Page 174 - 2021 Annual Report
P. 174

Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             Kebijakan dan besaran Remunerasi bagi            Policy and amount of Remuneration for
             Komite Investasi                                 Investment Committee
             Menetapkan honorarium bagi Anggota Komite        The honorarium for non-Board of Commissioners
             bukan berasal dari Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan   members  of  the  committee  is  determined
             ketentuan yang ada di dalam Peraturan Menteri    based on the provisions in the Minister of SOEs
             BUMN No. PER-12/MBU/2012, yaitu untuk Anggota    Regulation No. PER-12/MBU/2012, namely for non-
             Komite bukan berasal dari Dewan Komisaris        Board of Commissioners Committee Members, a
             ditetapkan maksimal 20% (dua puluh persen)       maximum of 20% (twenty percent) of the President
             dari Gaji Direktur Utama, dengan ketentuan pajak   Director’s Salary, provided the taxes are borne by
             ditanggung Perusahaan, dan tidak diperkenankan   the Company, and they are not allowed to receive
             menerima penghasilan lain selain honorarium      other income other than the honorarium.

             Ringkasan Pelaksanaan Kerja Komite               Summary of Investment Committee Work
             Investasi Tahun 2021                             Implementation in 2021
             Sepanjang tahun 2021, Komite Investasi telah     Throughout 2021,  the Investment  Committee
             menyelenggarakan aktivitas kegiatan dalam        organized activities to assist the implementation
             rangka membantu pelaksanaan tugas Dewan          of the Board of Commissioners duties, which were
             Komisaris yang diwujudkan dengan mengikuti       realized by attending Board of Commissioners
             rapat Dewan Komisaris, membuat  review/          meetings, making reviews/studies according to
             kajian sesuai permintaan Dewan Komisaris, dan    the requests of the Board of Commissioners, and
             mengadakan peninjauan proyek melalui kegiatan    conducted project reviews through Working Visits.
             Kunjungan Kerja.

             Penilaian Kinerja Komite Investasi               Investment Committee Performance
             Dalam tahun 2021, Perusahaan belum menetapkan    In 2021, the Company has not specifically determined
             secara khusus mengenai Tata Cara Penilaian       a Procedure for Performance Assessment of the
             Kinerja Komite-Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris,   Committees under the Board of Commissioners,
             namun telah dicantumkan dalam Piagam masing-     but it has been stated in the Charter of each
             masing Komite bahwa Ketua Komite dan/atau        Committee that the Chairman of the Committee
             Dewan Komisaris melakukan evaluasi atas kinerja   and/or the Board of Commissioners evaluates the
             dari setiap anggota Komite yang bukan berasal    performance of each member of the Committee
             dari Dewan Komisaris sesuai ketentuan peraturan   who is not a member of the Board of Commissioners
             yang berlaku. Referensi: Surat Keputusan Dewan   in accordance with the applicable regulations.
             Komisaris KPB No.Kpts-002/DK-KPB/2021 tanggal    Reference: KPB Board of Commissioners Decree
             23 Agustus 2021 tentang Pembentukan dan          No. Kpts-002/DK-KPB/2021 dated August 23, 2021
             Penetapan Piagam Komite Investasi di lingkungan   concerning the Establishment and Stipulation of the
             Dewan Komisaris KPB.                             Investment Committee Charter within the KPB Board
                                                              of Commissioners.

             Komite Remunerasi                                Remuneration Committee

             Komite Remunerasi adalah komite yang dibentuk    The Remuneration Committee is a committee
             oleh dan bertanggung jawab kepada Dewan          formed by and responsible to the Board of
             Komisaris guna membantu melaksanakan tugas       Commissioners to assist in carrying out the Board
             dan fungsi Dewan Komisaris yang berkaitan        of Commissioners duties and functions related
             dengan remuneasi sesuai dengan peraturan yang    to remuneration in accordance with applicable
             berlaku.                                         regulations.

             Piagam Komite Remunerasi                         Remuneration Committee Charter
             Komite Remunerasi memiliki pedoman sebagai       The Remuneration Committee has guidelines as a
             acuan  dalam  pelaksanaan tugasnya  yang         reference in carrying out its duties, as contained
             termuat dalam Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris    in the KPB Board of Commissioners Decree
             KPB No.Kpts-003/DK-KPB/2021 tanggal 9 Agustus    No.Kpts-003/DK-KPB/2021 dated August 9, 2021
             2021 tentang Pembentukan dan Penetapan           concerning the Establishment and Stipulation of
             Piagam Komite Remunerasi di lingkungan Dewan     the Remuneration Committee Charter within the
             Komisaris KPB.                                   KPB Board of Commissioners.

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