Page 170 - 2021 Annual Report
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Kilas Kinerja          Laporan                Profil                  Analisis dan Pembahasan
             Performance            Manajemen              Perusahaan              Manajemen
             Highlight              Management Report      Company Profile         Management Discussion
                                                                                   and Analysis

             3.  Mampu berkomunikasi secara lisan dan         3.  Ability  to  communicate  verbally  and  in
                 tertulis dengan internal Anggota Komite,        writing with internal Committee Members,
                 antara Anggota Komite, Dewan Komisaris,         between Committee Members, the  Board
                 serta dengan fungsi-fungsi manajemen            of Commissioners, as well as with related
                 terkait.                                        management functions.
             4.  Bukan pejabat aktif Perseroan dan tidak      4.  Is not an active official in the Company and
                 memiliki hubungan keluarga sedarah dan          has no blood or marriage relationship up to the
                 semenda sampai derajat kedua baik menurut       second degree either in a straight line or a side
                 garis lurus maupun garis ke samping dengan      line with the Management of the Company.
                 Pengurus Perseroan.
             5.  Tidak memiliki kepentingan/keterkaitan pribadi   5.  Does not have any personal interests/
                 yang dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif           relationships that can have a negative impact
                 dan konflik kepentingan terhadap Perseroan.     and conflict of interest on the Company.
             6.  Memberikan pernyataan tertulis untuk bekerja   6.  Has provided a written statement to work in
                 sesuai asas-asas GCG dalam melaksanakan         accordance with GCG principles when carrying
                 tugasnya sebagai anggota Komite Investasi.      out their duties as a member of the Investment

             Ketentuan Masa Jabatan                           Terms of Office
             1.   Masa tugas Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang     1.   The term of office of a member of the Board of
                 merangkap sebagai anggota Komite Investasi,     Commissioners who concurrently serves as a
                 sama dengan masa kerja penunjukannya            member of the Investment Committee is the
                 sebagai  Anggota  Dewan  Komisaris  yang        same as their term of office as a member of
                 ditentukan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang             the Board of Commissioners, as determined
                 Saham.                                          by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

             2.  Masa tugas Anggota Komite Investasi          2.  The term of office for members of the
                 yang  bukan berasal  dari Anggota Dewan         Investment Committee who are not members
                 Komisaris paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan        of the Board of Commissioners is a maximum
                 dapat diperpanjang satu kali selama 2           of 3 (three) years and can be extended once
                 (dua) tahun dengan tidak mengurangi hak         for 2 (two) years without prejudice to the right
                 Dewan Komisaris untuk memberhentikannya         of the Board of Commissioners to dismiss them
                 sewaktu-waktu.                                  at any time.

             Susunan, Jumlah, Komposisi dan Dasar             Structure, Number, Composition and Basis of
             Pengangkatan Komite Investasi                    Appointment of the Investment Committee
             Selama tahun 2021, susunan keanggotaan Komite    During 2021, the Investment Committee
             Investasi mengalami perubahan yang dapat         membership composition changed as follows.
             disampaikan sebagai berikut.

                  NAMA        JABATAN   PERIODE JABATAN                DASAR PENGANGKATAN
                  NAME        POSITION   TERM OF OFFICE                 BASIS OF APPOINTMENT
              Suwahyanto     Ketua      24 Agustus – 31   Ditetapkan melalui SK Dewan Komisaris No.Kpts-008/DK-
                             Chairman   Desember 2021    KPB/2021 tanggal 24 Agustus 2021
                                        August 24 –      Stipulated through the Board of Commissioners Decree No.
                                        December 31, 2021  Kpts-008/DK-KPB/2021 dated August 24, 2021
              Saifullah      Wakil Ketua  24 Agustus – 31   Ditetapkan melalui SK Dewan Komisaris No.Kpts-008/DK-
              Ma’shum        Vice       Desember 2021    DKPB/2021 tanggal 24 Agustus 2021
                             Chairman   August 24 –      Appointed through the Board of Commissioners Decree
                                        December 31, 2021  No.Kpts-008/DK-DKPB/2021 dated August 24, 2021
              Supriadi Sinaga  Anggota  24 Agustus – 31   Diangkat melalui SK Dewan Komisaris No.Kpts-007/DK-
                             Member     Desember 2021    DKPB/2021 tanggal 23 Agustus 2021
                                        August 24 –      Appointed through the Board of Commissioners Decree
                                        December 31, 2021  No.Kpts-007/DK-DKPB/2021 dated August 23, 2021
              Syarief Hamdoen Anggota   24 Agustus – 31   Diangkat melalui SK Dewan Komisaris No.Kpts-010/DK-
                             Member     Desember 2021    DKPB/2021 tanggal 8 November 2021
                                        August 24 –      Appointed through the Board of Commissioners Decree
                                        December 31, 2021  No.Kpts-010/DK-DKPB/2021 dated November 8, 2021

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