Penajam Paser              at Lamin Penajam Paser Utara, attended
                    Utara, yang dihadiri oleh Ketua DPRD PPU         by the Chairperson of the PPU DPRD &
                    & Ketua Komisi I DPRD PPU, Kepala LAP            Chair of Commission I DPRD PPU, the
                    didampingi oleh Ketua & perwakilan dari          Head of LAP accompanied by the Chair
                    11 LSM, dan Perwakilan Disnaker PPU.             & representatives from 11 NGOs, and PPU
                                                                     Manpower Representatives.

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