Page 95 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 95
Tata Kelola Tanggung Jawab Sosial
Perusahaan Corporate Social
Good Corporate Responsibility
1. Efektivitas biaya bekerja secara lebih efektif untuk 1. Effective cost management and working process
menunjang kelancaran proyek di tengah masa to support the projects despite the challenging
pandemi yang penuh tantangan. pandemic situation.
2. Novasi kontrak EPC ISBL-OSBL dan Project Management 2. Novation of ISBL-OSBL EPC contract and Project
Consultant (PMC). Management Consultant (PMC).
3. Restrukturisasi organisasi dan rekrutmen pekerja 3. Organizational restructuring and recruitment to
untuk mendukung Perusahaan dan kelancaran proyek. support the office administration and project
4. Realisasi fisik Overall Proyek RDMP RU V Balikpapan 4. The overal physical realization of RDMP RU V
& Lawe-Lawe mencapai 27,73% dan realisasi CAPEX Balikpapan & Lawe-Lawe Project reached 27.73% and
sebesar USD475,9 juta. USD475.9 million of CAPEX realization.
5. Memastikan kelancaran proyek melalui implementasi 5. Ensuring the project running effectively through
Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) sehingga Occupational Health and Safety (OHS/K3) and by the
Perusahaan mampu mencapai jumlah jam kerja end of the year, the Company achieved 19,768,431
selamat hingga 19.768.431 jam. hours safe working hours without an accident.
organ PenduKung direKSi dan KomiTe LainnYa SuPPorTing BodieS and oTher commiTTeeS
Direksi telah mengangkat pejabat yang bertanggung jawab The Board of Directors has appointed an officer who is
sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan. Dalam melaksanakan responsible as the Corporate Secretary. In managing the
tugasnya mengelola Perusahaan, Direksi juga dibantu Company, the Board of Directors is assisted the Company’s
oleh sejumlah pejabat Perusahaan setingkat di bawah officers one level under the Board of Directors consisting
Direksi yang terdiri dari para VP dan Manager. of VPs and Managers.
aSPeK TranSParanSi dewan KomiSariS dan TranSParencY of The Board of
direKSi commiSSionerS and direcTorS
Selain informasi yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya In addition to the earlier information on the Board of
mengenai Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, terdapat Commissioners and Board Directors, there are several
sejumlah informasi lainnya terkait aspek transparansi other information related to the transparency of the
organ utama Perusahaan yang akan dibahas dalam main bodies which will be discussed in the following
pembahasan berikut. discussion.
raPaT dewan di Tahun 2020 The Board’S meeTing in 2020
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi melaksanakan rapat The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors
sebagaimana diperlukan. Para Komisaris dan Direksi harus hold meetings as necessary. Commissioners and Directors
menyempatkan waktu untuk melaksanakan tugasnya, must make the time to do their work, and that includes
termasuk dalam hal menghadiri rapat. Pada tahun 2020, attending meetings. In 2020, the Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan 8 (delapan) kali held 8 (eight) joint meetings with the Board of Directors.
rapat gabungan dengan Direksi. Sedangkan Direksi telah Meanwhile, the Board of Directors has held 17 internal
melaksanakan 17 kali rapat internal dengan mengundang meetings with all functions present. Under normal
seluruh fungsi. Dalam keadaan normal, rapat dilakukan circumstances, meetings are held physically at a certain
secara fisik dalam satu lokasi, biasanya di kantor pusat location, usually at the head office or branch. However,
ataupun di kantor cabang. Namun, karena adanya due to the Covid-19 pandemic, several meetings had
pandemi Covid-19, sejumlah rapat terpaksa dilakukan to be held virtually. Each Commissioner and Director
secara virtual. Kehadiran masing-masing anggota Dewan attended every meeting with 100% record of attendance
Komisaris dan Direksi dalam setiap rapat tercatat 100% di throughout 2020.
sepanjang tahun 2020.
PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan 95 Laporan Tahunan 2020 | Annual Report 2020