Page 75 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 75

Tata Kelola     Tanggung Jawab Sosial
            Perusahaan      Corporate Social
            Good Corporate   Responsibility

                                             Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan Status
                                             Number of Employees Based on Status
                                 Status                          Jumlah (orang)           Persentase (%)
                                 Status                           Total (people)          Percentage (%)

              PWT                                                                 9                      7,09

              PWTT                                                              118                     92,91

              Total                                                             127                    100,00

                                              Jumlah Karyawan Berdasarkan usia
                                              Number of Employees Based on Age
                        usia (tahun)                   Jumlah (orang)                  Persentase (%)
                       Age (years old)                 Total (people)                  Percentage (%)

                           56-61                                           5                             3,94

                           51-55                                          24                            18,90

                           41-50                                           9                             7,09

                           31-40                                          21                            16,54

                           21-30                                          68                            53,54

              Total                                                       127                          100,00

            Karyawan Perusahaan berasal dari Pertamina Group dan   Employees are those from Pertamina Group and internal
            internal KPB. Selain itu Perusahaan juga memiliki tenaga   KPB. The Company also employs other workers categorized
            kerja yang termasuk Tenaga Kerja Jasa Penunjang (TKJP)   as Supporting Service (TKJP) & Project Support (TKPP).
            & Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Proyek (TKPP).  Tenaga kerja   These workers are classified as working partners. By
            penunjang tersebut dikategorikan sebagai mitra kerja.   the end of 2020, the workers of TKJP and TKPP were 395
            Pada akhir tahun 2020, jumlah pekerja TKJP dan TKPP   people.
            tercatat sebesar 395 orang.

                             Tenaga Kerja Jasa Penunjang (TKJP) & Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Proyek (TKPP)
                                        Supporting Service (TKJP) & Project Support (TKPP)

                               fungsi                         TKJP              TKPP              Total
                              Function                    (orang/people)    (orang/people)    (orang/people)

              Construction Balikpapan                                 29                46                75

              Construction Lawe-Lawe                                   4                 5                 9

              Corporate Secretary                                      3                 4                 7

              Director of Development                                  2                 3                 5

        PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan                     75                     Laporan Tahunan 2020 | Annual Report 2020
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80