Page 165 - 2021 Annual Report
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Tinjauan Pendukung      Tata Kelola Perusahaan  Tanggung Jawab Sosial
               Bisnis                  Good Corporate         dan Lingkungan
                Business Support       Governance             Social and Environmental
                Review                                        Responsibility

               Ketentuan Masa Jabatan                           Terms of Office
               1.   Masa tugas Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang     1.   The term of office of a member of the Board of
                   merangkap sebagai anggota Komite Audit,          Commissioners who concurrently serves as a
                   sama dengan masa kerja penunjukannya             member of the Audit Committee is the same
                   sebagai  Anggota  Dewan  Komisaris  yang         as the term of office for their appointment as
                   ditentukan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang              a member of the Board of Commissioners,
                   Saham.                                           as determined by the General Meeting of
               2.  Masa tugas Anggota Komite Audit yang bukan   2.  The term of office for members of the Audit
                   berasal dari Anggota Dewan Komisaris paling      Committee who are not members of the Board
                   lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan dapat diperpanjang       of Commissioners is a maximum of 3 (three)
                   satu kali selama 2 (dua) tahun dengan tidak      years and can be extended once for 2 (two)
                   mengurangi hak Dewan Komisaris untuk             years without prejudice to the right of the
                   memberhentikannya sewaktu-waktu.                 Board of Commissioners to dismiss them at
                                                                    any time.

               Susunan, Jumlah, Komposisi dan Dasar             Structure, Number, Composition and Basis
               Pengangkatan Komite Audit                        of Appointment of the Audit Committee
               Selama tahun 2021, susunan keanggotaan           During 2021, the Audit Committee membership
               Komite Audit mengalami perubahan yang dapat      composition underwent changes which can be
               disampaikan sebagai berikut.                     seen as follows.

                     NAMA       JABATAN      PERIODE JABATAN                 DASAR PENGANGKATAN
                     NAME       POSITION       TERM OF OFFICE                BASIS OF APPOINTMENT
                Saifullah      Ketua     25 Agustus – 31 Desember   Ditetapkan melalui SK Dewan Komisaris
                Ma’shum        Chairman  2021                    No.Kpts-009/DK-KPB/2021 tanggal 25 Agustus 2021
                                         August 25 – December 31,  Stipulated through Board of Commissioners Decree
                                         2021                    No. Kpts-009/DK-KPB/2021 dated August 25, 2021
                Nahdiyani Hasbi  Anggota  25 Agustus – 31 Desember   Diangkat melalui SK Dewan Komisaris No.Kpts-006/
                               Member    2021                    DK-DKPB/2021 tanggal 23 Agustus 2021
                                         August 25 –December 31,  Appointed through Board of Commissioners Decree
                                         2021                    No. Kpts-006/DK-DKPB/2021 dated August 23, 2021
                Syarief Hamdoen Anggota  25 Agustus – 8 November   Diangkat melalui SK Dewan Komisaris No.Kpts-006/
                               Member    2021                    DK-DKPB/2021 tanggal 23 Agustus 2021
                                         August 25 – November 8,  Appointed through Board of Commissioners Decree
                                         2021                    No. Kpts-009/DK-DKPB/2021 dated August 25, 2021
                M. Jasman      Anggota   8 November – 31 Desember   Diangkat melalui SK Dewan Komisaris No.Kpts-013/
                Panjaitan      Member    2021                    DK-DKPB/2021 tanggal 8 November 2021
                                         November 8 – December,   Appointed through Board of Commissioners Decree
                                         2021                    No. Kpts-013/DK-DKPB/2021 dated November 8, 2021

               Profil Anggota Komite Audit                      Audit Committee Member Profiles

                SAIFULLAH MA’SHUM
                Ketua Komite Audit
                Chairman of the Audit Committee

                Profil Ketua Komite Audit Saifullah Ma’shum dapat dilihat bagian profil Dewan Komisaris pada bab Profil
                Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini.
                The profile of the Chairman of the Audit Committee Saefulloh Mashum can be seen in the profile section of
                the Board of Commissioners in the Company Profile chapter in this Annual Report.

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