Page 171 - 2021 Annual Report
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Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

               Profil Anggota Komite Investasi                  Investment Committee Member Profiles

                Komisaris/Ketua Komite Investasi
                Commissioner/Chairman of Investment Committee
                Profil Ketua Komite Audit Suwahyanto dapat dilihat bagian profil Dewan Komisaris pada bab Profil Perusahaan
                dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.
                The profile of the Chairman of the Audit Committee Suwahyanto can be seen in the profile section of the Board of
                Commissioners in the Company Profile chapter in this Annual Report.

                SAIFULLAH MA’SHUM
                Anggota Komite Investasi
                Investment Committee Member

                Profil Anggota Komite Investasi Saifullah Ma’shum dapat dilihat bagian profil Dewan Komisaris pada bab Profil
                Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.
                The Profile of the Investment Committee Member Saefulloh Mashum can be seen in the profile section of the Board
                of Commissioners in the Company Profile chapter in this Annual Report.

                SUPRIADI SINAGA
                Anggota Komite Investasi
                Investment Committee Member
                Menjabat sejak 23 Agustus 2021, Periode jabatan ke-1
                Served since August 23, 2021, 1st term of office
                Kewarganegaraan             Indonesia
                Usia | Tempat Tanggal Lahir  Usia 48 tahun, Kelahiran: Medan, 4 September 1973
                Age | Place and date of birth  48 years old, Birth: Medan, September 4, 1973
                Domisili                    Bogor, Jawa Barat
                Domicile                    Bogor, West Java
                Riwayat Pendidikan          S2- International Development Program (IDP) pada International University of
                Educational background      Japan (IUJ), Japan
                                            Master’s degree in International Development Program (IDP) from the
                                            International University of Japan (IUJ), Japan
                Pengalaman Kerja            •  Kepala Subdirektorat Penerimaan Sumber Daya Alam Minyak dan Gas Bumi,
                Work experience               Direktorat Jenderal Anggaran (2012 – sekarang)
                                            •  Tenaga Ahli Komisi Pengawas SKK Migas (2020 - sekarang)
                                            •  Kepala Subdirektorat Penerimaan Panas Bumi dan Hilir Migas, Direktorat
                                              Jenderal Anggaran (Persero) (2011-2012)
                                            •  Head of Sub-directorate of Oil and Gas Natural Resources Revenue,
                                              Directorate General of Budget (2012 – present)
                                            •  SKK Migas Supervisory Commission Expert (2020 - present)
                                            •  Head of Sub-directorate of Geothermal and Downstream Oil and Gas
                                              Revenue, Directorate General of Budget (Persero) (2011-2012)
                Jabatan Rangkap             -
                Concurrent Position

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